Use Scripture to Interpret Scripture
Is that better or not? It will be. Okay, let me know if it isn't better. Tired.
That better. Tomboy.
A green light is on. Maybe I need to talk about it. I don't know. That better seems to be up high.
Okay. Have to speak louder than sorry, but it's good to be here. And how many of you have heard me speak before? Almost to your house. I grew up in this area. So, I'm back here seeing my mom. She's ninety-two years old and starting to fade a little bit. Always appreciate your prayers for her. She's kind of in and out of hospice, and then my niece got married this weekend. We got to see some of the people there. So, so that was really went. Well, so we're thankful for that. So I came and my knee and into my son might have came to when she was grandma again, while you still can and that. I'm so just thank you very much for that in this area. Lived here long time went to like want your high school play sports to a graduated graduated from Muhlenberg College after that wrestled there and the guy got a hold of my life. I got saved right after that summer after college and a year later joined athletes in action and Smith history ever since since that time. And then to George Britton. And he might be here today, just was really you really help help me to understand what I meant to be a Christian and my early days and then Jean and young grown up in a Catholic background that saying, you can't be a Christian and a Catholic but I know he became a Christian just a little bit before I did. It. Just answered a lot of my questions. What it means really Zano, Jesus Christ, in a personal way and the Catholic Church teach, lot of good things with sometimes you miss that personal relationship and what's going on and on. And I just got to just really helped me there and I knew, I think my slots Italia of a righteous man can accomplish much. So man, woman and makes a big difference. As we pray, you know, sometimes you don't only sees answers the way we'd want to or how God is working. But to realize that he is hearing our prayers work. And I was in high school had two friends since that's funny. Alter named Dan still, good friends to this day. The one I see a lot more than the other one, but they both had Christian mom's, I think because of their prayers that I got saying that time. But I did my whole family, at 5 have six or six of us together, five siblings and, you know, my parents sent me on to this to me on my, my siblings really are believers. My one brother could be, so just for meeting me to get saying that. Since that time in my life. It was just a miracle from the Lord knows interesting. Both by and I we became Christians in the same year 1976 to know each other back then and she might even beat had beat me. Become a Christian. So the last Olympics we've been warned of athletes in action. Now for over 40 years of eight of the nine Olympians at 1 Meadows. We we knew we know them personally just from working with them at the Olympic Training Center. In three of them are really four of them are real strong Believers in Christ. You send me a few guys who follow wrestling. Kyle Snyder, Allen or Allison and Tamara and she wants to the first black wrestler to win this last summer in the Olympics sent and she was so excited. She says, y'all should give glory to Jesus at. So, I'm so glad to be a part of the USA and just got you just opposite with the media. Always tells you all the time and if you can, what you can watch True testimony what she gave for when the Olympics on YouTube? I'm sure just Google or name Tamara Mensa. So and Monday, just share a little bit behind. You know, where money was actually my could probably knew her first but she trained at the Olympic Training Center and she's married. She's a black wrestler, girl and her husband, his wife and she was actually having a lot of success that help.
Drive to Charmaine offers to work. She was having a lot of success in her Sport and he really was struggling. Not knowing, I think the vision God had for him or his purpose. And in one of the Bible studies, she shared that he was going to travel around the country with like a band and trying to figure out who he was, you know, and I'm sitting there going for this is not your marriage. So we prayed for her and for him, and he, it didn't take long maybe a month or so. And I suggested to her go to this one Church in town that it's really diverse. There's Hispanics, and Asians blacks, white everything and the pastor is black. And so they did. And he got involved in the school of ministry there, and I think starting meeting with man and they start to speak into his life of his, gifting his talents. The vision got had And it did really took maybe just maybe four or five months or so and and he just turned around and became stronger and stronger in the Lord. And so it was really cool to just see how God work you do through the church and him getting involved in the prayers of these men. And anyways, Tamara, she was strong. I think she just grew up in the stronger Christian home, but she just kept her focusing on the Lord. She knew the Lord of gifted her and yes, she went on to win the gold medal and it was exciting because she gave glory to God when she won. And so yeah, that's the really cool testimony there. So I'm just another, we had Joy mechanic come out here. He was an All-American and she's so close to make an Olympic team. He he got 2nd to make an Olympic team. Then we just had the world trials and he got second for that too. So pray for him that he could hang in there and his time will come. And yes, he's really strong commitment to the Lord and and just really growing and his face too. So, it's Beneath the Sea that he could help us and you really working with athletes and actually use the rest of the platform to share our faith in Jesus Christ. And the Great Commission. Lot of your familiar with Matthew 28 18 through 20 and therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing name of the father and the son. Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I command you alone, with you always even to the end of the age and just God wants us to make disciples of all Nations and know our, our little areas that we all live in. And and to be making disciples from our own kids to his grandparents grandkids in church and our community to be making disciples to reach in the world of all places. And it's been a great opportunity for us to and we've traveled in Mongolia China and he'll Micah he's he's been traveling to lottie's countries with us when he was younger and he Ukraine. And, and Maldova. Some, the different places where we were this this past summer. So I guess Reaching the world for Christ. In your little area to all the way to the end. So it's okay. You're not a savior. Is it better half for me? So?
When I say that respectfully, she's not done moms and wives are never done.
To Madame. We've been married for 37 years of spring, you know, so I may. So, we've been blasting us. Like I told my niece and her husband, you never get the Seven Year, Itch, you just keep loving each other. So, and so, that's always been a good thing for us and we're thankful. But, you know, one thing to, I want to read from Revelation chapter 6:1, sing this last year, and I shared on at Sunday school, our boys, you have never read the book. I've read the book of Revelation. So I may just don't think of it happened in your time. And you see all the crazy things going on in the world of covid-19 in this. Just a lot of weird stuff happening. And a snow match, get States, Mass Snowmass, other states mask and vaccines. And that's like, where do you go from here? And all these different things? That's why it's so important to know what God words says. And that we have peace in knowing him regardless of our circumstances in life. And that I'm as we grow in our face. The last time, I talked a little bit about go, read the word know the word, teach the word, and it's the same with today in our daily life and wrestling. If you really want to grow as a coach, you teach it and see and you were all we get older. So you that are older you realized. I wish I would have known this when I was younger all these different nuggets of Truth and hopefully that's our job. As parents as Grandparents Apostles, truth on to our kids are our grandkids and hopefully they catch a vision as a coach. The guys you you on your coaching underneath you that they catch a vision which worked for you and for them to grow and really arresting, you know, I've been involved with it for since I was a sophomore in high school and I still love to spoil. You want to have a heart for your support. If your coach and the kids can tell the difference and that rest until unique sport because you, there's always different moves to learn different. Size people on what works and really, as a wrestler, you're out there on the map by yourself here, your own quarterback, calling the plays all the time. So you should be ready to go. And then even with knowing the word of God as we study it, there's so much to learn the more. I read it. The more I realize I don't know in the morning makes me want to know to read it more and really how important for the crazy times. We live in, you want to use scripture to interpret scripture on Sunday school are, we did Revelation 15 and and prayed and them are connected of the Old Testament with Moses. Exodus 15, and I just to see how the Old Testament and New Testament goes together. And just like, even today what you guys were singing that song. There's power in the blood guy gives us a blood transfusion when new person or new creature in Christ, the old things pass away and not that new things will come a new things have come in our life and, and the trust and believe, God like that.
Romans 5:8 God says he demonstrates his own love towards us while we were yet. Sinners, you know, he saved us. A lot of times. We just called V A. We don't do verse 9 and talks about being washed in the blood and then his judgment to save you from the Judgment that is coming. And if you as you read book, but Revelation, you see the Judgment that is coming, not to the believer, but in a non-believer who doesn't want to accept Christ and you reading Dash much Italian all this with short time, but you read in Matthew 24:24. It says, even the elect will be deceived. All the Believers will be deceived in the last days my way. You're not going to be deceived. You have to be in the word knowing what is being said. And even in the Book of Revelation, that connects it with the Old Testament, and New Testament, a lot in the book of you. Look at you read and Heather, good chapter to read a second. Peter. He won't have time chapter 3 and talks about the coming then the 10 days in the coming of the Lord 2nd Thessalonians. Chapter 2 is another good one that talks about how the restrainer will be removed. The holy spirit will be removed and I'm going with pre-trib hear, you all are different opinions out there pre-trib mid-trib, post-trib. If it's free for the holy spirit is being removed. That means all the Believers have to be raptured up into heaven with Jesus. And then the other ones come in, we'll be the ones will be getting saved. But like I said, there's a lot of different from sure. Pastor, make it sound. Like there's a lot of different opinions on that, but that's why you want to read the word and say, got a shirt at Sunday school to you have John MacArthur Chuck Swindoll Charles Stanley, each of those guys have been teaching the Bible for over fifty years and they'll tell you how important it is for you to read the Bible. Not just to listen to them and that you want to use scripture to interpret scripture and you got remember the Bibles written by 40 officers that are inspired by God. There is expired by the Holy Spirit and 2nd Timothy 3:16 and 17. All scripture's inspired by God and profitable for teaching reproof train and righteousness and correction, and correction for the man of God may be adequate equipped for every good work. So we're adequate and Very good work. What comes in into our lives? Would God bring us along us all the time. So, so that we're ready. And to realize this is all inspired. I'm in the big tournament now is folly to use Bible teachers terms anymore and some have good things. The same some donuts for you to discern the difference. Lot of times from the difference between a cult and somebody who's a Believer is the Colt could be so deceiving. It says I'll say 80% is true. But the last 20% that really makes it a called and you see that in our media today though. Say some good things and I'll throw a lot of junk in with it. Hoping some of it'll stick so he's got to be related to starting to being in the word of God, but a Revelation chapter 6. 12 verses 12 through 17. I said, I looked and behold he he broke the six sealed and there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth made of air of here in the hole.
And a whole Moon became like Bud and the stars are Skies fell on the earth and the Fig Tree cast in in.
An opera unripe figure shaken by great when the sky was split apart like a squirrel when it is rolled up and every mountain and Island removed out of their places, then the kings of the earth and like the great man, and the commanders in the rich and the strong and every slave and free man, hit themselves in the caves in among the rocks of the mountains. They said to the mountains to to The Rock's following us and hide us from the presence of him who sits on the throne and from the Wrath of the lamb for the great day of the Wrath has come and who is able to stand and just realized sorry. I stumbled their stuff. I got too many lines under underlined here. This is following us and hide us from the presence of him who sits on the throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb. So they they, they want to hide from God, which doesn't make sense. You see? Why don't they want to repent instead of talking to the rocks of the mountains to fall on them? Because every mountain and Island removed out of their places in the kings of the earth into great men and the commanders in the richest. Everybody done. Don't know, him the rich and the strong and every slave and free man, hid themselves in caves in among the rocks of the mountains. You got to ask yourself. Why? Why, why won't they come to no price at all? And then that makes us realize. We look will look at a couple versus year in Revelation 9 Revelation, but in the New Testament and the Old Testament, just how man is sinful and says, None are righteous. We look at song. A couple things in here.
Psalm 14 1 through 3.
The Lord says the forest ending his heart. There is no God. They are corrupt. They have committed a bottle of Deeds. There's no one who does good. The Lord is look down from the heaven upon the sons of man. To see if there's any who understand who seek after God. And you know, when I was just a young boy, I said, what does it got to be some good people and you look at you if they're good outweighs the bad but you know, we're all Sinners. We out. We all have blown. Did I want? I'm annoying one that led a perfect life. You on your service was Jesus to see if being example for us and you and that's the world's philosophy. The man is basically good. As you read the scriptures, you realize we're not and you know, yourself as you grow up, you got your own socks and bad things and you might live a good life. Like I said, you're good outweighs your bad and I was kind of My Philosophy but even my dad's you grow up either realize somebody still has to pay the price for our sins, even though they don't seem as many as is what other people. If it's a Come to me, a little white lie to murdering people saw soon. Obviously, some sins are worse than others. But somebody has to pay the price for that sin. And Psalm 53 says the same thing to look at Romans chapter 3, verse 10.
Verse 10 through 14.
As it is written. There is none, righteous. Not even one. There is none who understands there is. There is none who seek at 6 for God, I'll have turned aside together. They have become useless. There is none, who does good. There is not even one. Throw throw is an open open grave. That was their tongues. They keep deceiving. The poison of asps is under their lips whose mouth is still full of cursing and bitterness and lot of times to know my Bible has cross-references. It's a good way. If you want to learn to just cross references cross-references versus what's being said, you know, mine will refer back to the songs to another passages of scriptures to reinforce. This is how we're sinners. And Dom and then too, if you look at, so, how do you, how do you correct this situation if we're such good Sinners? And you even look at the 2nd, Corinthians Chapter 4, verses 3 and 4.
You don't, God says.
This is the very thing I wrote you so that when I came I would not have sorrow from those who are to make me Rejoice having confidence in you all my joy. Blame it on the Rock clock chapter 4.
3 + 4 even if our gospel is veiled. It is veiled to those who are perishing and whose case the God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving. So there might see, not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. And to realize to, we don't realize a spiritual battle that's going on just read, Ephesians 6. Are we have to put your arm around in a toxin in Ephesians 6 to about it? We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and you don't realize what the evil was coming. Again assassin. Email, Satan wants to Blind your eyes to the truth and as I grew up, Nice, I became a Christian when I was 22, but I think I might have became a Christian early. My last love, I will always love Jesus. I just didn't know how to to live the Christian Life and then you hit puberty and things go crazy in your life sometimes, but always, I never You know, I didn't say God wasn't true or became an ACS or always had a love for Jesus even though I thought, well, maybe God understands. It's just how people live these days and you just got to just to realize God has called us how to live a holy life. And that's where I made that commitment. I was 22 years old, asking price in my life, but I think he really protecting me from a lot of junk, in the world. What was going on? Because I was even as a little kid, I wanted to follow Jesus and do what's right? And you read in Psalm 23 verse for, I think, as he says he'll guide us and Paths of righteousness for his namesake and he saved me from Makkah gotten a lot more trouble in high school and college. And I mean, it was knowing I wasn't an angel. There was a could have been a lot more trouble. You know, I save me on who I dated to go out with and then just from parties and I can see, when I look back, how he had his hand in my life. And then when I was 22, I really wanted to make a true commitment to him. I know for sure. What I'll do it. When I die, I would go to heaven and not have and I didn't have to guess one day. I'm going to have one day, I'm going to help but I could know for sure and I and then I don't know for sure. But I also want to live a holy life to bring him honor and glory and doesn't mean I still don't blow it at times but hopefully, you know, I send that's the last as I as I make sure my walk with the Lord. But, you know, you got, you know, none of righteous 91. You got Satan out there doing his job. And then, if you look at the Gospel of John, Look up, chapter 9:35 to 41.
I said, Jesus, for that they had put him out in. This is this is the man who was blind and healed them and Jesus healed him. But, you know, he's giving Jesus to Credit in the end the Pharisees. They don't want to give them the credit for that and he kept trying to get there. That's just like today is the same thing. You have a testimony for Jesus. They try to get you to change your testimony all the time. So it wouldn't that didn't really happen. I know but the guy would be who got gain insight about him. If he wasn't going to he wasn't going to give up Jesus. Just for the great thing. He did. He says that Jesus says you believe in the son of man and then man an answer to his, who is he? The Lord that I may believe in him. And Jesus said to him, you have both seen him and he is the one who is talking with you. And he said, Lord, I believe he worshiped him. You were some Jesus, and Jesus and for judgment. I came into this world for that. Those who do not see Macy. That's those who see may become blind. Those are the Pharisees who were with him through these things and said to him, where are we? Are we are not buying two. Are we in? Jesus said to them, if you were blind, you would have no sin. But since you say, we see your sin remains, so even Jesus blinded the Pharisees eyes and not seeing the truth because they weren't seeking him and how important it is for us to be seeking. The Lord shall be that of our eyes would be open and a couple other verses that are really good at Jeremiah 2329. Says my word is like fire declares horse, like a hammer that shatters a rock and just to realize how God is how Jesus is a living word, as we study his word, as he hit his, his word is like a hammer that shatters are rocks. He he shattering our hearts. I'm not believe into believing he Ezekiel 36:26. And 27, it says he turns our hearts of stone to Hearts of Flesh. And that's how he does it through his word. That's why it's so important to be praying for is a righteous man, Compass much specially as we're going to price them at the end. Using his word to pray. You. Look at it now.
I'm me all before you. Look at the John in the beginning was the word that word was with God and the Word was God. So Jesus is a living word. And you look at verse John, 1:14 the word became flesh and dwelt Among Us and who who became flesh? That's Jesus and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. We beheld, his glory, glory is why we got him the father, full of grace and truth and Jesus were in a time of, I've heard other pastors. Preach on this. How we're in a time of grace and truth right now. Or what's going on. We rock being offered salvation all the time, but you look whenever Revelation comes, that's when judgment is coming. It's going to be hard or Goodwill for once in the restrainer is removed. The holy spirit is removed. But there's still people are going to be getting save, you read about timer 44000 and they're all Jewish and mail how they're going to be a testimony to his real and to the world. Dada. Right. Now, we have the Holy Spirit. We're in a period of Grace and Truth and then you look at John 14:6. Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, unless through me and how Jesus know, we had a guy from Romania, that tighten our Wrestling Camps. He got saved overseas through athletes in action and now is always amazed. He had the same testimonies we had how we're Sinners, how we need to know, Jesus ask him in our heart that how we had to, and then live for him. And here's the guy of all the way across the world. So Christian has this isn't an American religion. Some people try to say that everybody needs to know, Jesus, no matter where you're at. And Jesus, makes it simple that there is only one way for him, know, to reach him to go to heaven. So we're not confuse, young people are, those are many ways to God, but it's not what God says. He keeps it simple. There's only one way so we don't we don't get confused. And dumb.
Which is important to remember. So God is giving a second and third chances all the time. I've come to know him during the time, we're living in, and as you start reading the book of Revelation, there's a different judgments. The first one I was reading from Revelation, 6. This is it's talking about the seal judgments, and then the sound, the Judgment of the seal judge him started, seventh trumpet, judgments, and then you read the, as you get in Revelation 15. We talked about that in Sunday school. So that's when the ball judgments come. And that's when things are are starting to get, guys, is completing his work here on this Earth of judgment and getting ready to have price, come back and the Thousand-Year reign. Of what of what's coming? But he's, he's wiping out all the evil. He's resetting the world of of the Babylon system. The Babylon system is God's system. We talked about that little bit in in Sunday. School were, you know, you have the flood came of Noah, he reset the world of the flood coming and you read in 2nd Peter chapter 3, shouldn't even talks about that. Peter talks about saying while everybody's just going to say all the world's going to keep going on the way. It's always been where they don't even realize the flood came. That's why you had the problem of evolution and what's going on because they're always trying to call the different theories to show you the Bible's not true. And if he has, you read the Bible, it always points where is salvation and how important it is to Keep focusing on Jesus and going towards him. And then you only have a Tower of Babel how they're trying to reach their ways up into heaven. And no guy had to break that ups and people throughout the world speak different languages. And then the different battle is with Rome and Greece, different Empires that have come up and got is a reset even Babylon back then to God resets the world system. But God is coming now. He was Hitler to the same thing. They keep trying. It was up to say that he would destroy everybody all the time. Not only through abortion but everybody and to realize that, Steve comes to kill still destroy, but Jesus comes to give life and give it a bun that lie to be seeking after him all the time. And to realize to and 2nd, Timothy 1:4. He desires all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth and II Peter 3:9. Lord is not slow about his promises at some counselors for patient by wishing any to perish. But all to come to repentance. I like he's got a select few that want to come, but he wants everybody to come to repentance and that's why it's important to know the scriptures of God is teaching. And then in Romans 10, this look up chapter 10, 12, through 16. These are some good verses.
Then I'll or wrap it up. What time do I have the 25 after my car? And then it's done?
There's always stuff to talk about in Romans 12.
10. 10 to 14.
Where was the heart, a person believes resulting in righteousness, and with the mouse, he confesses Resort in the salvation. For the scripture, say whoever believes in him will not be disappointed for. There's no distinction between you and greet for the same Lord and of Albany and Rich's for all who call on him, for whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How would a man be called on him or in whom have they not believe? How will they believe in him? Who have they not heard? How were they here? And unless without a preacher and really, you know, that's why you have a preacher Pastor. Michael really take clear all preachers and teachers in the circle of friends that we are, you won't know how to teach. And just like, for me, I was a little intimidated teaching on the Book of Revelation but you scripture to teach scripture and it's not that hard then, Did the have Bible study into work? Was from kids all the way up to doser doctors and professors does God's word is powerful. That you want to do that. I just realize that God's word. Like it says my word is like this fire is like a hammer that shatters a rock and realize how powerful God's word is and to realize who you scripture to interpret scripture and and your commentaries got to be 240. Authors of the Bible, say, okay to eat other commentaries to get ideas with the main commentaries are 40 under 40 officers in the Bible. So I hope that makes sense to you. And I wanted to close just in in, in prayer real quick and and little groups. Oh where you're at? If that's okay. From 3 to 5. Is that? Okay? Mike just stand up and pray and just how often to use how to use the scriptures to pray. Military, but you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just use God's word and praying. A lot of times. I can, we have the family devotionals when you're smaller. Kids are small, just you take the Psalm 119. You don't pray all one night. Just take the First with over a hundred little over a hundred verses in Psalm 119. Be each, take two verses, read read through it. And then just pray. Pray, what it says there then, pray it back to the Lord, but I thought I'd be good to close since in Revelations chapter, 19, 1, through 10, and we're just going to pray 5 minutes and just praying a little circles. Read the verse out loud. Not I'll go first here. Just so you have an idea 1 through 10 in the way. I just pray right now, after these things are heard, some things like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven singing, Hallelujah, Salvation, and Glory and power Belong To Our God, because his judgments How do I put my glasses on? Because his judgments?
Are true and righteous for. He has judged the great Harlot. Who's corrupting yours was with her and morality, and he has Avenge the blood of his bond servants on her. If I did. Thank you for your words. Thanks. Are you working our life? And that? Just at the multitude in heaven is singing, Hallelujah. We want to be a multitude on earth singing. Hallelujah, Salvation, and Glory and power belongs to you. You're our Godfather. The same guy that's in the Book of Revelation. Same God, that Moses.
The Moses knew that was you Lord, same guy. And I mean, Jesus Christ. That's you father. Three, the three in one, God the Father God, the son, God the holy spirit because his judgments are true and righteous and thank you. You are righteous Godfather. You take care of us and taking that you paid for the price of our sins. No matter what our background is. He paid for all our sins even home yet, all just from Little White, Lies to murder everything. Nice. Thank you for that letter for his judgments are true and righteous or he has judged the great Harlot who's corrupting her or with her and morality and it has Avenge the blood of his boxer and sent her and thank you for that. There is an incoming of the world system that hates you. And thank you for that you love us and care for us. In Jesus name. The next person just goes on me the next to versus so it's just do that real quick for 5 minutes, and I'll have a stop. Right, where you're at? If that's okay. Feel comfortable just stand up and make a little circle. And
Where you're at? Three to five people?
Who is neriah front turn around people face in the back of you? Revelation.