Examples-Written for Us-sermon
Examples – Written for Us !
1. Introduction – Many of us upon arriving at the Colony were convicted of our need to change our lives because of the physical, spiritual, and emotional pain that we had caused ourselves and those who love us. As we are here awhile, we begin to feel better and our circumstances begin to get better. Finally it comes time to leave and we go out to test our wings. After hearing of brothers who have fallen we are confident that we are standing and will not fall. Today I would like to explore God’s Word and see what it is that is most likely to cause us to stumble. In the end of chapter 9 we are told by Paul the importance of persevering in the Christian faith to the end. While this may be an option to some I don’t believe that we as recovering addicts have the luxury of stagnation or complacency.
2. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 God’s presence was never more evident than it was in the Israelite’s lives upon deliverance from Egypt. Likewise God’s presence is far more evident in our life today than it has ever been before. And like them, our life in bondage has left us ill-equipped to handle a life of freedom(or as we say around here outside the bubble.) They would need to continue to persevere in the things that learned if the were to survive.
3. 1 Corinthians 10:1-5 Paul begins this passage by warning them not to forget, why- because our tendency is to do just that……. He also brings out the fact that they were baptized in the cloud which means that they were united under the leadership of Moses just as we are united in Christ. We have been the same opportunity of blessing and notice what they did with it. The question is what you do with it?
4. verse 6 their first mistake was to begin to crave evil things. The beginning is when you begin to be carried away with lusts that are beyond the bounds which God has set. God has allowed them to be punished as a lesson to us that succeed the that we may not fall into the same traps that they did. God fed them with and they wanted flesh. Carnal desires get head by indulgence , and therefore must be checked in their first rise. If once they prevail, and bear sway in us, we know where they will carry us. We as former alcoholics and addicts should be well aware of that more so then some others. These desires are the source of our return to our former lifestyle. We too soon begin to desire what we once had more that what we now have in Him. Numbers 11:4-6.
5. verse 7 the next thing that he warns against is idolatry. This is a natural progression for us because in our addiction our God was the object of our affections. Maybe it was crack cocaine, 100 proof vodka, or pornographic magazines. But it could just as well be work credit card spending, or church. Anything in our lives that is more important in our life than spending time with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is idolatry.
6. verse 8 the next thing that he warned against was fornication. Already I dare say that some of you are planning on resuming sexual relationships outside of marriage. Why don’t we look together at Numbers 25:1-9 and see what to those who took God’s view of sexual morality lightly. God will judge whoremongers and adulterers no matter how ok the world sees them as being.
7. verse 9 after this he warns us not to tempt Christ. Now listen to this from the Geneva study bible: “ to tempt Christ is to provoke Him to combat as it were, which those men do who abuse the knowledge that He has given them, and to make it serve for a cloak for their lusts and wickedness.”
8. verse10 murmuring and complaining was next. Let’s look at Numbers 14:1-13 and see what Paul was talking about. Some of us have already begun doing that here!
9. verses 11-13 these examples were all written for us –YOU and ME. To warn us of the things that will cause our testimony to be destroyed. The Enemy can only use the character faults that we allow in our personal lives to go unconfessed and repented of against us. How about you Have you given Satan ground in any one of these areas of your life. If you are worrying about falling when you leave these are very sins that will take you out. If you can’t deal with them now you will certainly not be able to stand against them later. Beware that he thinks he is standing , that is you, does not fall!!!