Big Idea of the Message: Love, Truth, Fellowship, Transformation
We have talked about the DNA of our mission, so let’s talk about the DNA of our values. Values represent convictions and show the core of not just what a person believes, but also how they live (ethics). Four core values identify the church: love, truth, fellowship, and transformation. (Ministry Pass - DNA The Core of the Local Church Series)
Love John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Love John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
What does it mean to love;
The world, in my opinion and yes we have talked about the extensively, has watered down and change the meaning of love;
Sadly this watered down version is also in the church;
We love food, movies, book, art, places, and yes people - until they do something you don’t like;
The world also defines love only in the physical sense - if you love me you would… and when this happens the person that has no true meaning of love will give in because they do not want to disappoint or get rejected;
Yet none of this is the love that is in these words - the love in these words is agape unconditional and undeserving;
And this is the love the local church needs to strive to achieve;
N. T. Wright says, “Early Christians lived as an extended family. …The church must never forget that call” (David P. Seemuth, “Ephesians: What Kind of Family Does Jesus Create,” N.T. Wright Online,
How would the church change if agape abounded, how would communities change if agape abounded and how would the world change if agape abounded?
Truth John 8:31-32
Truth John 8:31-32
The big question is the world today is this - “What is truth?”;
Truth is - “Something which is in accordance with fact or reality”;
Yet some people believe that truth resides only in each of us and that my truth is the only real truth;
However real truth must come from outside of each of us and most be consistent;
Jesus, on numerous occasions, said “I am the truth...”, and He is always consistent;
So why is being consistent so import, consider electricity, what happen when the power in your house is not consistent, lights dim, TVs may turn off - at the best part of the show, you loose internet and it could damage electronics;
What happens when you are not consistent in the word of God, in prayer or in His church;
John 1–11 (4) The Light of Tabernacles and the Great Confrontation (8:12–59)
The believer who is committed to abide in Jesus and his word is in this Gospel to be designated as an authentic (alēthēs) disciple (cf. 6:64–66; contrast 5:38).
The only way to know truth is to be in the truth, who is Jesus Christ;
John 1–11 (4) The Light of Tabernacles and the Great Confrontation (8:12–59)
The meaning here involves knowing Jesus as truth, who brings a transforming sense of freedom to human life.
Now understand this important point - there is more to knowing Jesus than just reading the Bible, praying and going to church - which are all important - there must be a change in your Spiritual DNA;
John 1–11 (4) The Light of Tabernacles and the Great Confrontation (8:12–59)
This verse is a statement neither advocating nor disparaging academics. Moreover, it is not a statement advocating attachment to mere information or doctrine about Jesus. It is instead a statement about a living relationship with the Son of God, “the truth,” who gives freedom to human beings (cf. 8:36).
When we allow Jesus to drop from our head to our heart and become the key to our Spiritual DNA that’s when freedom in Christ occurs.
Transformation 1 Peter 2:17, 1 John 4:7
Transformation 1 Peter 2:17, 1 John 4:7
As we begin to love, agape, like Jesus we will begin to look deeper for truth, as we look deeper at truth that is when transformation occurs;
Attitudes will change, reactions will change, focus will change, and we will change;
Jesus changes everything. Our spiritual DNA has not just given us a new place to go when we die but ultimately changes us in our present life. (Ministry Pass - DNA The Core of the Local Church Series)
How is your transformation going, where does change need to occur, have you allowed the Holy Spirit to become a part of your Spiritual DNA;
The Holy Spirit is always present in our lives transforming us to become more like our DNA in Christ. We are people being changed and we want to see other lives changed. Changed lives = Changed communities. (Ministry Pass - DNA The Core of the Local Church Series)
Are you ready for a transformation in your Spiritual DNA?
Application Point: We will be a people that love well, speak truth, fellowship in community, and are transformed.