Remember Jesus is Coming!
Peter reminds us that we need to continue to believe in the second coming of Jesus.
Remember Jesus is Coming
Jesus is Coming!
The promise of His Coming. vs. 1-2
The Attack on the Promise vs. 3-4
These individuals attacked by mocking vs. 3
These individuals attack because of their lusts. vs. 3
These individuals attack because things don’t change. vs. 4
To be sure, there is an element of general uniformity in the universe; it is a manifestation of God’s providential care for His creation. After all, if the natural laws and universal processes did not normally function in a consistent manner, chaos would ensue. A biblical view of the universe, then, sees creation as an open system—in which God has ordained a uniform operation of natural causes, but also a universe in which He has intervened and still does intervene. Those who go beyond this, advocating a uniformitarianism so rigid as to preclude God’s involvement in history, have foolishly deceived themselves. Like the false teachers of Peter’s day, they deny the promises of Scripture (including Christ’s return) on the basis of their conveniently devised worldview.
Reasons We can believe in Jesus Coming.
God’s Word Can Be Trusted. vs. 1-2
Twenty-three of the twenty-seven books in the New Testament explicitly refer to the Lord’s return. Of those four that do not (Galatians, Philemon, 2 John, and 3 John), Galatians 5:5 does allude to it: “For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness.” And 2 John 8 speaks of the believer’s future reward, a doctrine that finds its ultimate fulfillment after the second coming. In reality, then, only Philemon and 3 John are completely silent on the subject. In the two hundred sixty chapters of the New Testament, there are about three hundred instances in which Christ’s apostles make reference to His second coming.