John 4:27-42 Engaging the Harvest Recognizing its time to reap
In Biblical times wheat harvest consisted of three different major functions.
Reaping – the harvesters used a sickle to cut the grain stalks about a foot from the head and laid them on the ground behind him
A gatherer followed the reaper and gathered the stalks and bound them into sheaves
Threshing – The sheaves were gathered and carried into a flat area – preferably on top of a hill. The stalks were beaten with sticks or run over with wooden sledges pulled by oxen or even just by oxen walking on the stalks--- to cause the seed to be released from the stalk and the hull.
Winnowing – The seed and chaff mix is tossed into the air with a shovel / fork so that the chaff is blow away, leaving mostly the seed on the ground. Final cleaning was done with sieves leaving only the seed.
The harvest time, even in these small fields took a long time to complete
Modern harvesting of grain crops consists of the same elements, but it is performed mainly through the means of a combine.
When it is harvest time, everything else stops.
Massive combines are engaged to reap 1-10 thousand acres of wheat.
Its 20-40 foot header cuts the wheat in large swaths.
The most expensive combines run via GPS and can operate with minimal driver intervention.
The most expensive combines can cost as much as $500,000
The combine reaps / threshes and winnows the wheat a shoots the wheat directly into trailer that is pulled alongside, or stores the seed and then shoots it directly into a semi pulling a large trailer that is parked by the road.
A single combine can harvest 150-200 acres a day.
With multiple combines, even large fields are often harvested within a week or so. These large farms can harvest millions of dollars of wheat.
But imagine with me. I have 10,000 acres of wheat that is ready for harvest.
I go to AG school and learn about the best harvesting techniques. I spend ½ million dollars on the best combine. I weekly go the shed and polish all the equipment and read the latest on better methods of harvesting. I sharpen the hoes, grease the tractor, invite the County Agent by to give me more instructions on a weekly basis. I make sure the diesel is fresh and everything is ready … And when the harvest is ready I go home and do all my other stuff. And the next week I do the same thing. And the next. And the next. And all the while, the harvest remains white and ready.
That is exactly what we are in danger of doing in the church. We have all the tools. The harvest is ready. But we become sidetracked on everything else.
That was exactly what was happening even in Jesus’ time as well. Let’s look at it John 4:27-42. Jesus tells His disciples to engage in the harvest – Recognize its time to reap.
I. Engaging the Harvest: Open our eyesto see the ready harvest
I. Engaging the Harvest: Open our eyesto see the ready harvest
A. The harvest: A need to ‘see’ John 4:35b
A. The harvest: A need to ‘see’ John 4:35b
(ESV) John 4 35 Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
1. Lift up – contemplate – consider
1. Lift up – contemplate – consider
2. Had been too busy thinking about their own life
2. Had been too busy thinking about their own life
3. Lose sight of others
3. Lose sight of others
4. Forget the spiritual need for workers in the field
4. Forget the spiritual need for workers in the field
a. Later looking for the kingdom rather than getting to work
a. Later looking for the kingdom rather than getting to work
5. Lose focus on speculation / govt / whatever --- a need to see the real need
5. Lose focus on speculation / govt / whatever --- a need to see the real need
B. The harvest: The immediacy John 4:35a
B. The harvest: The immediacy John 4:35a
(ESV) John 4 35 Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
1. Just finished sowing (4 months to harvest)
1. Just finished sowing (4 months to harvest)
2. Surprise - Harvest is now
2. Surprise - Harvest is now
3. His harvest isn’t dependent on time – can get immediate results
3. His harvest isn’t dependent on time – can get immediate results
4. It’s here
4. It’s here
C. The harvest: The vastness John 4:35c
C. The harvest: The vastness John 4:35c
(ESV) John 4 35 Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
1. The harvest is vast
1. The harvest is vast
2. Endless need for people to come to Christ
2. Endless need for people to come to Christ
3. Seems like everyone is religious --- a need for Christ
3. Seems like everyone is religious --- a need for Christ
4. How many demonstrate Christ in their lives – really transformed --- this is the harvest --- and it is everywhere
4. How many demonstrate Christ in their lives – really transformed --- this is the harvest --- and it is everywhere
D. The harvest: The urgency John 4:35d
D. The harvest: The urgency John 4:35d
(ESV) John 4 35 Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
1. When wheat is ready it must be brought in with urgency --- hail / animals / heat / time --- needs harvesting
1. When wheat is ready it must be brought in with urgency --- hail / animals / heat / time --- needs harvesting
2. Can see it if you look ----- White – Samaritans in white robes and hats – talking about people not plants
2. Can see it if you look ----- White – Samaritans in white robes and hats – talking about people not plants
a. Every day harden in sin / disappear where they cannot be reached / people die
a. Every day harden in sin / disappear where they cannot be reached / people die
3. The harvest needs reaping now – before it is lost
3. The harvest needs reaping now – before it is lost
II. Engaging the Harvest: Overcome the barriers
II. Engaging the Harvest: Overcome the barriers
A. Barrier: Others not ‘like’ me John 4:27
A. Barrier: Others not ‘like’ me John 4:27
(ESV) John 4 27 Just then his disciples came back. They marveled that he was talking with a woman, but no one said, “What do you seek?” or, “Why are you talking with her?”
1. Marveled - Incredible surprise – imperfect (could not get over it)
1. Marveled - Incredible surprise – imperfect (could not get over it)
2. “A” woman – any woman
2. “A” woman – any woman
a. A potential woman of ill repute (Day time at the well when no one else there)
a. A potential woman of ill repute (Day time at the well when no one else there)
3. A Samaritan
3. A Samaritan
4. They wanted to say it. Must be something radical to talk with her.
4. They wanted to say it. Must be something radical to talk with her.
5. They weren’t reaching out to her or other Samaritans but Jesus was
5. They weren’t reaching out to her or other Samaritans but Jesus was
6. People farthest away need reaching the most --- and may be most willing to hear
6. People farthest away need reaching the most --- and may be most willing to hear
B. Barrier: Thinking one is insignificant John 4:28-30
B. Barrier: Thinking one is insignificant John 4:28-30
(ESV) John 4 28 So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, 29 “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” 30 They went out of the town and were coming to him.
1. Even the most unlikely one– loose woman (Spirit filled life – often loose excitement as we age in Christ)
1. Even the most unlikely one– loose woman (Spirit filled life – often loose excitement as we age in Christ)
a. More impact than the disciples
a. More impact than the disciples
2. Simple message is all that is required
2. Simple message is all that is required
a. Urged them “Come / Come on”
a. Urged them “Come / Come on”
b. A simple invitation to come
b. A simple invitation to come
c. Passion is powerful
c. Passion is powerful
d. Don’t have to convince - Come see for yourself
d. Don’t have to convince - Come see for yourself
3. Creates an inner responsiveness in other
3. Creates an inner responsiveness in other
a. One impacted raises personal concerns in others – depending upon how many men she knew
a. One impacted raises personal concerns in others – depending upon how many men she knew
b. Raises sensitivity to ultimate realities – could it be – raise the possibility
b. Raises sensitivity to ultimate realities – could it be – raise the possibility
4. Causes others to begin the journey (making their way to Jesus) (impf)
4. Causes others to begin the journey (making their way to Jesus) (impf)
C. Barrier: Good things John 4:31-34
C. Barrier: Good things John 4:31-34
(ESV) John 4 31 Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” 32 But he said to them, “I have foodto eat that you do not know about.”
**33 So the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought him something to eat?” 34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.
1. Kept insisting (impf) – Mom at dinner when I came home
1. Kept insisting (impf) – Mom at dinner when I came home
2. No one could have brought Him food – but He has already eaten?
2. No one could have brought Him food – but He has already eaten?
3. Because they were focused elsewhere they were blind
3. Because they were focused elsewhere they were blind
III. Engaging the Harvest: Act personally
III. Engaging the Harvest: Act personally
A. Act with eternity in mind John 4:36
A. Act with eternity in mind John 4:36
(ESV) John 4 36 Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.
1. Already there is a reward – joy
1. Already there is a reward – joy
2. Later there will be a reward – eternal impact / reward
2. Later there will be a reward – eternal impact / reward
B. Act realizing the partnership John 4:37-38
B. Act realizing the partnership John 4:37-38
(ESV) John 4 37 For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”
1. Various parts but one harvest
1. Various parts but one harvest
a. Each benefits from the work of another
a. Each benefits from the work of another
2. One Sow --- hard work / time / requires faith
2. One Sow --- hard work / time / requires faith
3. Another Reaps ---- joyful work / see the result
3. Another Reaps ---- joyful work / see the result
4. All who toil will rejoice (regardless of role)
4. All who toil will rejoice (regardless of role)
C. Act knowing the Lord is the one that saves John 4:39-42
C. Act knowing the Lord is the one that saves John 4:39-42
(ESV) John 4 39 Many Samaritans from that town believed in himbecause of the woman’s testimony, “He told me all that I ever did.” … 41 And many more believed because of his word.
1. Many believed because of her words
1. Many believed because of her words
2. Many more believed because of His words
2. Many more believed because of His words
**42 They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”
3. As a result of the personal invitation
3. As a result of the personal invitation
4. As a result of what occurred when they came
4. As a result of what occurred when they came
5. Ultimately it is about people finally understanding that Jesus is the Savior
5. Ultimately it is about people finally understanding that Jesus is the Savior