How To Live In These Last Days – Keep Focused

To keep focused we must:
I. Forsake All Others for Christ.
You can not serve two masters Jesus said.
You can not be double-minded.
You can not be looking in two opposite directions in life.
You have to focus on Pleasing Christ and Him alone.
II. Set Our Heart On Christ. – v.1
The word “seek” means to strongly desire, set your heart on.
Christians are not citizens of earth trying to get to heaven, we are citizens of heaven making our way through this world. ~ Vance Havner
III. Set Our Minds On Christ. – v. 2
The phrase “set your mind” means to think, have this inner disposition.
Statement: We can only live as Christ wants us to live when we think as He thinks.
~Philippians 2:5-11 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus….”
Four truths that will help us keep focused on Christ:
1. Focus on His presence in you.
a. Holy Spirit
b. Word of God
c. Faith - There were three young boys in a Sunday School class who gave a definition an enduring faith or tenacity of faith. The first boy defined faith as “taking hold of God”. The second boy said it is “keeping hold on Him”. The third boy said no, it is more like “not letting go of Him”. I believe all the boys were right to some degree.
d. Prayer
2. Focus on His control over everything that concerns you.
He is the Sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Notes from Jim Burg:
A world where God does not love us does not exist.
A world where God is not in control of all things for our good and His glory does not exist.
A world where God is not with me or does not hear my cry does not exist.
A world where God is heavy handed and mean spirited does not exist.
These worlds are fantasy worlds of the imagination of our old man.
3. Focus on His Love for you.
Has His Love for you ever overwhelmed you to where you were so blessed you just did not know what to do with yourself?
4. Focus on His Goodness to you.
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