10.17.21 Let's Go: Who's In Control?
Let’s Go: “Who’s in Control?”
Mark 11:27-33; 12:1-2
October 17, 2021
I. Will you yield to His authority? (Vs 27-28)
John 10:23
1. Who gave Him the authority to do what He did?
2. How did He claim His authority?
2 possible answers:
II. Will you look at the evidence? (vs 29-31)
“The baptism of John, was it from heaven (of God), or of men? (vs 30)
1. Was John from God?
“Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29
2. Was John just a man?
John 10:25
John 14:10
The choice of sin:
a. Denying Jesus.
b. Fearing men.
c. Confess ignorance.
III. Will you decide who to fear more? (vs 32-22)
Luke 20:5-6
A car is stalled on a railroad track!!
Mark 11:33
The parable of the tenants. Mark 12:1-12
Matthew 22:3
Faith Sheet Questions:
1. Why do people naturally question and resist authority? What is the connection to the fall in Genesis 3?
2. What is the challenge in submitting to Christ’s authority? What are the rewards?
3. How does the fear of man affect someone who is considering repenting and following Christ? What can cruel people do to that person? Is there anything worse than that?
4. How does fear of man affect Christian leaders? What can cruel people do to a leader? How can you encourage your leader not to be swayed by fear of man?
5. In which cases should a pastor rely on the votes or polls of the church members, and in which cases should he stand against popular opinion?