Turn your eyes upon Jesus: Fundamentals

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Hebrews 2:1–4 HCSB
We must, therefore, pay even more attention to what we have heard, so that we will not drift away. For if the message spoken through angels was legally binding and every transgression and disobedience received a just punishment, how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was first spoken by the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. At the same time, God also testified by signs and wonders, various miracles, and distributions of gifts from the Holy Spirit according to His will.

Literal, Historical, Grammatical Interpretation

F. Bettex - Professor Emeritus, Stuttgart, Germany (The Fundamentals Vol. 1 Chapter 4:The Bible and Modern Criticism)
Bible: The Bible reports matter of history, and in doing so includes many genealogies which were composed, first of all, not for us, but for those most immediately concerned, and for the angels. Also it reports many sins and shameful deeds; for just as the sun first illuminates himself and then sheds his radiance upon the ocean and the puddle, the eagle and the worm, so the Bible undertakes to represent to us not only God, but also man just as he is.
No other sacred book in the world, it condemns man and all his works
Bible exalts itself far above all merely human books by its announcement of the great incomprehensible mystery
Divine Origin- Prophecies
Beneficent influence among different types/kinds of people.
My dear Wormwood,
I note what you say about guiding your patient’s reading and taking care that he sees a good deal of his materialist friend. But are you not being a trifle naive? It sounds if you supposed that argument was the way to keep him out of the Enemy’s clutches. That might have been so if he had lived a few centuries earlier. At that time the humans still knew pretty well when a thing was proved and when it was not; and if it was proved they really believed it. They still connected thinking with doing and were prepared to alter their way of life as the result of a chain reasoning. But what with the weekly press and other such weapons we have largely altered that. Your man has been accustomed, ever since he was a boy, to have a dozen incompatible philosophies dancing about together inside his head. He doesn’t think of doctrines as primarily ‘true’ or ‘false’, but as ‘academic’ or ‘practical’, ‘outworn’ or ‘contemporary’, ‘conventional’ or ‘ruthless’. Jargon, not argument, is your best all in keeping him from the Church. - Uncle Screwtape (C. S. Lewis “The Screwtape Letters”)


Thomas Whitelaw, Kilmarnock, Ayshire, Scotland (The Fundamentals Vol. 3, Chapter 1: The Biblical Conception of Sin)
It scarcely requires stating that modern ideas about sin receive no countenance from Scripture, which never speaks about sin as “good in the making,” as “the shadow cast by man’s immaturity,”as “a necessity determined by heredity and environment,” as “a stage in the upward development of as a “physical disease,” “a mental infirmity,” “a constitutional weakness,” and least of all “as a figment of the imperfectly enlightened, or theologically perverted, imagination,” but always as the free act of an intelligent, moral and responsible being asserting himself against the will of his Maker, the supreme Ruler of the universe.
My dear Wormwood,
You will say that these are very small sins; and doubtless, like all young tempters, you are anxious to be able to report spectacular wickedness. But do remember, the only thing that matters is the extent which you separate the man from the Enemy. It does not matter how small the sins are provided that their cumulative effect is to edge the man away from the Light and out into the Nothing. Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick. Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one-the gentle slope soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts, Uncle Screwtape [Letter 12} - (C. S. Lewis “The Screwtape Letters”)
My dear Wormwood,
Consider too what undesirable deaths occur in wartime. Men are killed places where they knew they might be killed and to which they go, if they are all of the Enemy’s party, prepared. How much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even, if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition. - Uncle Screwtape [Letter 05} - (C. S. Lewis “The Screwtape Letters”)


Study of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Ghost is the application of the salvation provided by God the Father and achieved by God the Son: Jesus the Christ.


Let us not neglect the fundamentals of our Faith. Choose this day who and what you will serve. I pray that it is the Godhead that is found throughout the Bible.
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