The Husband and Wife's individual responsibilities. Sex in marriage. Dating and abstinence.
1. The Christian Husband
A. Authority
1. Head of the house.
2. Under God.
3. No authority for verbal, psychological, or physical abuse or mistreatment.
B. Responsibility.
1. To lead the family.
2. To provide for the family,
3. To love his wife
a. Give himself sacrificially.
b. Consider his wife’s needs and desires as much as his own.
c. Nourish and cherish his wife.
d. Love his wife as himself.
e. Not be harsh toward her.
f. Give honor to her.
4. To love his children.
23:13–14 These verses do not justify any kind of violence or child abuse. Physical discipline must never harm a child. These verses have in mind those who think there should never be an effort to correct a child. Most discipline can be accomplished without any physical encounter. Corporal efforts should be a last resort. (See Prov. 10:13; 13:24; 22:15.) God is our example for correction. An overview of this biblical theme indicates that when we need correction, God first appeals to our spirit by means of conviction, not condemnation. (See John 3:17; Heb. 12:9.) He corrects with His Word (Ps. 119:9). If we fail to heed God’s efforts to correct us by means of His Word and the Holy Spirit, He may chasten us physically, but He does not abuse us.