Guardian Angels

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What we know for sure about guardian angels is that these divine agents assigned to the humblest have the most direct access to God as their person is the greatest in the kingdom. This should affect our own cultivation of humility, our own care in not despising the humble and our own prayer for those who do despise the humble.



Divine Messengers Among Us


It is difficult to talk about Guardian Angels from scripture

Angels are messengers or agents and in the context of God divine messengers or agents
But scripture is concerned with the ultimate cause or will, God, so it says little about angels and less about guardian angels
Yet scripture makes it clear that when God acts or speaks he often uses intermediate agents ranging from prophets to indeed angels, such as Ezekiel’s destroying angels and the protecting one with the ink horn
And our experience tells us that while we may have no direct experience of angels, something must have protected us at this or that point
Something protected me from slipping off a cliff in the snow at age 11
Such a something appeared to my son-in-law when he was driving too fast through the mountains
But even an appearance if only for our benefit, a materialization so that we can see something, no their reality
Yet Jesus hints at some aspects of this reality
The disciples ask who is the greatest in the kingdom
They are probably thinking in terms of spiritual feats, which even today is the measure we tend to use - sometimes including what is a natural ability

Jesus says that the greatest is the humblest

The one who is like a child in a society in which children had no honor status, did not have worth until they could join the men or be married to a man
Children were also vulnerable, and many families would have a significant proportion of their children die before maturity
Children’s humility is expressed in their sense of dependence - they ask adults for necessities or for help - their trying to be grown up and “do it myself” is often a defect
In other words, undamaged children trust adults and depend on them the way we all are supposed to trust and depend on God
And yet children unconsciously represent or are icons of Jesus: “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.”

Therefore, the angels associated with the most humble have the most direct access to the Father

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”
In other words, despising the humblest is despising the one who in God’s eyes is the greatest as seen in the status of their angels. And the Father notices.
The text says “their angels” “their (divine) messengers” their “divine agents” not “their spirits” - there is one or more of these divine agents associated with each and the ones associated with the most humble have the most exalted access to the Father.
The developing reflective tradition will say much more, but this is what we know from scripture

Now, there are implications here

First, ask what you can do to cultivate humility and a sense of dependence on God

Decades ago Bishop Stanway helped us by noting when a gift put through his mailbox at night enabled him to make payroll in the morning or when he held up a small check from a poor widow and told us how much he valued it.
A supporter, Nancy Chalfont, also helped by getting seminarians assigned to minister in her home for the severely developmentally disabled.

Second, be careful not to despise the humble and dependent - it is a direct insult to God.

This would range from the child to the refugee to the humble monk scrubbing the floor of the monastery (Brother Andre’ in Montreal)

Third, pray for those who do despise or even destroy the humble

For example, While we want to prevent abortion, infanticide, and the like, just like we want to prevent martyrdom, we need to remember that the Catechism teaches us that the aborted, naturally or artificially, are received by God, while those involved in the abortion are in deep trouble with the only one who counts. The conversion of society and the repentance of those involved are the most pressing goals - do we want them to meet God in that condition? Measure our actions by their evangelistic effect. And the same is true for other actions in society.
Sisters, little is said about guardian angels, but the little that is said does have big implications.


Catholic Daily Readings 10-2-2021: Guardian Angels


Baruch 4:5–12, 27–29

5 Take courage, my people!

Remember, O Israel,

6 You were sold to the nations

not for destruction;

It was because you angered God

that you were handed over to your foes.

7 For you provoked your Maker

with sacrifices to demons and not to God;

8 You forgot the eternal God who nourished you,

and you grieved Jerusalem who nurtured you.

9 She indeed saw coming upon you

the wrath of God; and she said:

“Hear, you neighbors of Zion!

God has brought great mourning upon me,

10 For I have seen the captivity

that the Eternal One has brought

upon my sons and daughters.

11 With joy I nurtured them;

but with mourning and lament I sent them away.

12 Let no one gloat over me,

a widow, bereft of many;

For the sins of my children I am left desolate,

because they turned from the law of God,

27 Take courage, my children; call out to God!

The one who brought this upon you will remember you.

28 As your hearts have been disposed to stray from God,

so turn now ten times the more to seek him;

29 For the one who has brought disaster upon you

will, in saving you, bring you eternal joy.”

Catholic Daily Readings 10-2-2021: Guardian Angels


Psalm 69:34

34 For the LORD hears the poor,

and does not spurn those in bondage.


Psalm 69:33–37

33 “See, you lowly ones, and be glad;

you who seek God, take heart!

34 For the LORD hears the poor,

and does not spurn those in bondage.

35 Let the heaven and the earth praise him,

the seas and whatever moves in them!”

36 For God will rescue Zion,

and rebuild the cities of Judah.

They will dwell there and possess it;

37 the descendants of God’s servants will inherit it;

those who love God’s name will dwell in it.

Catholic Daily Readings 10-2-2021: Guardian Angels



Psalm 103:21

21 Bless the LORD, all you his hosts,

his ministers who carry out his will.



Matthew 18:1–5, 10

1 At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 He called a child over, placed it in their midst, 3 and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.

10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.


Catholic Daily Readings 10-2-2021: Guardian Angels



The Gospel for this memorial is proper.


From Saturday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time

First Reading Baruch 4:5–12, 27–29

Response Psalm 69:34

Psalm Psalm 69:33–37

Gospel Acclamation Psalm 103:21 (Proper)

Gospel Matthew 18:1–5, 10 (Proper)

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