Chosen for the Challenge
Kingdom Men Rising "Chosen for the Challenge • Sermon • Submitted
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When building a house, what is the purpose of a foundation?
When building a house, what is the purpose of a foundation?
You’ve probably never heard someone compliment the appearance of a foundation before. No one brags about the quality of a foundation. We don’t stand around together dropping lines like, “You should see my foundation! It’s the prettiest foundation you’ll ever see.”
Foundations aren’t meant to be pretty or showy; they’re meant to be foundational-study, solid, stable, and strong. In fact, men only talk about foundations when a problem arises that needs to be looked at and addressed.
What happens when a building is constructed on top of a faulty foundation?
What happens when a building is constructed on top of a faulty foundation?
God crafted men with a foundation in mind. Your role here isn’t to draw attention to yourself or be as showy as you can be. God has placed men in pivotal positions in order to provide the support, stability, and strength needed to build healthy communities and families.
As a kingdom man, God has given you a purpose to live out, a divine design to fulfill. This session speaks to your unique calling to provide the foundational framework upon which your influence can rest and RISE.
Ask someone to pray before watching the video teaching.
Video Teaching discussion
Video Teaching discussion
Read Genesis 18:19 together
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (Chapter 18)
19 “For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him.”
Name some of the things God promised Abraham.
Name some of the things God promised Abraham.
When God called Abraham, He told him that He had chosen him. he promised to make Abraham’s name great and his descendants many. He chose to bless Abraham in order to bless others (Genesis 12:1-3
Genesis 12:1–3 (NASB95)
Now the Lord said to Abram,
“Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father’s house,
To the land which I will show you;
And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Read Galatians 3:29 together:
Galatians 3:29
And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.
What did Paul mean when he wrote you were an heir of Abraham “according to promise”?
What did Paul mean when he wrote you were an heir of Abraham “according to promise”?
In what ways can Abraham’s promises get passed down to you?
In what ways can Abraham’s promises get passed down to you?
What responsibilities do we have because of the promises that have been given to us?
What responsibilities do we have because of the promises that have been given to us?
Every man is a draftee in the kingdom of God. Once we accept Jesus Christ, He lays claim to us and that means we have a post to hold. You have a position to play on a bigger team. We’ve been given a blessing that God expects us to pass on to others. In other words, we’re a part of a kingdom team. We’ve been called to take our stand with God, for God, from God, about God, in a world that needs to know God.
Why does following God compel us to take a stand for God?
Why does following God compel us to take a stand for God?
Describe one way you have taken a stand for Gods recently. What did you lean from that experience? How others were impacted?
Describe one way you have taken a stand for Gods recently. What did you lean from that experience? How others were impacted?
The blessing God gives us is meant to extend beyond us. One way to take a stand for God is to intentionally inject your life into the lives of other men. This is done through discipleship. When we disciple someone, we replicate the work of God in us to others who will then invest in others. Through discipleship God creates a plethora of kingdom men with whom the world must contend.
What are some common hesitations men have when it comes to committing to disciple someone else or be discipled by someone else?
What are some common hesitations men have when it comes to committing to disciple someone else or be discipled by someone else?
How do we sometimes rationalize “growing alone” in order to side-step the important calling of participating in discipleship?
How do we sometimes rationalize “growing alone” in order to side-step the important calling of participating in discipleship?
Can you share a personal example of the result of having been discipled at some point in your life, or discipling someone else?
Can you share a personal example of the result of having been discipled at some point in your life, or discipling someone else?
If you do not have a personal example, share a hope you would expect to see as a result of men discipling other men.
If you do not have a personal example, share a hope you would expect to see as a result of men discipling other men.
Pray that we can be intentional about standing up for God fulfilling His role in our lives. Help us to be men of our word with a solid foundation of truth, wisdom and grace so that others around us can thrive. Open up opportunities for us to disciple other men, and to also be discipled as we seek to grow in spiritual maturity, in Jesus name, Amen.