Life style of Healing (3)

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I am still every age that I have been.
Most of us act in a place of lack when it comes to the attachment.
An infants only task is to receive delight
—that is a sense of pleasure from the person who giving them care.
Many of us have severe lack in this area and it’s the core reason why we wounded. There is psychological evidence that supports the idea that addiction often comes from this lack of attachement.
The are a great numbers of homosexuals that love the way they do because they lacked a secure attachment to a significant person in that gender.
I know for me personally I was very promiscuous growing up because I was looking to be loved and accepted and somewhere in my damaged emotional connection I connected sexual acts to love. So I was driven to find as much as fake love as I could.
When I realized that sexual gratification didn’t equal wholeness-that my wholeness came from God was when I was able to heal.
Isaiah 66:10–11 The Message
10 “Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her, celebrate! And all you who have shed tears over her, join in the happy singing. 11 You newborns can satisfy yourselves at her nurturing breasts. Yes, delight yourselves and drink your fill at her ample bosom.”
NT milk is a metaphor for Spiritual nourishment
1 Peter 2:2 The Message
2 Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God’s pure kindness. Then you’ll grow up mature and whole in God.
Like infants at the breast.- This speaks of security, love, comfort, a feeling of being wanted and supplied for.
Biblical imagery
Breast= comfort and security
For the child there is safety in their mother’s breast
Psalm 22:9 ESV
9 Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts.
The breast shelters the emotions and breathes in life. It’s why when we experience the very tramatic experience of being born, pulled out of a nice warm comfortable place, the first place the dr’s put us after being probed is our mother’s chest. There is scientific evidence that shows the importance and the building of our foundational emotional health in this act.
The promise of resting in God
Isaiah 66:12–13 The Message
12 God’s Message: “I’ll pour robust well-being into her like a river, the glory of nations like a river in flood. You’ll nurse at her breasts, nestle in her bosom, and be bounced on her knees. 13 As a mother comforts her child, so I’ll comfort you. You will be comforted in Jerusalem.”
For people we are a culmination of all the trama we ever lived. On top of this trauma if we missed the care of a mother it can seriously impact our ability to be comforted by God, it can cause us to lose trust in people, and it can cause varying degrees of narcissistic personalities.
Narcissism isn’t a product of arrogance as some may think it’s actually a defense mechanism of not being properly attached to our parents and a culmination of our insecurities. And the only way to overcome narcissism in our lives is with the truth God gives us.
It’s finding our rest and reality in the imagery. Obviously we can’t physically rest on God’s chest and we certainly can’t go back to our mom’s and nestle in her bosom. But the imagery that we need to create a secure emotional attachment to God is the picture God is trying to create that many of us need to go back and find out how to rest and be comforted by God.
There are some here that have been fighting way to long. You’re worn out and tired of just surviving. You’re struggling to keep your head above the water of life and it’s because your inner child is still crying out to be comforted. You still need to take care of the infant inside, the toddler inside, the teen inside.
You were robbed. Satan robbed you of your crucial emotion building secure attachment moments and God desires to restore that to you.
If this is you I want to open the alters. It’s not admitting to weakness. It’s accepting reality as it is knowing God has a way to heal that reality and make it something better. God desires to make you whole.
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