The Incalculable Love of Christ
Ephesians 3:14-21
Ephesians 3:14-21
What does it mean that Jesus loves you?
Here Paul resumes the prayer that He had originally began to pray earlier in chapter 3, but got side-tracked, so to understand why he is praying we’ve got to look at Ch. 2 and there we see that Paul is bowing his knees before God because of the work He has done in Christ and is doing by the Spirit in saving all people and building His church.
Paul is bowing his knees in prayer demonstrating urgency and humility to the Father, who is our creator and has complete dominion over us
So what does he pray for the churches?
First, that through the Spirit we would be given power to persevere as believers in this world
So Paul is first praying that God would strengthen them to so that they may live faithfully to God in the present life
What’s this power necessary for?
So that Christ might dwell in our hearts
This happens when we are saved, Jesus dwells and works within His believers by the work of the Holy Spirit
But Paul is also trying to draw out is for Christ to increasingly influence our hearts and lives through the work of the Holy Spirit
This power is also meant to work that as we are rooted and grounded in love we may be able to increasingly comprehend how infinite Christ love is for us
And finally it is meant for us to be able to really know the love of Christ that surpasses any understanding.
Paul is praying for us that we can truly see how infinite God’s love is towards those that belong to Him.
What is the end goal of this deeper understanding of the love of Jesus
So that we may be filled with the fullness of God
Ultimately as we begin to truly see more and more of how deeply Christ loves us, what results is a deeper devotion to Him and a deeper joy.
Christianity is not meant to be a dull religion, but it is a new life that God gives us so that we may joyfully live with Him
And when we recognize this, we will be just like Paul in verses 20-21, lifting up praise to God.