Being An Over-comer
Over coming stress and using it as a stepping stone to Christlikeness.
I. Background of the Epistle of James
④ the Lord’s brother (Jos., Ant. 20, 200), later head of the Christian community at Jerusalem, confused w. 2 at an early date; Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3; 1 Cor 15:7; Gal 1:19; 2:9, 12; Ac 12:17; 15:13; 21:18; GHb 361, 7 (Lat.); probably Papias 2:4. This J. is certainly meant Js 1:1 (MMeinertz, D. Jk u. sein Verf. 1905; AMeyer, D. Rätsel des Jk 1930); Jd 1; and perh. GJs 25:1 in title and subscr.—GKittel, D. Stellg. des Jak. zu Judentum u. Heidenchristentum: ZNW 30, ’31, 145–57, D. geschichtl. Ort des Jk: ibid. 41, ’42, 71–105; KAland, D. Herrenbr. Jak. u. Jk: Neut. Entwürfe ’79, 233–45; GKittel, D. Jak. u. die Apost. Väter: ZNW 43, ’50/51, 54–112; WPrentice, in Studies in Roman Economic and Social Hist. in honor of AJohnson ’51, 144–51; PGaechter, Petrus u. seine Zeit ’58, 258–310; DLittle, The Death of James: The Brother of Jesus, diss. Rice Univ. ’71; WPratscher, Der Herrenbruder Jakobus u. die Jakobustradition ’87.