Apollos, Discipleship and the Glory of God
Acts • Sermon • Submitted
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Introduction: Discipleship is central to the Christian life.
Matthew 28:18–20
Every believer is to be a follower, or disciple, and to help others to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Why then, does the idea of discipleship seem so foreign to us? So difficult to do?
Many things, but definitely include...
Thinking it is someone else’s job
Feeling inadequate for the task
Busyness and distraction from growing in Christ
Not knowing how to start or where to go
In Acts 18, we see a crystal clear and simple blueprint to encourage us in this absolutely critical aspect of our faith.
Read Acts 18:24-28
First, a quick definition of discipleship, then we’ll look at the need for it, the process of it, and the results that come.
What is discipleship? It is the process of following Jesus. Discipling is actively helping others follow Him.
Mark Dever says it this way:
“discipling is deliberately doing spiritual good to someone so that he or she will be more like Christ.” -Mark Dever
The Need for Discipling
The Need for Discipling
Consider Apollos. (v.24-25)
Alexandria - intellectual center of Egypt
Eloquent/learned man
powerful/mighty in the scriptures - knew and understood the OT and skillfully conversed about them.
instructed in the Way of the Lord - the gospel (The Way) - or at least the rudimentary parts of it.
fervent in spirit - not necessarily Holy Spirit but no reason to think he wasn’t filled with God the Holy Spirit
speaking and teaching accurately the things concerning Jesus - likely His life and teachings, that He was Messiah.
While his knowledge wasn’t full, it didn’t keep him from proclaiming boldly what he did know. What he did know, though incomplete, was accurate.
So often, believers are afraid to share about Jesus because they don’t know as much as someone else, or they are afraid of questions that they can’t answer. Intimidated.
God can use the simplest statement to profoundly impact a life.
Shane - “you need to take your family to church”
Even an honest “I don’t know” is a good answer that can lead to further conversation and discovery!
He obviously had strong faith, at least in the OT sense. Faith in God and in God’s ability to save those who trusted in Him.
We don’t know the details, but we do know that Apollos, in all his giftedness and zeal - needed to be discipled.
It doesn’t matter who we are, how many books we’ve read, or how long we’ve walked with Jesus - we all need to grow, to learn - we all need discipling.
There is an enemy, and a world system that is dead set against the truth of our King - like walking upstream, if we are standing still we are stumbling. To stop fighting is to falter.
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.
God uses His people to help each other grow and stand firm in the faith.
Read Hebrews 10:23-25
How do we hold fast? How do we not waiver? Through stimulating each other to love and good works, coming together and encouraging one another.
Bible study is great. It is necessary. But God uses the accountability and encouragement of discipling relationships to motivate and help our obedience to what we study!
Not only that, but we learn by watching others live out their faith! We need models of the faith, and to be models of the faith for others!
Apollos needed to be discipled, taught. So do we. But what does it look like?
The Process of Discipling
The Process of Discipling
This could look a lot of different ways but let me give you this outline that we see in this text: Assess, Engage, Explain, Encourage
Assess! - (v.25-26)
Assess! - (v.25-26)
Priscilla and Acquila - note: every believer can help any believer (within appropriate boundaries, of course).
They noticed Apollos’s giftedness and zeal, his desire to honor God and knew they could help. (Assessed)
They didn’t see it as someone else’s job, nor did they let feelings of inadequacy hinder them.
Anyone can have a conversation. Anyone can share what they know.
Ex. Spreading seed far and wide - one person with tons of experience and who can do it really well or twenty-five that have basic instructions?
God has designed it where the elders shepherd the flock, who then themselves go and make disciples.
Where do we start? Where you are! Assess.
Is there someone in church that you could connect with once a week to pray, study the scripture, or read a good gospel oriented book? Is there someone who works at the same place you do, or could meet for lunch on a somewhat regular basis? What about your wife? Your kids? Are you helping them to grow? (Stop and pray?) What can you do now, to start?
Engage! (v.26)
Engage! (v.26)
If discipling is doing deliberate spiritual good for the purpose of helping each other become more like Jesus, then after recognition of an opportunity comes deliberate action.
v.26 - “took him aside” - brought along, NIV: “took him to their home”
Privately invited him to come alongside them and learn.
It wasn’t about them. About being seen serving Christ or getting acknowledgment from the church. It was about helping a brother for the glory of God.
Some people jump at any chance to get recognition in public by shy away from private service to others. This is rooted in the sin of pride and vanity - not so with this couple.
They didn’t let their insecurities stop them. They likely weren’t as eloquent as Apollos. They may not have felt as intelligent or learned. But it wasn’t about that. It was about sharing what and whom they knew. Neither ought we to allow our own insecurities to keep us from reaching out to help others grow!
They’d spent the past 1.5 yrs with the Apostle Paul. They’d been discipled. They were doing for Apollos what had been done for them (Spending time together, in the Word)
Brother Ryan, we have not spent 1.5 years with the Apostle Paul. No, but many of you have spent 20+ years in Bible teaching churches and/or homes! You have experience walking with Christ that is valuable! We have access to teachings from the past 2000 years of Christianity to share!
Not only that, but you can learn together! Look around and see the opportunities around you, and engage! Take action for the spiritual good of your brothers and sisters, knowing that it will benefit your soul as well!
Okay, but what exactly do I do?
Explain! (v.26)
Explain! (v.26)
Let’s start by looking at what Priscilla and Aquila did. They “explained to him the way of God more accurately”
They took what he knew, and built on that. They made clear what was fuzzy and added what was missing.
It can be helpful in conversation to ask questions to find out about a person. The more you know about them, the better equipped you will be to help them.
We don’t know exactly what they said or what aspects of Christianity (or the Way) that Apollos was unclear on.
Maybe He knew Jesus as the Messiah, but didn’t understand:
The Atonement - His atoning death on the cross as the once-for-all sacrifice that can cover all sins
Righteousness - His sinless perfect life and how that by faith, all who repent and trust in Him gain His righteous standing before God.
Or that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Maybe He hadn’t heard of the visitation of Christ after His resurrection, or the teaching that He passed on to His disciples from the OT during this time - how the OT points to Him as Messiah, King and the Suffering Servant
Maybe He wasn’t aware of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the need to be baptised in Christ’s name.
Or of His commission to every believer to go to all the world and preach the gospel
How He will one day come again to gather His bride and bring justice against His enemies.
Whatever the case, they dug deeper into God’s Word and the gospel with Apollos. They spent time together, learning more about Jesus.
Explain. Read and talk about the scriptures (Ex. Mark). Read a book that explains the scriptures or a topic of the scriptures (“Christianity Explained”). Focus on Jesus, who He is and what He has done. Pray together, asking for more light!
Have a plan, use good sources and look for God to grow your relationship with Him and each other as you learn more about Our Amazing God together!
Encourage (v.27)
Encourage (v.27)
Apollos was encouraged by the church in his service to the Lord. When he wanted to go to Achaia, they didn’t try and keep him, but encouraged him.
In part a result of the discipling work, but also a primary purpose of it.
encourage - to turn forward - keeping us turned in the right direction, a nudge forward in our walk with Christ (BTW - we all need this!!!)
Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.
As you form the bonds of discipling relationships, some will be stronger and more impactful than others, but each one will build up and edify. Each one will encourage you and strengthen and encourage the person you are discipling.
Then, along the way there will be a time when you encourage the person you are discipling to go and continues the discipling cycle by…
assessing, engaging, explaining, and encouraging.
The Result of Discipling
The Result of Discipling
What are the results of this regular Christian work of love?
Unity in the body of Christ
Further witness for Christ (evangelism, discipleship and growth)
Glory of God!!!
Conclusion: Discipleship isn’t nearly as complicated as we try and make it to be. It is simply bringing someone along as we learn of and follow Christ. Isn’t that what the Christian life is about anyway?
What an amazing opportunity for growth and for the glory of God!
Simply look around, make a plan, invite someone to grow in knowledge of God through His Word together. Our personal faith is important, but it is enhanced and strengthened when shared with someone else. Start in the church, or at work, or with a family member - then share what God is doing with us that we can pray and praise and give Him glory as we fulfill this great calling of making disciples for Christ!
Friend, you cannot make disciples unless you are a disciple.
God’s Holiness, your sin
God’s grace and love in sending Christ for you
Surrendering to Him by faith
Turning from your way and committing to His