Saga: Jesus and Abraham

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We're continuing our series Saga, hope to the entire world. And in the past, I have.

Simply made this statement.

It opened the wrong one. All right, we're good.

I love it. Cuz for some reason it show on the right sides there and the wrong stuff here. I don't know how that's possible. It's okay. Today. We're going to look at Romans chapter. No, Romans. Genesis. Got me all messed up in the head. Now Genesis Chapter 18 Genesis Chapter 18 is a unique passage and it's one that pastors love to preach on but what they love to preach up the last half of it not so much the first half but the last act because in the last half of it we have this interaction between Jesus and Abraham, right? And they're standing out and the Lord has come to pronounce judgment over Sodom and Gomorrah. And use this to Abraham that this is going to happen. Just turned me down a little bit game. Hopefully, that fixes it. It's actually the one that says, dan. I'm not Dan, but we're good. So in Genesis 18, we have this interaction between them. And Abraham is going to in the last half of this go. Hey, you know, a god who's Justin righteous wouldn't allow the righteous to perish with the Evil Woody and they go back and forth. Right? And he says, what if there was this many righteous, would you save them? What if this many and they do this back and forth in this is, were pastors love to go because you have such a lengthy interaction. I have, to be honest. It's the first half that I think is the most amazing part of the story. And it's the part. We tend to skip over and we miss Write in fact, it's the first half that gets quoted twice in the book of Hebrews chapter 11, as examples of faith for both Abraham and Sarah. And so that's where we're going to end up today. We're only looking to do first half and after he looked at it, I would suggest go home, read that last half because it's good stuff. Write and read about what happens. Paint. The angels are sent and they pronounce judgement. What happens? Then from lot? Right and keep reading cuz what happens with his daughters. A lot of good stuff, right? Just not. But what comes from that though? Is Ruth? Ruth comes from this. So this is kind of a beginning of this story, right? And so we can even see we've looked at Ruth in the past. God maintaining that seed, right? His hope for a better future for all of us to come through his son. Jesus Christ, which is interesting that Jesus is the one here present in our story. Announcing all of this. So let's look at Genesis chapter 18, verse 1, we read and the Lord appeared to him by The Oaks of mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent, In the Heat of the day. And so him here is Abraham. We know this is God, but it doesn't appear that Abraham does right away. It doesn't seem like Abraham realizes that the Lord has come to him. Abraham has what we re here, right? He said you sitting he seated at the door of his tent In the Heat of the day. What's important here in this verse? I believe it. We oftentimes misses that Abraham has a set time to rest and to recuperate in the midst of the day. There's no work. There's no entertainment. There is simply rest, right? Oftentimes. Most of us. I think go. Ok, the day's done. It's time to chill. So what do we do? We sit in front of the TV and we turn it on. That is America's unwind. I think that's how probably 99% of America decides. It's time to just kind of calm the thing down. Before I go to bed, you know, what science says about that to be screen. It doesn't allow the brain to rest because whatever is going on in front of it. Those lights and all that stuff. Keep you going. That's why we all have a hard time falling asleep after we watch TV often times, right? And so I would argue that. We need to find a different means of rest. A way to stop things and slow them down. Why do we have X set aside in which we simply do nothing? Sounds odd to the American mind, why? Because there's always something that hacks to get done. Right, especially if you have kids. I remember when mine was a little there was always close. There was always something to get ready for the next day. Right? But we all need a time in which we can truly rest. And if we're going to fill it with something, I'll get there yet. We'll come back to this idea. Sorry. I kind of let it out there, right? And I just now going to leave it and we're going to move on. Let's go to verse 2.

Amber's too, wearied Abraham lifted up his eyes and he looked and behold three men. Now, we read three men were standing in front of him. And when he saw them, he ran from the dent door to meet them and doubt himself to the Earth until he comes before these three men. Tandy boughs low before these three men. And so we would say well he realizes God's there, right? Because he's selling the four of them. However, you not really. This is no indication that he has, any realization that God is the one who standing before him because the typical thing for Bedouin tribes during this time period for a stranger to come, by was to greet them in this manner. This was a normal greeting for someone who was deemed a stranger. Because the greatest thing someone could show to a stranger during this time was hospitality, and that's what we're going to see from Abraham here. And so who are these three men? I'm going to argue. One of them is Jesus. It identifies him already as the Lord and we had capital L capital O capital. R capital D, right in the past. I've said that's the formal name of God, and that's how the English represents it. And so that's what we have here. That is the name of God. I am what some call Yahweh or Jehovah. That's what we see there. We saw that in verse once. We know God is standing before him and I would argue will there's a physical man there for that. Most physically be Jesus. Since Jesus is the only one who takes physical form for the other two. This can be the father and the Holy Spirit because they don't have physical form. These are two angels, and Jesus is going to send these two angels. To rescue lot. and his Daughters the attempt to rescue, his wife doesn't end well, but you can read this later. So, in the next verse queried,

So, why was this important? I know things are weird. All right, why was it important? We here's what we know in Hebrews, 13, the author of Hebrews references. This passage. What Abraham has done here? Into the author of Hebrews says, look do not neglect to show Hospitality to strangers for thereby. Some have entertained angels unaware. Abraham at this point in the story at some point. He knows who it is. He recognizes it for who he is. He recognizes Jesus before him. He may have not known the name Jesus. But he knew that was God. God at this point, has spoken to him multiple times, right? He knows the voice of God. He didn't recognize him physically when he stood before him at first. I don't believe it's going to happen. It might because he's going to have this lengthy discussion the last half of 18, but I don't believe at this point. He realizes And so he was unaware that there were angels and the Lord were standing before him and yet he entertain them. And the author of Hebrews says looks show Hospitality to everyone be nice to everyone. Because you never know when doing so may be entertaining angels.

So, what that means is, as we go out throughout our day everyday. If we come across a stranger, you have no idea whether or not God has sent that angel or that stranger as an angel to stand before you it may not. Be may just be a stranger.

But we should show as Christians Hospitality to all people, but do we know them or not? Because when we do, right? Do we do that? Are you this way? Should we do that? Because they might be Angels, what's a reason? And the author of Hebrews are used? That's why you should do it. But I would say this we should do it simply to show the love of Christ to everyone. We have opportunity to do so with All right. That's why we should do it. In the midst of that those that come before us, just might be angels that have been sent to come before us for whatever reason that God has sent them. So now what we're going to get is in the next, several versus what it would look like. For the standard family, during this time to receive a stranger into their midst, right? So if a stranger was passing through and we were a family list. We would do this very thing for anyone who walked past and you're going to be blown away by what do they do? Right. So in the next couple few versus and versus 325, we read So Abraham says, oh Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by your servant little little water, be brought and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree. So it was typical thing for a traveler to need rest. Right? And the worst thing as a traveler was your feet because they wore open sandals, right? And it was Sandy area. And that would have been abrasive and would have been hard. And so the greatest relief that you would have been able to find, would have been fresh water for your feet, might sound odd to us because we wear shoes that are much better than what they were then. Right into this was a means of rest and relaxation for the weary traveler. And so this is what he asked them to do. Wash your feet, rest under the trees and shade, and the next first. He said, then says Abraham says, while I bring a morsel of bread that you may refresh yourselves. And after that, you may pass on since you have come to your servant. So they said, do as you have said, And then the next person, wearied, and Abraham went quickly into the tent to Sarah, and said, quick three C's of fine flour, need it and make cakes.

And so Abraham.

Come look at my alarm. Abraham goes to Siri and says, look bake a cake when the big cake like we thought it would have been closer to a tortilla. Right? Or something along those lines, make something for them to eat. Right? And so then we're in the next worse and Abraham then ran to the herd. And he took a calf, tender and good, and give it to a young man, who prepared it quickly. Now, this is why argue, Sorry, I jumped. This is why argue that Abraham doesn't know that this is Jesus. If This Were Jesus, I believe this would say this and Abraham ran to the herd and took the best calf. He could find But it takes a calf, tendon, good, not a bad calf, right? Because he's entertaining. Someone you never present your worst when you're entertaining anyone, right? But if he had known, I believe at this point in time that it was the Lord God who is standing before him. He would have grabbed the best. From among his flock, which is what the law commands. Get the best from the flock be presented to God.

We gave it to young man who prepared it quickly. Imagine how long this takes?

This meal, we're going to make a meal that he's not just running to the Butcher and getting something, he picked the calf. Now they're going to butcher it. And then this is a lengthy time, right? That's going to take place here. So then he takes it says in the next where she took curds and milk and the calf that he had prepared and said it before them and he stood by them. Target, my bad. I'm getting ahead of him and he stood by them under the tree while they ate. So the three men. Have eaten their meal. They've rested and it is now time for them to speak. Why has Jesus come to Abraham? I'll give you a hint. Remember the scriptures are all about him. And so this is the first thing. The Lord says to Abraham and verse 9. He says they said to him is Sarah, your wife. And Abraham said, she's in the tent. Jesus, primary concern is Sarah. Where is Sarah your wife?

Tony give you a little insight on how when I study the scriptures, the kind of things that I do when I read a passage like this. When I come to dialogue like this one, I often ask myself. How would I have responded? Right. So here's a stranger. Who asks? Where is Sarah your wife, if a stranger who I didn't know a strange Man, 3, strange man asked me. Where is Autumn your wife. My first question. My first response is not going to be. She's in the tent. It's probably going to be, how do you know, my wife's name? Right. This is how I think this is how I tend to study the scriptures, even recognize who he is, perhaps, I don't know. We're not giving a clue into that. We don't know. When Abraham honestly recognizes that it is God who stands before him? Maybe it is now. I'm not sure, but I guarantee you, I probably would not have responded with she's in the kitchen. Yo, how do you know my wife?

So, this is how I study scripture, right? And sometimes I come up with some Audrey sponsors like this, that that's why I wasn't chosen by God, cuz I would have just said she's in the 10th, which is what Abraham did, which was the right thing? Now, let's go to the next verse Lord says. I will surely return. She asks where she at. She's in the tent. And then he goes, I will surely return to you about this time next year and Sarah, your wife. She'll have a son. And Sarah was listening at the tent door behind him. So we here have Jesus. Jesus is proclaiming a miraculous birth, right? We have a barren woman whose old Beyond age of having birth. All right. Until he is prophesying a birth to come to Sarah.

The next verse we read now Abraham and Sarah old. Advanced in years. The way of women has ceased to be with Sarah. I love how sometimes at the scripture put these things. Where you can have babies no more. Write this is not something old people. Do you don't have babies when you get old? It's too hard to chase after them. It just is.

Remember we had read earlier. She was bearing right now. We read that this barren woman is advancing or years and past menopause. She's not able to have children any along any longer. So, there is absolutely no way. She is capable of giving birth to a child but God, and so now we're going to read Sarah's response. And it is amazing. The next verse we read. So Sarah laughed to herself saying after I am worn out and my Lord is old. Shall I have pleasure? She recognizes at this point. She's over 75 years old. She's probably close to 80. I know she's 98. Actually, 98 years old 98. Going to give birth in like with no modern science. No, modern medicine. A 98 year old woman back then had become pregnant. It was probably a death sentence, right? It just wasn't happening. And so she laughs inwardly. Now I have to ask myself some questions again.

I don't believe Sarah realizes the gravity of the situation in which she now stands. I don't believe that she knows who it is. That is speaking, because if she had realized who it was, I don't believe she would have essentially laugh in the face of her, God. Right now Granite that's not what happened. Exactly. She laughed inwardly it said But it's God. And given the information, we know about Syria's ability to have children. Some stranger saying this is laughable, right? That's why I think that she believes. This is some just random. Dude, that somehow knows her name. Which doesn't really make sense either. Does it get like this is how I think through when I study, why would Sarah think this? Why would she like, why would she not realize? This is God, how would a stranger know her name? How would a stranger know the prophecies that have been placed over Abraham? That is C Woods to come from her. It's not Ishmael. It's to come from her. Right. And so now we get Gonza response to this in the next first. We read the Lord said to Abraham. Why did Sarah laugh and say, shall I end a indeed bear. A child. Now that I am old. Well, that's not exactly what she said. Right? It's not her words, but it does capture the point of what she said to herself. Not exactly. What was said. At this point. She should have replied. I believe that's not quite what I said. But when I get there yet. Jesus isn't done speaking. He says he continues in the next person. He says, is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time. I will return to you at about this time next year. And Sarah shall have a son.

Abraham and Sarah up to. This point had believed, I believe fully the word of the Lord, however, and typical human fashion, they didn't understand, or know, the means by which God would fulfill the prophecy that Abraham would have as an air, right? And so they created Ishmael, by other means, The story of Ishmael is that when God says he is doing something that seems impossible. We must trust that the impossible can only be accomplished by God. We must remove ourselves from the equation and not attempt to devise a plan or a solution on our own. Weiner. And we need to allow God to handle that which we cannot. We need to trust in him. That's what the story of Ishmael says to us. Right? And here's the moral of that story. I believe. If we always think that we are the solution to every problem and we need to be in control of everyone around us. Then we live our lives as though. We do not meet God. This is how a arrow have been living up to this point in their live, their lives. Say this very thing. I believe you Jesus. I believe the words you say, I believe in who you are, but I trust myself more.

They believe in God, they didn't fully understand what it meant to truly lean on him and allow him to work. Now, Sarah's going to respond. I am so sorry. Responding that Converse and Sarah denies it saying I did not laugh. For. She was afraid. Now, she's afraid. He said, no, but you did laugh. I have this actually kind of makes me laugh. She had no fear. When this stranger knew her name and do the prophecies blessed upon Abraham. Though they had never been introduced, right? She's never heard the voice of God. She's never seen the face of God. He knew Sarah, though. But Sarah did not recognize him. The point, right here, right now is one of the major turning points in our story for both, Abraham and Sarah. There lies at this point, in their story are going to make a dramatic shift.

Abraham at some point has recognized who it is that sits before him. And we're, we're not old when that expressly occurs, but it's clear. Now, from this point in the story forward, then it definitely has happened. However, for Sarah, we know it is definitely right now. She's afraid because of her response to her creator. Do the creator of all things. She is just laughed at her maker. I look very carefully at Jesus. Holy and righteous response to her condescending tone, towards God Almighty. He says, no, but you did laugh. And that's it. It's absolutely beautiful. He simply corrects the error, we might say her lie. He doesn't make a big deal out of her disrespectful tone towards him. Does he? That is Grace.

We probably would not have responded the same way.

And we read about him and Hebrews 11 verse 11. Hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 about Sarah. It says by faith Sarah herself receive power to defeat, even when she was past the age. Since she considered him faithful who had promised. This is a point that so much for the church, misses. Sarah received power, not because of her faith. It doesn't that God didn't give the power to conceive because she was some pillar of Faith towards God. It was because she leaned on the faithfulness of Jesus. It is the faithfulness Jesus that empowers up is, will it is his faithfulness towards us that saves us from Alps in

In Genesis 18, verse 16, as this story continues, we're getting towards the end and it says, then the men set out from there. And they look down towards Sodom and Abraham went with them to set them on their way. Our story is now beginning to transition to the next event, in the lives of Jesus and Abraham and their relationship. And it is at an amazing and it is an amazing story of a man and his maker. The two angels are now headed to Sodom and Gomorrah to bring destruction because of the sin. To store stories, show. The very real difference in the relationships that exist between everyone and their God. The difference between the children of grace and the children of Rap, God shows, love and mercy, even towards his disrespectful children. But only wrath and anger to those who are not a part of his flock. This is why Genesis 18 exist. The point forward towards, what life will look like when our soon-coming King returns Grace and wrath will coexist side-by-side for a time. And from the midst of the Rap. God will save his Chosen People by his grace.

And then in verses 17 through 18, we read.

The Lord said, shall I hide from Abraham? What I'm about to do Cena, Abraham, surely, become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed in him. I hope all of this looks familiar to everyone right? God is simply restating what he's already said. In Genesis chapter 12, verses 1 through 3. He's also re-emphasizing what he said to Abraham in Genesis chapter 15 and 17. Prior to this, we can go over those, right?

And so at this point Abraham should have no doubt, there is a seed who is yet to come. That will be a blessing to this world. Verse 19, we read for, I have chosen him. Lord says that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and Justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham, what has been promised to him.

A couple of things here that are very important. First. God, has shown himself to be both righteous and just in the scriptures up to this point. We're only 18 chapters right into the story. And at this point, I think there should be no doubt that God is both righteous. And just the one thing that we should have no doubt about from the first 17 chapters. Is this truth. And in the midst of his righteousness, and in his Justice, we find Grace towards those who are chosen to be his people, Abraham will command his children. It says to keep the way of the Lord, and that way we'll be seen in their practices of both righteousness and justice. We know because we already know the story of Israel that they actually feel at this miserably and so God's grace actually looks like this if we look at this works, right? It says for, I have chosen him. That he may command his children in his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice. Do the Lord, me bring to Abraham, what he has promised him. This is what Grace says. I have chosen him so that the Lord may bring to Abraham. What he has promised him. They fail miserably at the righteousness and Justice part. And yet Grace says, I will still bless you.

I believe that I could rightly state that the majority of Abraham's physical offspring are both unrighteous and unjust in their dealings with one another. This is the rest of the story of Israel. But God got in his grace chose Abraham, to be a blessing to this world and God promise this to Abraham and nothing will frustrate the plans. And Promises of our god. This is Grace. Then in the last 2 verses and verses 21-20 through 21 we read then the Lord said because of the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave. I will go down to see whether they have done all together. According to the outcry that has come to me and if not, I will know I stayed at the beginning of every knee will bow. Before Jesus is King. It will do so either through Grace. Rap. And this truth is played out before. Our very eyes are in Genesis Chapter 18, the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah have grown, so great, that it is as though, they have become a cry up to the Lord. Allowed prideful voice towards God daring him to bring judgment. So what, so what does all that have to do with us? What does that have to do with you? And I, I think one of the first and most important things that come from the story. Is one of rest. It's not evident in the story, but I think rest is very important to all of us.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. He created for 6 days. We always say 7, but it took only six. Because in Genesis chapter two, virtu wearied and on the seventh day, God finished work that he had done and he rested on the seventh day, from all his work that he had done. Do I find rest? Do we take time to truly slow down and rest? Right. I don't feel that many of us do. Most of us, push it off because there's something always pressing that needs to be done.

I think that the rest is one of the most important things you can ever do in your life. And you find need to find time, not just during the week a day to rest, but throughout your day. You need to find time in which you might rest, and I'm going to qualify this a little more because you need to find time to rest in Jesus. You need to learn to trust in him. It is only through this that time that we can become spiritually aware. Right? And spiritual awareness is really important. Abraham and Sarah at the beginning of our story, did not recognize who it was. It was standing before them. Has Jesus somehow at some point in your life? Perhaps come before you at the spoken and you were unaware. Possible. I don't know.

We all yearn to hear. The quiet voice of Jesus. We call it a still quiet voice.

What does it take to here? A still quiet voice. It requires still Quiet Moments. Right. This is where Abraham and Sarah found themselves in their day during a moment of still quiet time. And I believe that this picture was given to us here of Abraham and Sarah during this time of day. As a reminder, to us take time in your day to find Jesus cuz he's there to be found. He wants to be found. He wants to speak to you. How do we do this? How do we do this? And how do we do it? Well, when I went to Bible College, one of the first passages that I was encouraged to memorize by a pastor Friday, Professor back. That was required was Joshua chapter 1 verses 8 through 9, which is the book. This book of the law, shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do. According to all that is written in it for. Then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success. Have I do not do not be paid for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

So much on Facebook and other places. And I hear it on the TV. I see it on the radio, this idea of Faith over fear. We're right here. Tells you. He said, I've commanded you be strong be courageous. And here's how you start with that meditate on his law day and night. His word. His words, as he speaks to you through the scriptures will bring strength and it will bring courage.

Until we need to Everyday find time for crepe, find time for Jesus in the scriptures. And when we do, we will be able to face whatever comes our way in strength and courage. We won't be like Sarah and laugh at Jesus. It's a horrible thing. But to be honest, it's most one of the most wonderful things in scriptures because I don't believe Jesus took it personally. Write how many of us? If we had said, this is going to happen and somebody laughed at us. We would be like, yo, can't laugh at me. That's not right. It's not nice. Jesus isn't even concerned with it. Is it doesn't Define their relationship? Right. Those moments of uncertainty about Jesus that you may have those moments where you're unsure. Of who Jesus is those moments of uncertainty are okay? They're okay. Jesus is bigger than they are. And he will continue to show himself faithful to you so that you might learn to lean all the more on him. Don't beat yourself up for those moments, like, Sarah has. Don't or Abraham Abraham is twice, not once but twice going to pass Sarah off as his sister out of fear for other men. It's weird. And yet God chose Abraham knowing he would do that. God doesn't look at all the little mistakes. We make and disqualify us. Nothing disqualifies us. Nothing can stand between you and Jesus except one thing and one thing only and that's you.

Father God, we thank you for this day.

Jesus, you are our only hope. In this life. You are the way you are the truth and you are the life. And through you, we find the father. Jesus, we pray that you would strengthen us and encourage us through your word.

We pray that you would use us as a blessing that you have called us to be. His instruments of Grace in the hands of Our Redeemer. Lord Jesus. We pray this in your mighty name. Amen.

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