Exploring God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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This is the second sermon in the series, Exploring God. This sermon evidences the revelation of God in nature as part of general revelation.



Does God really exist? That is the question that is before us today. When we consider the existence of God, there are only three options:
God does not exist. If this is our choice, we embrace atheism.
God may or may not exist. If He does, there is no way to know for sure. To embrace this choice is to embrace agnosticism.
God exists. This is the position that I embrace. This is the choice of theism.
As Christians, most of us are biblical theists. That is, we embrace the God of the Bible. The first words of the Bible are , “In the beginning God.” The fact that God exists is a fundamental axiom of the Christian faith. Now, the implications of such a belief are far-reaching. They affect our thinking and our values. We become accountable to God for our life and, therefore, our conduct.
Lee Strobel is a popular Christian author and speaker. He is a graduate of Yale University. He and his wife happened to be atheists. As it so happened, Strobel’s wife got saved and became a Christian. This infuriated him. Therefore, he set out on a determined quest to disprove Christianity for what it was-just another crutch for weak-minded people. In the process of trying to disprove Christianity, Strobel was convicted by the Spirit of God and he got saved. One of his many books, is The Case for Christ. You need to do two things. First, read Kenny Bailey’s article in the Judson Journal. Second, go out and buy this book.
Is it possible to prove God exists? If there is a message that the prince of darkness does not want to get out, this is the one. I am absolutely powerless to change your mind if you are hearing me today and you are rejecting the reality of God. Only God can do that by pricking your heart, just like he did Lee Strobel, C.s. Lewis and so many more.
The truth is that you will not change your mind through a bunch of facts and statistics, even though there is a time and a place for those. Understanding and receiving the truth of God is ultimately a matter of faith.
Today we will observe that the very creation around us screams the fact that God has revealed Himself through nature. There are two truths that I want to nail to the doorpost of your heart today in answer to the question, “Does God really exist?”

Truth #1: God Exists and He is Glorious (19:1).

We cannot help but be taken back to the first two chapters of Genesis. This verse is a summary statement. The marvelous creation is evidence of an even more marvelous Creator. Creation screams out the glory of the Creator God.
The heavens tell the story of the immensity and glory of God. Just look up on a clear night as those stellar beauties blink back at you as your gaze is cast heavenward. There are two realizations that will quickly come to mind. First, you realize that you are really small in comparison to the vast universe that God has created. Second, even if you are out there gazing into the velvety night and the marvel of God’s handiwork, you are truly never alone. God is there and you can commune with Him right there. With ever chirping of every cricket, the song of every bird, the slinking of every wolf, the slithering of every snake, and the amazing beauty of every hummingbird. Everything you observe by your senses is a living testimony to the greatest artist who ever lived.
He is the Creator God. He has created all that exists, including you and me. That statement brings joy to some and great displeasure to others. For example, atheist Steven Hawkins rejects any idea of divine creation. He states arrogantly, “DNA appeared three million years ago.” He claims that as fact.
Let’s talk about life for a moment and how we got here on this speck of dust called earth. Steven Hawkins’ assertion is a mathematical impossibility. To make this mathematical impossibility true, evolutionistic people who like to think of themselves as scientists, have had to come up with this bad science. The possibility of what Hawkins says to be true is ten to the 340 millionth power. This means that there is only one chance in 340 million that life just happened to happen. You cannot convince me that time + space + chance = life and creation. To argue this means that you are saying is that nothing gives rise to something. No! There has to be the Creator God who stands behind all of creation. There is no way to have it any other way.
The question comes to the forefront of our minds, “If there is so much evidence for purposeful creation by an awesome Creator, why do people believe such irrational and farfetched stuff?” Friend it is because to reject their fairy tale religion of evolution, there is only one alternative. That alternative is that The Bible-believing, right-wing fanatics (as they refer to us) were right all along. That will not work. To concede at this point means that they must submit to Him now. That is something that they will not do.
Friends, if you deny the existence of God, you are without excuse (Romans 1:18-20). Instead of rejecting the glorious God of creation, here is what you need to do. Today, consider the ways the majesty and beauty of creation shouts the glory of God. The next clear night find an obscure place such as a field or back yard and look up. As you contemplate the beauty of the velvety night, praise God that He is such a magnificent and awesome Creator. Go back inside and look in a mirror and shout to the Lord, “Thank you, Lord, that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
God exists and He is glorious.

Truth #2: God Exists in All Times and in All Places (19:2-6)

God speaks through His creation clearly. He speaks and He does not stutter nor is He limited in that communication. God speaks continuously through His creation (2). Although the speech is not verbal (by mouth) and audible (received by ears) through human words, it is no less discernable and distinguishable. It is impossible not to hear the voice of creation because of its sheer volume (3). This message is proclaimed “through all the earth” and “to the end of the world (4a).” This indicates that the God who speaks is not a localized or false deity. He is the universal God who spoke the universe into being. He is the timeless God that put the restraints of space and time upon His creation. Against the evolutionists, the universe is not eternal, the Creator God who made it is. He is greater than His creation and we are responsible to Him as our Creator.
Notice that verse four gives the specific illustration of one heavenly body. It happens arguably to be the most powerful creation of the natural world. It is the sun. As powerful as it is, it always and only does the will of the one who created it. Although overwhelming in power and heat, it always follows the path laid down by its Creator. It always does that for which it was created. It provides light and heat to the glory of God. Unlike pagan cultures around the world, we do not worship the “sun” as a god. We worship the SON as the God of creation (John 1:1-3). The sun simply gives daily testimony over all of God’s creation that the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God is its creator. The sun and the rest of creation for that matter, is our Creator as well (4b).
I love this next verse (5). It happens all the time at weddings. They put the poor old groom in a closet somewhere to wait. When he finally makes his entrance, nothing happens. Everybody just sits there. They just sit there and keep on talking. It is the most disgusting display ever been. What is worse, the same thing happens when the preacher comes out. You just keep sitting and you keep on talking. But when the bride is ready to come out, there is music, there is pomp and there is circumstance. Right on time, everyone in that congregation stands for that bride. They will not stand for the poor bridegroom and they will not stand for the preacher. Oh, but they will stand for the bride. Not only that they turn as she comes down the aisle, grinning from ear to ear and staring. It is just so unfair. Not so with this verse. [read verse 5]
The Bible speaks of the sun coming out of his bedchamber. He is dominant in this verse. He is joyous, yet obedient. He is pictured as a bridegroom magnificently attired and on his way to the bride’s house to claim her. He does not have to wait for her to come to him. He is proactive and goes to get her. I like that. Yet, this is a picture of the sun and the radiance and determination with which it travels. It is part of God’s creation and fulfills its purpose with pleasure. [read verse 6]
In this verse we observe the sun’s purpose. What is that purpose? It is the fact that nothing is hidden from its heat. The earth is positioned in the galaxy just as God designed and purposed it to be. If it were off just minutely, we would either freeze to death or we would burn up. There is purpose in the universe because God is Creator and He exists in all times and in all places.


To the question, “Does God Exist,” we can answer with a confident and resounding “YES!” Yet, it is because He exists that we are responsible to Him as our Creator. He exists and He is glorious. The Creator God reveals His glory in His creation. He exists in all times and in all places. The creation reveals the Creator’s greatness. Here is the issue for us. Are we revealing the Creator’s greatness through living in obedience to Him?
Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. It is one of billions upon billions of galaxies. Within the Milky Way there are billions upon billions of stars. Is that not phenomenal? By the way, our sin is but a speck of dust on the Milky Way. If you were to travel from one end of the Milky Way to the other, it would take you 100,000 years moving at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). If we were to compare the Milky Way to the continent of North America, our solar system in comparison would be the size of a quarter. Trying finding a single quarter in an area the size of North America. Again, our Milky Way is only one of billions upon billions of other galaxies in God’s massive and magnificent universe. However, every person who lives and who has ever lived, lives on this speck of dust called earth. It is because Earth is the only planet in the entire universe that can sustain life.
The amazing things is that the one who created all of this, is greater than all of this and rules over all of this. He wants you to understand that despite complexities and magnitude of His universe, He loves you. He wants you to come to know Him. Yet, you will never come to know Him if you never spend time with Him. The reason some are not experiencing a marvelous work of God in and through their lives is because they never get alone with Him. God still speaks, but more and more people do not listen. Make time for God by getting alone with Him. When you come off your own spiritual Mount Sinai, your face will be aglow with the glory of God because you have come to know Him in a different and deeper way.
Someone asks the question, “I do not go in for that religious stuff!” What they are saying is they are the god of their life and there is no room for any other. What do you say to someone like that. Whether they are living the lie of the world or they are in a church or they are living the lie of empty religiosity, our response is the same. [read Romans 1:20]
Friend, the creation shouts the glory of God. You are without excuse. You cannot stand against the truth. Would you bow the knee today and receive the truth and be transformed by it? He is here and He is waiting on you.
Now I love this next verse (5).
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