Satan Fell from Heaven
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Satan Fell from Heaven
Satan Fell from Heaven
We continue in our journey through Luke. We have made it to Chapter 10.
Probably do a Q&R next week, so get your questions ready!
Suggest you go back through the first nine chapters and see if something triggers your memory. You should be able to read that in 15-20 minutes.
But First...
Last week we took a look at Jesus changing up how he was interacting with people.
It might have been a bit shocking, but this week we will see why there is a sense of urgency.
Also, we might see why James and John wanted to call fire from heaven down on that Samaritan city.
We examined some difficult passage in the context of
But first…how people have other priorities and they had no idea what was about to happen.
The kingdom of God is coming…now
We are 2,000 years from this event, so our response might be:
yeah, and...
what is the big deal
why should I care
We should care, and this is a big deal.
If you are a Heiser nerd, then this will be old hat to you, although you might learn a few new things!
If you are not, then this may be brand new to you.
Genesis 3, original divine rebel, took out the two humans and us. Genesis 6, larger divine rebellion, took out mankind. Genesis 10, list of the 70 (72) nations descended from Noah. Genesis 11, human rebellion, exiled (spread) everyone across the land.
Genesis 12, Abram is called by God to be the family to bless (redeem) all the scattered people.
Deuteronomy 32, the nations are divided according to the Sons of God, God disinherits the nations, except for Abraham and the land of Israel.
Psalm 82, God judges the Sons of God guilty of disobeying Him, they are cursed to die like humans.
(Where do humans die? Earth)
(Where do humans go? Sheol, under the earth)
The Hebrew and Christian Bible is a story, a record, of the conflict between: Fallen Sons of God and God and His divine armies. Humans loyal to God and humans loyal to the Sons of God
And if we don’t understand this, then major parts of scripture will make no sense. In fact, those parts will be offensive to us.
This is the context of Scripture, without it, we are not going to understand the meaning, the significance of what we will read in Luke 10 today.
Let’s get moving!
Luke 10:1
After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go.
Seventy (two)
Why would he send them ahead through the towns and areas he would be traveling? Let’s find out...
And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.
Remember when the disciples asked why they could not drive out a demon, an unclean spirit?
Jesus told them “this kind can only be sent away by prayer.”
Lambs in the midst of wolves…Is Jesus talking about real wolves? Are these people they should fear? Or is it something greater? The HB might say it is something greater. Always associate with evil people, those who are loyal to the fallen Sons of God.
Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house.
Interesting language, “son of peace.”
That could mean a human in the house.
It could mean a spirit in the house. They are territorial.
Same word used for Son of Man and Son of God.
Ambiguous for a reason perhaps...
Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you. Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ But whenever you enter a town and they do not receive you, go into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near.’ I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town.
Eat what is set before you…we miss this. What if they enter a gentiles house? What if it is a Roman who has family that was healed? Eat whatever they put before you. What if it is not Kosher?
Heal the sick, sign of your authority.
Proclaim the Kingdom of God has come near to you!
If they reject you, proclaim the Kingdom of God has come near!
Why would it be more bearable for Sodom on that day?
What is that day?
Here is why…The Messiah, the promised Son of David, God will be walking through your town. (remember he sent them ahead to the cities he would be coming through) They will not receive him.
James and John wanted to call down fire, but it was not time, and it is not time now.
On that day, it will be time.
The only city that is in God’s crosshairs is Babylon, that great city we cannot see.
He is not done with the cities though...
“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But it will be more bearable in the judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades. “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”
Tyre and Sidon are cities that are marked as the enemy of God in the HB.
Many harsh words are written of them.
But none of them had the Messiah walking through them.
You see, Chorizin and Bethsaida hosted the Messiah. What kind of host were they?
Capernaum, Jesus home city, he declares they will reject him too. Things seemed to have gone sour.
Final words to the 70, if they reject you, they reject me. If they reject me, they reject the Father.
That is why he cannot wait for someone to bury their father, or say goodbye to their family.
If you were going to be one of the seventy, you have to be willing to leave all and leave now!
How did their mission go?
The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
They were sent ahead to clear the way for Jesus.
They are driving out unclean spirits, claiming territory for the Son of God, for the Messiah, for the King.
Make way for the King!
The battle to reclaim the nations from the fallen Sons of God has begun, right here. Recorded in your scriptures.
Lords prayer, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Satan fell like lightning, see Jay for the link to Revelation 12 in a few months!
Look at the benefits:
Power over snakes and scorpions. When you read snake, what do you think? What about scorpions? Constellations, the stars, the fallen divine beings.
But that is not the POINT!!!
How does Jesus react to this?
In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”
Do you remember the term used for the Nachash in the garden?
The nachash was more Arum, wise, than all the beasts in the field.
This has been the secret plan, and they are pulling it off!
Rejoiced in the HS, prayed to his Father.
Then turning to the disciples he said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”
If there was any doubt whatsoever, this closes the book on it.
Prophets and kings desired to see and hear what they have.
Jesus is the Messiah, the culmination of the promise made to Abraham so many, many generations ago.
He is the blessing of the nations.
He is the one to lead the nations from their captivity to the rebellious Sons of God to the glory of YHWH.
The Kingdom of God is Here, and we are its messengers.
I asked why this was important. Here is why.
This is the defeat—of Satan’s agenda.
If you’re a member of the kingdom of God (the kingdom of Christ), then Satan has no more claim on you at all.
If you’re in Christ. You’re in union with Christ. You’re one with Christ. If you’re in that kingdom... If you’re in that body, you will have eternal life, which means what happened at the fall no longer applies to you.
You will conquer death.
You will have eternal life because Christ is going to rise (and he did rise).
And Satan has no more legal claim over you at all.
You are no longer estranged from God. You have been brought back into relationship with him.
The sin problem is fixed.
When you go to Revelation 12, the war breaks out in
heaven and the satanic forces are defeated and whatnot because they can’t stop the child who’s born to bring this kingdom, the one who will rule the nations with a rod of iron.
That passage is quoted in Revelation 12. They can’t stop him from rising from the dead, going back to the Father, and sitting down at the right hand of power.
It’s done.
They’re toast.
This is your ministry. And when you go out, you have the authority.
You have the authority, not only to resist and confront... If you get into a situation where you’re dealing with a demon or whatever, know that you have this authority because you are residents of the kingdom.
You are children of God. You have the authority to be called the children of God.
And if anyone believes, you can look at them in the eye (we’ll loop John 20:23 into this) and say, “Your sins are forgiven, not because I say so, but because you believe in the message that we have, and you’re a member of this kingdom.
And Satan no longer has any hold over you or any authority.
If you don’t believe, your sins are not forgiven and you are still bound.” It’s a simple, coherent kind of messaging.
And it all started right here, at this moment.