Praise: Man In The Mirror (Youth)

Man In The Mirror  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Last week we talked about our purpose as a child of God
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What was God’s reason for saving you and then keeping you on earth?
God’s plan for your life involves other people.
To be a light, and to give of ourselves
But not only has God given you a purpose, but He has equipped you to do the job He has called you to.
Be a light where God has put you!
You have influence where you are at!
You are a valuable contributer in the kingdom of God!
Don’t ever let your insecurities tell you that God can’t use you or that you don’t have purpose!
Tonight we are goig to talk about our last point in our identity series, and this has to do with our identity as worshippers.
God wants to hear from you.
Hurts and problems
So tonight we are going to start off with some worship, and then I’ll say something briefly about our identity as worshippers
Sing along, find a corner and just sit down and reflect, pray, let the words on the screen minister to you
But let your heart be one of worship tonight.


In John 4:23, Jesus said something to a Samaritan women about worship....this was Jesus redefining worship in the New Covenant he was creating
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.
Two things to point out about this....Spirit and Truth
Before Jesus came, worship was always limited to a physical location
You had to go to Jerusalem and worship at the temple there
All throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, to not do that, was to improperly worship God.
Worship is no longer tied to sacred is not resticted to a time and place.
We worship in Spirit, meaning at any time, anywhere
It’s not about and outward observance, but and inward change of heart
Real followers of God worship in complete sincerity
Get this: the word “truth” here literally translates “to not hide”
You aren’t approaching God in truth, when you are hiding something
Approaching in truth means we are honest about who He is, and about who we are!
Here’s the amazing thing about this: this is God saying, “I want you to come as you are”
Not, get everything together and then come
Not, come as you think I want you to
Not, pretend you have it all together
Come as you are! I don’t want you to hide anything from me!
I want the good the bad and the ugly!
There are going to be things in your life that are wrong, that are sinful, that need to change....but I’m going to help you with that
God loves you before you get everything together, and when we are honest with Him about who and what we are, He says
Thank you! Now I can begin to work in you
The greatest act of worship is coming to God as we are, and letting Him change us into how we ought to be.
God says, “I love that!”
Come to God as you are, and He will change you into who you ought to be.


We are going to close with this song, called I thank God!
It is this kind of allegorical song about coming to God as we are, and then Him changing us
Picked me up, turned me around, set my fee on solid ground, I thank God!

ABC’s of salvation

Prayer (pray this in your heart, as I pray it out loud)Dear Lord Jesus I believe you're the son of God. I believe that on the cross you took my sin, my shame, and my guilt, and you died for it. You faced hell for me so I wouldn't have to go. You rose from the dead to give me a place in heaven, a purpose on earth, and a relationship with your father. Today Lord Jesus I turn from my sin to be born again. God is my father, Jesus is my savior, the Holy Spirit is my helper, and heaven is my home. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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