Let's Stay Together
On a television show, “Divorce Wars,” a thriving divorce lawyer found himself on the brink of divorce, even though he strongly believed in family life. As he began to ponder why his marriage was falling apart, he asked a friend the following question: “Max, how did you stay married for thirty-five years.”
Max, being older, had a rather illuminating answer: “I guess in our generation we didn’t expect as much from each other—and we ended up getting more.”
Although Paul would like everyone to follow his example and remain unmarried, he realizes he cannot require this of anyone. The gracious gift of remaining not only celibate but also free from burning sexual desire is not given to everyone (cf. Mt 19:11; 1 Cor 7:9). Whether the Christian is called to a chaste celibacy or to marriage, his vocation is God’s gracious gift. Both celibacy and marriage are God’s good gifts to be received with thanksgiving (1 Tim 4:4). Both vocations can only be lived out in a God-pleasing manner under the blessing of God’s continual grace.