Marks of a Kingdom Servant

The Glory of the Gospel: Studies in the Book of Romans  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Kingdom servants are unashamed of the Gospel


A Kingdom Servant is grateful that God is working, even when he is not personally involved (Rom 1:8)

Explanation: Paul was all about the Kingdom of God and had a desire to see men and women come to know Christ personally. His vision was larger than his personal sphere of influence, and he was excited and grateful to hear about God’s work in the life of others. He is telling his audience that he has been informed of their faith, and that he was overjoyed to hear that they were following Jesus to the point that many others (the whole world, meaning throughout the Empire) were talking about them
Illustrate: The 21st century has the phrase “going viral,” even before Covid. It refers to a video or a tweet that is seen by upwards of 100K. It is getting attention.
Argument; When believers are Kingdom focused, they are aware of God’s moving in people groups, even when it is not their people group. Not only are they aware, but they are grateful to know that God is at work of bringing lost people out of darkness into His kingdom of Light
Application: Are you a Kingdom Christian or a petty Christian. What’s your reaction to the news that 4 people were saved at another church or that another Church is growing, even during Covid? Are you jealous that it’s not you? Do you think another’s success means your failure?

A Kingdom Servant consistently prayers for others, even those he doesn’t know personally (Rom 1:9)

Explanation: Paul has been praying for these believers at Rome, even though he doesn’t know them personally. Paul is aware that in terms of the Empire, Rome is a significant city. He knows the Roman believers are being used of God so he is joining in God’s kingdom work through intercessory prayer. To emphasize how serious he is about his work of intercession on their behalf, he invokes God as his witness. This is not the language of exaggeration!
Argument: The text is silent as to the content of Paul’s prayer for the Roman Christians but Dr. John MacArthur presents a strong case that his prayers were for them to grow in grace and knowledge of God, that they might walk worthy or their calling and for them to continue tobear fruit for the Kingdom. MacArthur makes his case by referencing Eph 3:14-19, Phil 1:9-11, and Col 1:9-11. These are passages where the content of Paul’s prayers for others is revealed, and MacArthur supposes that Paul’s prayers for the Roman Believers would be similar.
Application: What is the content of our intercessory prayer. Other than physical healing or asking for God’s grace during traumatic events, what do we ask God to do for others? Are you praying for them to walk closer to God? Are you praying for them to know and follow God’s will - even if it means a harder road? Are you praying for them to serve God, even if it means moving away?

A Kingdom Servant is willing to serve, but without compromising the revealed will of God (Rom 1:10-13)

Explanation: Paul had been dealing with a desire to journey to Rome for some time. He did not want to go to Rome to see the sights or learn about culture at the heart of the Empire. He wanted to go to Rome to further the Kingdom. Paul’s intentions were good and honorable, but it was not yet in God’s time for him to visit Rome.
As much as Paul longed to do make this journey he understood that he needed to do it by the will of God. When Paul states that he had been hindered from the journey (v.13) he is not referring to not be able to find a ship headed to Rome or a shortage of funds to pay for the trip. He is referring to being prevented by the Spirit of God as in Acts 16:6-7.
Illustrate: A lady in Florida watched the ABC Nightline video of the ODWG camps and wanted to bring them to Florida. So about three years ago, she contacted a FL ministry that contacted FDC who in turn contacted FM and asked for the camps. Scottie and the team wanted to go to FL then, but FDC would only allow gutted version of the camps. As much as Scottie wanted to go to Florida, she refused to compromise on the method that God set up. Now, three years later, FM is going into Florida prisons with the camp structure intact, all for the Glory of God
Application: It’s not enough to be involved in good things. Very often the enemy of the best is the good. Make sure your actions are in accord with the revealed will of God.

A Kingdom Servant is Unashamed of the Gospel because it is God’s only method for Salvation (Rom 1:14-17)

Explanation: Paul moves to the centerpiece of Kingdom life: The Gospel of Jesus. More than the others, the mark of a Kingdom servant is the priority of the Gospel in his or her life. Not just the reality that one has received it, but that one is about proclaiming the Gospel to others
Paul was addressing his letter to the Church, yet he is stressing the importance of keeping the Gospel a priority. He doesn’t make any assumptions in this letter; he gives a thorough description of what the Gospel is and how a personal faith in Jesus is the ONLY hope people have. Paul understood that the Gospel was God’s ONLY method of salvation, and as such, His people were to live for the Gospel without reservation. Paul was unashamed and unapologetic when it came to telling people the truth
Argument: Kingdom Servants are the only hope this world has. Government and social programs are not going to make things better. Having a positive attitude and “being all we can be” isn’t the solution; taking better care of the environment (a good idea) and “going green” isn’t going to change the trajectory of the world.
The answer has always been, and will continue to always be the reconciling of lost sinners to a holy God. And the only method for that reconciliation is the Gospel. And the only means of delivery of the Gospel is through its proclamation by unashamed Kingdom Servants.
There is no job listing for a Closet Christian. Listen to what Jesus declared about this issue in Matthew 10:32-33

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But WHOSOEVER shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Application: If you belong to Christ you are a citizen of the Kingdom. The Bible informs us that our citizenship is in Heaven - present tense (Phil 3:20), and as such we are to be involved in Kingdom business. Let it not be said of us as what we said of some of the religious rulers in Jesus’ day who were reluctant to be numbered in the company of the Unashamed.

Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; BUT because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: 43 For they loved THE PRAISE of men more than THE PRAISE of God.

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