Chester Mattson Funeral

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We have gathered this morning to celebrate and remember the life of Chester Mattson. We are thankful for all of you who have joined us to bring comfort to the family and to cherish the memories we have of Chester. Chester was a wonderful Father, Grand Father, Friend, Farmer and neighbor of ours.. He was greatly loved by all of us... and will be sorely missed.
We also come today to celebrate the Great hope that is found in Jesus. ... there is this confidence... that death is not final... it is not the end. Paul tells us in Corinthians - that the perishable will put on the imperishable, and the mortal will put on immorality.. that in the end ....“Death is swallowed up in victory" This gives us great Hope and assurance... Jesus himself being raised from the dead gave us hope of Resurrection.... Jesus gave us this promise.
John 11:25-26
25 Jesus said...., “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live
Fanny Crosby was a well known Hymn writer in the last century., who wrote over 8000 Hymns and she was Known as the "Queen of Gospel Song Writers. Fanny also had a major disability, she was born blind.. One day she was asked, how she would feel if she had been born in day when an operation could have restored her sight. Fanny responded, "I don't know that I would change anything. Do you know the first thing I'm ever going to see is the face of Jesus?
Even though she was blind she had incredible spiritual perception.
It was Fanny Cosby who wrote the Hymn "blessed assurance.." The entire hymn is focused on heaven, a place where there is "perfect submission" and "perfect delight" . The earthly existence is one of "watching and waiting, looking above" . As we submit ourselves to Christ we are "filled with his goodness" and "lost in his love"
As we continue this morning service we do so with great hope and confidence.. Knowing that at the Center of Chester life was a relationship with Jesus Christ...and he also shares in this "Blessed Assurance"
Scripture Reading Katie Mcalley
Songs: Because He Lives 1-3
How Great thou Art
Chesters Life - Erick Mattson
Personal Reflection -
Paul Wiest
Armani Rivera
Scott Maattson
Amazing Grace. Jaclyn mattson
Open Mic to share personal thoughts
At this time we are going to have an opportunity for friends and family to share personal thought about Chester.. we have an open mic so that we can all hear from each other...
lets all stand as we sing the ....
Battle of the Republic
As I thought about Chester this past week, the one word that kept coming back to my mind, was the word Blessed.. The word Blessed in the scriptures is one of those enduring words - it means "pure Delight" ---
Chester was a pure delight to all who knew him... I visited Chester often over the past few years and I never heard him complain once or say a negative word... In fact everyone at Prestige Assisted living in Chico loved being around Chester..
David uses the word "Blessed" in the book of Psalms, where he describes a "blessed man" as one whose life is rooted and guided by the scriptures and by wisdom . The blessed man is described as someone who makes an impression ...and leaves a footprint behind.. David says..
Psalm 1:3 ESV
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
Here in California we have those giant sequoia trees that have been around for thousands of years. The reason they are so tall and strong is that they have an amazing root systems.... that feeds the tree... This root systems can stretch out to over a mile wide... and is responsible for carrying life giving sap to the 300 feet(plus) tall trees.
David tells us that a blessed life is like a sturdy tree.. marked with strength, stability, fruitfulness, dignity..and providing refreshing shade.
The Mattson/Lantz family have a long history in the Richvale community.. You could say they were planted here and this is where they flourished and grew as a family. They lived across form the church in the double story house - we affectionately call heritage house.
Chester married Evelyn in 1947 right here in this sanctuary and they were active members since that time. Chester served as a Deacon and treasure for the Church and Evi was involved with our WM - woman's ministry. One of the fond memories we have of Chester is that whenever there was a function, a wedding or funeral.... Chester was "go to person" who was called upon to carve the Ham.
Chester and Evi's lives were marked by service...but what really Grounded their lives was not just their service but their Faith..
One of the things that Chester valued at the Richvale is a program called "Release hour" . Release Hour has been happening here for over 60 years and it is where students come across from the elementary school and learn more about God and the Scriptures. Chester was always passionate about making sure this program continued... And there was good reason for this....., because, it was at a "release Hour" - that Chester made a commitment and received Jesus Christ as his personal savior..
Today's order of service was written and planned by Chester... and so we get a sense of his deep Faith. The scripture that was read earlier today was Chester's favorite verse.. Phil 3:13...
A picture of an athlete who expends all of his energy to finish the race.....pressing toward the finish line - letting go of what is behind and straining forward to the Prize that lies ahead..
It has not always been easy for Chester, but he knew that the true goal of life was to finish well...
As, Sherwood Eliot Wirt said, "The true goal of the Christian life is heaven: nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else."
On Monday Morning Chester crossed over that line... a victor.... from the temporal into the eternal... And On the other end of that finish line is the Savior.. who welcomed Chester with the words ,'Well done, good and faithful servant.. Enter into the joy of your master!'
As we come to the end of this memorial service we also realize this is not the end because memory is one gift of God has given us.. this side of heaven.
In closing:
The family would also like to thank everyone for coming and invite everyone to join us after the service in the fellowship hall for luncheon following the service.
May the strength of God sustain us; may the power of God preserve us; may the hands of God comfort us; may the way of God direct us; may the love of God go with us this day now and forever. Amen.
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