"TOur Church, Our Time" 10.10.2021

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"TOur Church, Our Time" 10.10.2021  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  18:59
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But whom say that I am. And Simon Peter answered and said the son of the Living. God. And Jesus answered and said unto him. blessed, art that Simon bar Jonah. For flesh, and blood has not revealed it unto thee and learn. But my father. Which is in heaven? And I say all she wants to do that work. Peter and Upon This Rock. I will build my church and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it, man. And I will give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatsoever. Thou shalt bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever. Shall loose on Earth, shall be loosed in heaven.

Praise the Lord.

I tell you it is it is good. It is good to belong.

A sense of belonging. Human desires since the beginning. Great things have been achieved through groups who have found belonging. The pursuit of belonging has been to reach beyond the boundaries of fear. The pursuit of belonging has man reached beyond the boundaries of doubt.

I want to tell you straight up everybody. If you're looking for something to belong to, I said, If you're looking for something to belong to you, have found the right place.

You see the church is not an institution.

You see, it's not a club.

It's just, it's not just The Fellowship of believers. This is the body of Christ. We are the body. We are part of this thing.

You ever hear the term employee-owned?

How many times have you heard that employee-owned? How many times have you seen a name tag on somebody's uniform that says employee owner on it. You see that tag is a beacon to the world. I am an owner of this company and I care how it operates.

You see when the church was established.

It was done. So to bring the body of Christ into action. It wasn't necessarily to get together and eat. It wasn't necessarily to get together and have a picnic and a party. It was not a religious Society. There was a small group of faithful people in all the Earth. Remember was 12. This thing that you're sitting in this thing that you've seen the sink that is all over. The world was started with 12.

You see the church was born to involve you there. Jordan was involved too involved me.

Fire of God's work as an individual. and as a whole, He said to them. But who do you say? I am?

Simon Peter said you are the Christ, the son of the Living God. And Jesus answered him. Blessed. Are you Simon bar-jonah for flesh? And blood has not revealed this to you. But my father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter and on this rock. I will build this church.

All right. I want you to notice something with me. The revelation. Of God in Christ, is the foundation Price Rite. The vacations, his only through Jesus Christ.

See, I love Verse 18 with Charlotte arrest that first four years in. Here's a specialist Pentecostal Upon This Rock. I will build my church.

What a revelation.

Venda Health cannot withstand the name of Jesus. Come on on overcome the Church of Jesus Christ.

Not a junior. God not a part-time God but God himself.

And if you're going to build on anything.

Build it on a salad named. I said, Billy.

The wise men. Or the wise, man. Build his house. On the rock. You see that weird rock is Petra. Petra. A massive Rock?

Everyone stay with me, Solid Rock, Solid Rock, corruptible things.

Play it. Again. This is my church.

You see the greatest attacks of Satan? Cannot stop God's people in man. See, God's church is a powerful Church. Oh, yeah, you may look around and do you see 12 or 15 or 18 people? But twelve men changed the world following one, man.

The name is a powerful name. Powerful Church. Somebody My church is built on the rock. My church is built on the rock.


Man, I sure hope you come to work on Monday.

Church, want you to realize today, that this is our church. It's time to take ownership of your church. It's time to take ownership and when somebody on something.

They take care of it. And I act like it, the man. What do you say in pastor Pastor what I'm saying?

Cuz it's not the most popular thing. He is wrong.

This truck takes a backseat to nothing.

Cuz this is God's church with the church beliefs and Kris. Again, he is wrong to take the efforts of men and women like you, the single most greatest move of God that the world has ever seen. Brooklyn. God wants us to know that we already Integra parts of the workings. I'm at the church. Is he? The church needs?

We are the body of Christ now. That's why when we pray to God.

That's why when we lose things on earth. It is a new student Helen. That's why we find things on earth. We are second, right? This is God's Prime. Search.

Somebody else's my time, my time.

Psalms 18 1 and 2 says, I will love thee O Lord, my strength. My lord is my rock. My lord is my Fortress and my deliverer, my God life, who will we drop?

No matter what color and the Horn of my salvation and my high tower.

You see it's time for New Life. Methodist Church. New Life. Christian Church International. Come on. I know it's a long. You need to believe that it's our time.

It's our time. I ain't going to let you sit there and be quiet time. Time time after time. Overtime is too short brothers and sisters, but I think it's time we need to be encouraged to be credit cards. Just be called her phone. You see most people can do more than they think they can but you know, we usually do less. Man, then we think we can. See, you never know what you can do until you try members of. Everything is possible.

Never. Use the word never.

You see if you devalue your dreams. Rest assured. The world's not going to raise the price. You want me to say that again, if you're going to devalue your own dreams. Don't think the world is going to give you any extra money for it. You got to send up. You got to be proud to say, I can do that. This is my calling. This is where I'm at.

Have to tell you one more time. I have to tell you one more time, the change. Church, as usual is about to change. We must recognize that this is our time, brothers and sisters.


Is to make it impossible.

Says, you can't.

To believe an idea is impossible.

Makes it impossible.

As soon as you say the words, I can't. We have failed.

It's time. I believe great things. I said it's time to attempt great things.

Listen to the pastor today. I am not about height.

I've lived at the hands of many pastors. And they're mere hype. For many years.

I am talking about reality. Hey, man, there are churches in these times that are thriving when the critics said they can't. There are churches in this time thriving in spite of the government that says we chance. Right now, churches are achieving what? Others told them it was impossible to do.

Listen, the people out there are looking looking for a church that can deliver the goods. A church that believes. That's the word of God is for today.

A church that believes. That the word of God is for us.

I don't know where each and every one of you is in your walk Where You Are.

But the god of the day is the same. God is the same God forever. Never change. And I'm going to close. I said all of this to say. This is our church. This is our time. This is our church. This is our time. Let's do something about it. Let's just not sit on our toes for tonight. In Kuwait. Church is a life crisis. Your life Christianity is not a religion, is a face series of crises alive.

It's time for every person to take ownership and do your part.

I'm praying. Meaning, for cleaning the singing.

If my people, Who are called by my name? Humble themselves and pray and seek my face.

You will forgive their sin.

And heal their land.

If my people, Laura Cole.

Humble themselves and pray. And seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways. Then I will hear from him. And will forgive their sin. Hallelujah. Thank you. Lord. Thank you. Jesus is our church. Hallelujah. Start. I Thank you, God.



God a smoker. Play Ed Sheeran.

Let the church.

Dash for cash.


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