John 2:1-12
Game until ~ 8pm
Study - use the same format as last week with the kids reading the passage over a few times on their own for ~10 minutes, then split them into 2 groups to do small group discussions.
Study Notes on Passage for Leaders:
Verses 3- “They have no wine”
Running out of wine at a wedding in Israel back in Jesus’ day would have been a huge social blunder that would bring on great embarrassment for the family. It would be similar today to running out of food at your wedding when only 1/2 of the guests have eaten.
In Jesus’ time, this would have been an even bigger embarrassment as it would have supposedly spoken to the family’s lack of hospitality. The family would have to live with that reputation for a long time.
Many commentators believe the family ran out of wine because they were poor, not because they lacked hospitality.
Verse 4 - “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me?”
The word “woman” is better understood as “ma’am” or “miss” in today’s language - it wasn’t Jesus being harsh to His mom, but calling her by a title of respect
Jesus asking her, “What does your concern have to do with Me?” seems to get at that He wasn’t going to do a special favor for Mary just because she was His mom. Her request would be like any of our prayers where ultimately we’re looking for God’s will to be done, not our will.
Verse 4 - “My hour has not yet come”
This could be viewed by some students as a contradiction by Jesus. It seems like He’s telling Mary that He won’t help out, but then He does. Many commentators say that Jesus is letting her know that He is going to do His will in His timing - not hers. A good point here is that we can’t demand God around in our prayers, ultimately when we give our requests to God, we should also add, “Your will be done!”
Verse 6 - The 6 waterpots
These pots were there, “according to the manner of purification of the Jews” meaning they were to be used for the ceremonial hand washings that Jewish law would require. This wasn’t pristine drinking water that Jesus was using for His miracle, it was common hand washing water.
Verse 8 - The Master of the Feast
Common practice at Jewish weddings was to have a Master of the Feast, similar to a wedding planner today.
Small Group Questions
What stood out to you most about this passage?
Was there anything that you read that you didn’t understand or confused you that you’d like to discuss more to understand better?
When Jesus responded to the request to help with the wine shortage at the wedding in Verse 4, how did Mary react in Verse 5?
You can highlight how Mary didn’t demand that Jesus do exactly what she wanted. She told the servants to listen and obey whatever Jesus said, whether it was to get more wine or to not, and she was okay with that.
Think of a time you asked God for something you wanted. What was your perspective on how God should handle your request?
Read the first two verses of the model prayer in Matthew 6:9-10. Why is it important that we add “Your will be done to our prayers?”
Can we add that request and not mean it? Why is it important to really look for God’s answers to our prayers instead of only looking for what we want?
9 In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
When Jesus decided to act on Mary’s request, He told the servants to fill up the water pots. How did the servants respond to what Jesus called them to do? (verses 7 & 8)
Potential actions to highlight: they obeyed Jesus’ command, they did it to the best of their ability (filled the pots up to the brim, not just half way), they didn’t question Jesus on how this was going to work, they didn’t tell Jesus how to fix the problem, they let Jesus do the miracle
How do the servants’ actions encourage you for the next time you have a prayer request for God?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. Discuss how the miracle of Jesus turning the water into wine is similar to how He changes our lives
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Prayer Requests & Group Prayer