Mark Sermon Week 4
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The Spirit of the Lord God is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives
and freedom to the prisoners;
2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor,
and the day of our God’s vengeance;
to comfort all who mourn,
3 to provide for those who mourn in Zion;
to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
festive oil instead of mourning,
and splendid clothes instead of despair.
And they will be called righteous trees,
planted by the Lord
to glorify him.
4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins;
they will restore the former devastations;
they will renew the ruined cities,
the devastations of many generations.
5 Strangers will stand and feed your flocks,
and foreigners will be your plowmen and vinedressers.
Liberation from Concentration Camps
If you read the History of WWII you will read about various times when allied forces came across Nazi Concentration camps
they would liberate all these people that had been experiencing hell on earth.
They may have prayed and hope that God would rescue them, many lost hope.
Those hopes were realized when the Allied forces came and unlocked the gates and set them free.
It wasn’t just hoping or hearing about allied victories
it was the action of them showing up and freeing them.
It is the same with us and the Kingdom of God
We may hear about the Kingdom but until we experience it’s power it will just be a hope.
Jesus came announcing that the Kingdom of God was at Hand.
Mark 1:15 (CSB)
15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
What does the Kingdom of God at hand look like?
The Kingdom of God involves:
Declarations about the Kingdom of God
Demonstrations of Authority and Power
The calling of Disciples
What I want us to see today is that:
Jesus power wasn’t just for His day but for Our day
The Kingdom of God is not just for their day but for ours.
The Kingdom of God is here in our midst, amongst us
Many of us don’t see or haven’t experienced it’
17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
spiritual blindness (we have not yet followed Jesus)
hard-heartedness (due to past wounds or disappointments)
or just willful disobedience
But The good news of the Kingdom of God is Here in Christ
and it is just as powerful and present today as it was when Jesus walked the earth.
We’ll be in Mark 1:21-38.
Go there in your bibles
My name is Justin one of pastors
Welcome you all and online
Let’s pray
marvel at Jesus
The Teacher
The Teacher
Jesus has just called these men to leave everything and follow Him
They have no idea what they are about to experience.
Kingdom Power
Mark 1:21–22 (CSB)
21 They went into Capernaum, and right away (immediately) he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath and began to teach. 22 They were astonished at his teaching because he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not like the scribes
It was a common practice for visiting teachers to be invited to read the Scripture and/or speak, a custom from which Paul as well as Jesus benefited.
That Jesus was invited to speak indicates he had already established a reputation as a teacher and that this was not one of the first events in his ministry.
So he begins teaching, and people were astonished
Why? b/c he taught with authority.
Do you wonder what he was teaching them that provoked this response?
Mark, of all the gospel accounts, has the least amount of teaching, by far.
It is a gospel of Jesus doing things.
Thankfully we have the other gospel accounts to shed light on this.
Sermon on the Mount?
Sermon on the Mount?
He could have been teachings parts of the Sermon on the Mount
where he says things like
“You have heard it said…but I say”
Matt 5:21-22 “You have heard that it was said to our ancestors, Do not murder, and whoever murders will be subject to judgment. 22 But I tell you, everyone who is angry with his brother or sister will be subject to judgment...”
Matthew 5:27–28 (CSB)
27 “You have heard that it was said, Do not commit adultery. 28 But I tell you, everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
That’s Authority
Best of Isaiah Series?
Best of Isaiah Series?
It Luke 4, we see that Jesus teaches in the synagogue in Nazareth “his best of Isaiah” series — and they tried to kill him.
Let’s assume he’s teaching his ‘best of Isaiah’ series.
Luke 4:17–21 (CSB)
17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him, and unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written:
18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to
proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free the oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
20 He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 He began by saying to them, “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.”
That’s an incredible thing to say.
People would be astonished at this.
Declaring the Kingdom of God
Declaring the Kingdom of God
It’s a declaration about the Kingdom of God
“The Spirit if upon me”
“The Spirit if upon me”
Two weeks ago his baptism
“To Preach the Gospel to the poor”
“To Preach the Gospel to the poor”
lit. to “evangelize the poor”
everything Jesus did was to evangelize — to bring good news
It’s why we care about Evangelizing
come and join our 3 week class that starts today
It was important to Jesus and it’s important to us.
Sent to:
Sent to:
proclaim — herald (diff. verb than preach)
release or freedom to the captives
physically sometimes,
spiritually, absolutely
recovering of sight to the blind
physically, some times
spiritually absolutely
to liberate the oppressed
he’s going to actually free the captives
he doesn’t just proclaim it, he will accomplish it
proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
God’s grace to sinners.
This is what the Kingdom of God looks like
Then he announces that this scripture is fulfilled in Him.
an incredible thing to say
And then what happens?
A demon possessed man starts speaking
The Liberator
The Liberator
Mark 1:23–28 (CSB)
23 Just then (immediately) a man with an unclean spirit was in their synagogue. He cried out,
24 “What do you have to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
25 Jesus rebuked him saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!”
26 And the unclean spirit threw him into convulsions, shouted with a loud voice, and came out of him.
27 They were all amazed, and so they began to ask each other, “What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” 28 At once the news about him spread throughout the entire vicinity of Galilee.
Ok, let’s just take a minute to appreciate what happens
Jesus is teaching in the SYNAGOGUE
and someone starts screaming out at Him in the middle of his teaching.
Let’s say we had this guest preacher coming in here
and halfway through his sermon
someone stands up and starts shouting back at him.
The preacher, undeterred looks right at the man and says
The man throws himself on the floor and starts convulsing and shouting with loud voices and goes dead silent and still.
sits up, in his right mind as if nothing happened.
What a day at church right?
This is what happened that day.
What would be your response?
amazement? fear? rejoicing?
Look at theirs:
Mark 1:27–28 (CSB)
27 They were all amazed, and so they began to ask each other,
“What is this? A new teaching with authority!
He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.”
28 At once (immediately) the news about him spread throughout the entire vicinity of Galilee.
They were amazed, astonished
Jesus is demonstrating his authority and power over the demonic realm
the Kingdom of Darkness
The man
The man
Think about this man
he has been under demonic influence for who knows how long
He has experienced a complete transformation that day
He had a name, maybe a family
he would come home a new man.
This is the Kingdom of God at hand.
Their Response
Their Response
Everyone else was amazed
They went and told their friends
Posted on facebook and instagram
you’ll never believe what happened at church today.
So Jesus’ fame begins to spread.
So the disciples say let’s get out of here.
The Healer
The Healer
Mark 1:29–31 (CSB)
29 As soon as they left the synagogue, they went into Simon and Andrew’s house with James and John. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was lying in bed with a fever, and they told him about her at once. 31 So he went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up. The fever left her, and she began to serve them.
So they head over to Peter’s house
Turns out Peter’s mother in law was sick
Peter was married
Jesus goes an heals her right then and there
She gets up and starts to serve them
maybe that was the only way they were getting dinner
So again, let’s appreciate what has happened.
Do you know anyone who can heal people simply by touching them?
We have a multi-billion dollar medical industry
Jesus might be a threat to that
We get sick, we go to the doctor, get prescribed medication and stay home until we are better.
Jesus just shows up and heals her.
What is he doing?
He’s demonstrating his authority and power over disease
he has just done it over the demonic
now over disease.
This is the Kingdom of God at hand
Who is this man?
Who is this man?
What are the disciples thinking at this point?
Who is this man?
a question that becomes increasing urgent throughout the book of Mark.
In fact, it won’t be until 8 chapters later, the halfway point of the book
that Peter makes his famous confession that Jesus is the messiah.
Who is this person who exhibits this kind of power?
by dinner time that night the rest of the town had heard what happened.
They show up at Peter’s house.
Ministering to the Multitudes
Ministering to the Multitudes
Mark 1:32–34 (CSB)
32 When evening came, after the sun had set, they brought to him all those who were sick and demon-possessed. 33 The whole town was assembled at the door, 34 and he healed many who were sick with various diseases and drove out many demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.
Now, I love people’s response to Jesus
they bring people to Him
what a great example for us
we don’t save people, but we can bring them to the one who can
They experienced his power and go and tells others
they realize that He is something special
someone with real power and authority
Who knows what these people were into before, but they turn away from their false remedies and turn to the true healer and liberator
And he heals many and drives out many demons
probably late into the night.
This is what the Kingdom of God at hand looks like
growing crowds in response to Jesus.
The Kingdom of God Today
The Kingdom of God Today
Healing Today
Healing Today
Did you know that some people experience healing today?
There are people in this Church that have experienced supernatural healing from God
You don’t have to look too hard to find some of these stories
We should ask for healing today
Not demand healing
Not all will be healed — Jesus didn’t heal everyone
But some will
through the Ordinary and extraordinary
And all will in the New Heavens and New Earth
Those who have never walked will run freely
Those who have never seen will see the glory of the heavens
Those who struggled with anxiety and depression will experience inexpressible joy
In Christ.
Spiritual Warfare Today
Spiritual Warfare Today
Satan and demons are active today
They are less likely to show up in some bizarre manifestation
and more likely to show up in a facebook post or instagram post that distracts you from bible reading
or the myriad of lies we believe about God, ourselves and others.
But Jesus is still in charge, just as much today as he was then.
When we are in Jesus we have the power to expose the lies with truth
and later we’ll see even the demons are subject to those who bear the name of Christ.
We have the King of the Universe on our side
through the Ordinary and extraordinary
The Kingdom of God is just as present today as it was then.
Gospel Message
Gospel Message
We can enter the Kingdom of God b/c of the death of the King.
Isa “by his wounds we are healed”
Jesus took on himself our infirmities, our sickness, our sin, our oppression all onto himself unto death
that we might live
that we might experience resurrection just as he did
This is where the power of the Kingdom comes from
it’s not form you or I, we don’t have the power to save ourselves or anyone else
but we can point them to the One who can.
Commanding Silence
Commanding Silence
notice he commands the demons to be silent
later he tells those whom heals to remain silent as well
This is what is known as the ‘Messianic Secret’ in Mark
It shows up a number of times.
He silences demons who try to announce his identity (Mark 1:24–25, 34; 3:11–12; 5:7);
he insists that his miracles be kept quiet (Mark 1:44; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26);
and he warns his disciples to tell no one that he is the Messiah (Mark 8:30; 9:9) (Strauss)
Why would Jesus do that?
Doesn’t he want people to know who he is?
He does, but he wants it on his terms
not the crowds and certainly not the demons.
Once people see that he is the Promised Messiah they will try to make him into the messiah in their image
as a conquering King
rather than a suffering Servant.
Jesus proclaims a victory through death
people didn’t have categories for that.
Jesus will dictate the terms on which his messiahship is revealed.
ultimately through the Cross.
Jesus in our Image
Often we want to make a Jesus according to our designs and desires
Peter would fall prey to this later
We want to cast a Jesus in our image
but rather we are to be cast into the image of Jesus.
now his popularity is already growing.
Gifts rather than the Giver
he also wants people not to come to God for what God can give them
but rather becuase of who God is
something that happens so easily
in our lives as well.
what we read next is so amazing.
Jesus Prays
Jesus Prays
Mark 1:35 (CSB)
35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he got up, went out, and made his way to a deserted place; and there he was praying.
Who knows how late Jesus was up healing and exorcising demons
He was a busy man
But what he needed more than sleep,
was time with his Father
so he goes to be with God in a deserted place (the eiramos)
The Practice of Silence and Solitude
Here is the great man of power and authority, growing in popularity
praying silently by himself.
Some of you are busy, right?
are you busier than Jesus?
› what happens is prayer becomes our first to go rather than our first go to
Jesus prayed often
This is what the Kingdom of God at hand looks like.
A kingdom life is a life of prayer.
do you lack power? vision? purpose? hope?
are you anxious, tired? strung out? prone to addictions?
Don’t let prayer the first to go, but your first go to.
Jesus prayed often
Some of you will do great things
you will rise in popularity
perhaps you will be sought out
you will be tempted with pride
Will you respond as Jesus did?
will you depart to an isolated place to be with God
praying against temptation
praying against pride
praying that God’s will be done on earth at it is in heaven
praying ‘thy will’ not ‘my will’ be done
Prayer was such a central and important part of Jesus life and ministry
Night of Prayer
Since it was important to Jesus it is important to us
So going along side of our evangelism class
We will be praying
Join us for a night of prayer Friday 10/15 at the office
We are going to gather and pray for a few hours.
Sunday morning prayer
See, prayer can be taught, and Jesus does teach them to pray
but he also prays and calls them to follow Him in this as well.
Prayer may be better caught than taught.
some come join us in praying.
This is how the disciples find Jesus
Mark 1:36–38 (CSB)
36 Simon and his companions searched for him, 37 and when they found him they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38 And he said to them, “Let’s go on to the neighboring villages so that I may preach there too. This is why I have come.”
Jesus is growing in popularity
the crowds are looking for Him
they think this is going pretty well!
Jesus’ response?
Jesus’ response?
time to go
this is what prayer does, clarifies
others must know as well.
I have come to Preach — “this is why I have come”
After praying with the Father — Jesus is clear on his mission
he has come to preach the Kingdom of God.
He doesn’t get comfortable, he doesn’t bask in the praise
He follows God’s mission for his life.
This is what the Kingdom of God looks like
It is a ‘going’ to the nations — all peoples
Declaring the Kingdom of God through Preaching and Teaching
Demonstration of the power of the Kingdom of God over the demonic and disease
and the calling of more disciples.
This is the Pattern of the Kingdom and the Power of the King
Closing: Earthly and Heavenly Authority
Closing: Earthly and Heavenly Authority
These disciples needed to see Jesus in action so that they could believe
That he was not a man of words only, but of action
This is what the the Gospel of Mark specializes in
Don’t we need this too?
That we have a God who acts?
They had left everything to follow Him
and they were not disappointed
They saw his power first hand.
and the wrote it down so that we could see it also.
The disciples needed to see that this Hope in Jesus was a reality
that they could place their Hope in Him.
But even more so, Jesus demonstrates authority and power over earthy things
which demonstrates his power over heavenly things.
It was he says to Nicodemus
John 3:12 (CSB)
12 If I have told you about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?
It means that Jesus has authority to perform not just physical miracles, but spiritual miracles.
He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
and has the power to make dead people alive
to forgive sin and reconcile back to God
Call to Faith
Call to Faith
Some of you need to come to Jesus for the first time.
and to follow Him.
The gospels show you the power and authority of Jesus
and especially his compassion.
How can I enter this kind of Kingdom?
The King died so that you could enter into the Kingdom
a new life, reconciled to God and others
forgiven of sin
empowered by the Holy Spirit
For Followers of Jesus
For Followers of Jesus
For those who follow Jesus let me ask you this:
Where is the Kingdom of God at hand today? Where in your life?
Is Jesus less powerful today?
is he less active?
Jesus still has power and authority over the demonic
we can ask Him to liberate us
Jesus still has the power to Heal
and he heals today
we can ask Him for it
We may be healed in this life, but we KNOW all will be healed and totally free in the New Heavens and the New Earth in Rev
We can be the kinds of people that spread the news about Jesus
you and I don’t save People
but we can bring the to the One who can.
Where is the Kingdom of God in your life?
3 Points of Application
3 Points of Application
Pray like Jesus
in your prayer — come learn to pray by praying
Pray for healing
Pray for truth over the lies
come and learn to pray
night of prayer
sun day morning
In a group
your families are little outposts in the kingdom of God
Pray over your kids
pray for their healing
pray for spiritual safety
Young Professionals
Whose kingdom are you building?
praying for humility, for God’s will in your life
pray against the lies you may hear
preach Like Jesus
through evangelizing — come learn how to share your faith
Go and tell others “come and see”
He has the power to save, we do not.
come to our class and learn how and why
Share the gospel with them
demonstrate it with your life
through repentance and teaching.
Young Professional
Are you working for God’s glory?
seeing what you do as part of his kingdom
also the opportunity to declare and demonstrate the gospel
through how you work
and through conversations you may have
let Jesus be Jesus
let Jesus be Jesus
in letting Jesus be Jesus on His terms not yours
as Jesus not cast in our image,
but we are being cast into His.
The kingdom of god us at hand, lets live like that’s true
Let’s Pray
Let’s Pray