Memorial Service for Ruth Lundberg

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(prelude: All the way my savior leads me)
Opening remarks (5min) Pastor Brenden
We have gathered this afternoon to celebrate and to remember the life of Ruth Lundberg. Ruth was amazing Wife, Mother and grandmother, and friend to many of us here today.
Just a few weeks ago, Pam and I went to visit Ruth at Prestige assisted living and she was there with Hospice caregiver … and we joined them in her room for just a few minutes....We had a couple of toddlers in, it was a little lively… What amazed me is how joyful and how peaceful Ruth was.. It is a wonderful memory.
There is a great poem called Beyond the Sunset... by Virgil Brock... The poem brings to our attention to the eternal realities that supersedes the Temoralness of life.
Brock say,
Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, When with our Saviour Heav'n is begun. Earth's toiling ended, O glorious dawning; Beyond the sunset When day is done.
You see beyond the sunset there exists another day --- another day awaits... a blissful morning and a glorious dawning.…
That Sunday morning 2000 years ago it seemed that all had been lost. As the early dawn rays of the sun begun to appear. More than five women could be seen making their way toward the tomb of Jesus. They had been traveling with spices and herbs to make final burial preparations.. But, when they arrive at the tomb of Jesus - what they found was nothing short of miraculous ... instead of an enclosed tomb with the Roman seal intact … What they found was the stone had been rolled away... they find and empty tomb... The large stone that marked Roman tombs had been rolled away and two magnificient angelic beings -- stood next to the tomb...
The angels ask the question...
Luke 24:5 ...“Why do you seek the living among the dead?
What a strange and interesting question?
This question really represents two world views that are prevalent in our world... the one that embraces resurrection another that doesn't..
Thomas Jefferson, a great man, nevertheless could not accept the miraculous elements in Scripture. He edited his own special version of the Bible in which all references to the supernatural were deleted. Jefferson, in editing the Gospels, confined himself solely to the moral teachings of Jesus.
Luke 24:6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee"....
The woman suddenly remembered that Jesus had taught that he would be raised on the third day. And they go straight to the disciples and share the good news of the Gospel..
What brings us hope today is the Good News of Resurrection.
John 11:25 Jesus said .... “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.
Jesus brought clarity to life and death something that was in the OT a little obscure and vague.. Jesus did not just teach Resurrection but he became Resurrection.. Our faith does not just rest on the teaching on Resurrection... but the person of resurrection.... because Christ is raised we have great hope.
Paul tells us in Corinthians - that the perishable will put on the imperishable, and the mortal will put on immorality.. that in the end ....“Death is swallowed up in victory" This gives us great Hope and assurance...
As we continue this morning service we do so with great hope and confidence.. Knowing that at the Center of Ruth’s life was a relationship with Jesus Christ
Children of the Heavenly Father
(Susan to lead and to invite other to join in the Swedish version)
Family Biography
Family Comments
Blessed Assurance
Scripture reading Palms 121
Closing Remarks (3-5 min)
As I thought about this service this afternoon and the legacy that we have in the life of Ruth, the one word that came to mind was the word Steadfast.
It’s really a strong word… One of the attributes of God He is Stedfast… God never changes.. The scripture tells us that heaven and earth will pass away, but the Son will Endure.. Not only does God not change, but his attitude toward his people never changes.. That the steadfast love of the Lord never fails… that his love is endures to a thousand generations..
A steadfast person is one who is reliable, faithful, and true to the end.
Ruth was part of that great generation that established many of the Free Churches in this county… As immigrant families from Denmark and Sweden settled in this this Country, they came with a deep conviction of faith, family and community Many Settling in the Northern plains of this country with a very strong work ethic…and then moving to other parts of the United States. Eldon and Ruth moved from Nebraska shortly after they were married and began an incredible life here in Richvale.
they are the pioneer generation… and many of us have been blessed by their lives and their legacy.
Ruth’s Steadfastness is reflected in her example of a wife , a mother and business partner in the Lundberg family farms. When I read through Ruth’s biography, it incredible to thing how she jungled all those responsibilities.. at home, on the farm and in the church...
Ruth had a Genuine faith that translated into worship and service… One of her favorite her favorite psalms 100 begins with these words…
Psalm 100:1–2 ESV
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
The joyful noise in Psalms 100
what struck me about this verse is the connection of service and worship…Make a joyful noise and “Serve the Lord with gladness>”
Worship is this balance between music and service.. Our service can be and should be joyful noise… that brings praise and glory to God.
Ruth was committed and active member of our local Church here at Richvale…She was a leader in our church... she led the WMS (woman’s ministry), serving on our missions board, our hospitality team, taught Sunday school and prepared many meals. If you have been part of church ministry… you know that she basically served where ever there was a need… She was available… she was Stedfast.
She made a joyful noise in the way that she served....
but she also loved music.. She sang in the church Choir and with The Women’s Trio with Marge Rystrom and Irene High that was broadcasted on the Radio. I have one regret and that is I never heard Ruth play the trumpet…
One of the gifts that we can be given from the generations ahead of us is a Spiritual legacy.. The apostle, Paul as he thought of his young son in the faith Timothy he saw in Timothy the sincere faith.. of his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice.
2 Timothy 1:5 ESV
I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.
One of the things that Ruth would say often is Why Worry When you can Pray? What an amazing statement..This comes from experience that prayer works.. another one of the psalms that Ruth loved was Psalms 121 which was read today.. It is a psalm of ascent that was sung on the way to worship in the temple..
Psalm 121:1–2 ESV
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
The reason why we can trust God… is that God is Dependable.. he will not let our foot be moved.. He will not sleep… He who keeps Israel does not slumber or sleep,
He is on the job…
The Lord is your Keeper…
The Lord is our shade from the sun.. and our light in the night.
The psalm ends with..
The Lord will keep your coming and your goings from this time forevermore.
This is the hope of resurrection… that because of what Christ did for us that we have the promise of eternal life. Roman clearly outlines that when we confess with our months that Jesus is Lord we shall be saved..
Romans 10:11 ESV
For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”
The Legacy that Ruth leaves us is that she points us to the one who is faithful..
In closing:
The family would like to thank everyone for coming and to joining us after the service in the Fellowship hall time for some refreshments..
May the strength of God sustain us; may the power of God preserve us; may the hands of God comfort us; may the way of God direct us; may the love of God go with us this day now and forever. Amen.
From Rural Neb - making the best... of your situation. ```
Benediction and invitation to Fellowship Halll
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