Many people have doubts about Jesus. We are guilty of accepting the faulty logical fallacy of attempting to appeal to authority to decide if we should believe someone. Jesus repeatedly demonstrated that he was capable of responding to criticism and both honest and deceptive, cynical questioners. He is indeed able to handle our questions. But at the end of all things, let be sure that Jesus teaches there is a resurrection of the dead and we stand in peril as it relates to our eternal state. Jesus has come to save. He indeed does save. He saves by Himself all those who come to God through Him. We throw ourselves on the Messiah and find that He breaks us of the stuff that destroys us and others. Or, we refuse Him and will find that He grinds to powder in true judgement. Or, as John the Baptist said, He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor. These thoughts were shared by Jason Stuart Percy at Refuge TLH in Tallahassee, FL on Sunday, October 3, 2021.