Sunday, 17th of October

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Dealing with Pressure through seeking God's Purpose  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:10
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Good morning, everyone.

I'm going to get straight into this cuz of Trojan condensing as much as possible. The message is. The invitation to fight.

A different perspective to articles that I've been raiding will putting this together and one of them was bought Roy at mark, my, he's the priest of the Episcopal Church in Euclid, Texas, in the Diocese of West, West Texas and his articles interrupting, the silence. And another one is the right fella is a Baptist General Conference senior. Pastor of the plantation trip Baptist Church in Plantation, Florida and his article is who is Jesus if you get the chance to read all those articles that really good stuff.

the Jesus invitation invitation for my money is I feel too old to be a part of the kingdom and everyone now and then

And every now and then he asked us to step out of the boat, a sort of reset, and where we're at a reminder about what we are doing. He sometimes wants us to have a different perspective of a journey. With God said this morning. We're going to look at two passages. The first away from the gospel of Mark 169 to 20. And then we'll go at to the gospel of Mark for 35 to 41 in prayer first.

Lord, we gathered here again on a Sunday to hear you. Would I pray that you will come sit with us be with us and God this message this morning. Lord, as we talked about Christ, and the Order of having fights through him. We pray this. And then I have addresses in. Tatum, I'm intolerable raid, Mike 16220. So be ready for that. The first of all, Mike, 16220 is Maude's, first detailed account of Jesus ministry, this paragraph signals the importance of discipleship. In Mark's gospel and testifies to the centrality of Jesus intention to reconstitute Israel around him. And there are numerous examples of this in mind, if anybody wants to have a look, he was too much of Mark's early action, takes place on, or around the Sea of Galilee. Okay, I'll read Mike 16220. As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee. He saw Simon and his brother, Andrew casting a net into the light for like a fisherman. Come follow me. Jesus said and I will send you at to fish for people. At once they left the net to follow him, when you're going a little further. He soared James son of Zebedee, and his brother John in about preparing in it that the LIE he told them and they left their fathers Liberty in the park with the hard hand and I followed him.

Someone that and Andrew but casting Nets into the sea for like a fisherman. Diane's to dye. It was the sign thing the sign, say the sign it. The same boat day off to dye. It was wind water fish. So, am I and toy bodies? Casting and mending our realities of life. I also the circumstances in which Jesus comes to us. The context in which way he is a cold to a New Life. And the place, where are laws? Where we are trying to send the ordinary becomes the extraordinary.

Does this sound familiar?

So many people today are doing just that casting pulling that knitting. Casting pulling the net in. If you're not doing that, you know what you're doing, you're sitting in the boat, mending your net.

Jesus says to Simon and Andrew, come follow me. Probably not the first encounter with chases. If you have it look in the Gospel of John 1. 4242. What does it say? Andrew Solomon paid? His brother was one of the two is Hood. What John had said and who would follow Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother. So I'm going to tell him, we have found them. That is the crossed and he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, you are. So I meant, son of John, you will be cold, see a path. Which might which translated is played on. So we can see from that, that they knew, would this man that had met this man before it was very evident. Calling me is the invitation from Jesus to a New Life. Nice full. Fisherman life would never be the same again. I would need a speech for playful. They will be different by one along, the catch fish.

Fish for people, if you want to have a look at that, go to Al's Oil. There's a bit about prophecies in Arizona, especially 40926 where it tells you what's being fulfilled here. Take this. Check that out.

Play. When Jesus.

Cesar Little Mikey pictures of people. He's describing a transformation. He could have easily have said to a carpenter full of me and I will get you to build. Want you Kingdom. He could have said to the farm at Roy. Follow me and I'll get you to grow more Kingdom. He could have said to a doctor, follow me and I will get you to repair a broken blue.

Troyer Mike Myers puts it like this. Whatever your loss is heavily. You spend your time. There is in it that life Jesus. The reason that life just called to follow me. Follow me. Is the code to participate with God, in God's Own siding work. It's the work of change and growth. This work Elizabeth is always about moving to a larger vision. Orange hunting at laws in a New Direction and experiencing that a little story of law that is connected to a part of a much larger story of Lost gold sauce.

When Jesus, walked by the Sea of Galilee and cold, Simon, Andrew James and John, there's no record of a conversation. They might have been fine, but my phone doesn't record that. I just stop casting and mending it, and list it all and follow Jesus. What would happen today if Jesus walked in and take for my money? Would they buy some questions? You think you've had your? Yeah, I call you. But what do I need to take with me? Where are we going? How long will we be gone? Yeah, that's the type of.

But I'm not saying that the disciples would have doubted when life full of Jason's. Hey, when you follow Jesus, there is no roadmap.

Ontario destination, only an invitation you cannot profess prepare for this journey. It's not about making a list. Packing or organizing. It's not that easy. If anything it's about leaving behind.

Is it going that worships? At the church of Christ Stephen to know who I'm talking about, but every morning he gets up and he needs paris's God. What can I do for you today? And one day, he said, that prayer? Later that evening. He got a phone call from the hospital. Can you go and move the Caravan for a lady, a diet or lighter? He go to sign Franco Canyon, airtight that Caravan to piss for that lady. A few days later. He go to Frankel. Can you now type that Caravan? I think it was either to Melbourne or Sydney for that couple and this man did that. It's not you can't plan your lost like that. If you have a milk have Mark has recorded it. It's like this in Versailles thing at once by lifting it to follow him. There's 20 with that delay. He told them, I list the father, 74 Oz a big head of it in the butt with a heart and hands move with the hired men and follow him.

The invitation to follow is also an invitation to let go. Let go of those things that keep us entangled in this world. The Nets of a lost little boats wasted in the father's, we seek approval and identity from. That's an interesting issue. We need to leave behind and follow him. Mi amor. My says it like this is supposed to be for Tyson to and a promise of a new life. So what are the Nets that entangle us?

What are the little bugs that contain a loss? Who are our fathers, from whom we seek identity, value and approval? What do we need to let go off and leave behind so that we may follow him?

A sign that it's not about changing who we are, but what we are, it's not about changing careers, moving to another town and leaving your family. It's a bit. It's covering who we really are the God within us. The freedom to be fully human look like God intended it to be. So, they full name was still fisherman, but I would need a fish with paper. yes, we still must provide build support, the apart of It's now. Here we go about that purses.

Whatever your loyalties. Jesus will show up with the invitation for my money. And if it ties you to participate in Lost changing growth. God's. I'm work. It's about moving forward to an ever-changing and bigger picture. As we come to a deeper understanding of crossed who crossed is he will continue on to us. Used to follow me. A text when we get comfortable in a but he shows up puts his hand and says, follow me in the midst of the storm. He shows up and says falling may play the step out of the boat. And walk towards Jesus because Jesus.

Did happened to Salmon Sansome appointment. Andrew James and John time and time again, and it can happen to anyone. Jesus knows we will struggle. We will see this receipt is for the first as you move further into the gospel of Mark. We seen a number of torrents.

Two headed to desoto's handle the storms. The crosses that was about to hit. How do you handle the storms and the crosses? I want us to move on Nat and Mike fool for the 4th 2:41.

It's an interesting chapter.

The Daven agency, He said to his disciples. Let's go over to the other side. Leaving the crib behind by took him along, just as he was in the boat. They were also other boats with him. Epirus School came up the Weisberg over the boat said that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the in the stand sleeping on the cushion and teach it. Don't you care if we drown? Be grown up review. The wind and said, to the wise caught be still. The window down and it was completely calm. He said to the the resort and why are you so afraid? Do you still have my 550 terrified and I asked each other. Who is this? Even the wind and the waves? Bye-bye him. Can you trust in chapter? This is what I need a story about a boat trip and the weather. It's also about life via and Spice. The three cannot be separated. See everything started off poorly enough. Jesus invited to cross over to the other side of the light. A big deal that cross this like a hundred times before. What could be different this time?

I'm sure that they never even gave it a second thought.

Do these people often cross this like, it was like ass during a boundary trip. We just do it. The like, is 21 kilometers in length, and it takes a bit to hours to cross over in one of their buns, with a bit of a silent film, enrolling other boats, Debbie V. Roughly. The length is roughly, the wit to this room and the width is a bat from here to get the chair in front of run. I never bet 4 and 1/2 ft in depth. That was a fishing boat to always play for around this part of that guy.

Mike. 35. It says let us go to the other side. What's happened? Jay-Z invoice. The disciples to go to the other sort. He invites, follow me. Let's go.

And just before that this is an interesting little thing that died when evening had come but the hatred. I begins at 6 p.m. In the evening.

So what's about to happen?

Maybe it's a new day. It could be a new perception that the disciples were better experience about themselves and Jesus. We're just doing a Boat Trip. Easy. Have you ever been in that situation where all was quiet? All was calm. You had it all under control and then for whatever reason. It all fell apart. Don't want it to my juicing. A big thing. Your whole life is turned around. Sometimes it's a small thing soon as I pack up every year to go to Bustleton, all the gear. In the in the van one year, we get down there and I'm starting to set up,. This is the type of thing that comes in unexpected in their Lords. Now. The wood. Is it the phrase that is in the Bible? Go over to the wood, it's translated from I'm not going to try and pronounce it or can't but the literal meaning of that word means to pass through. Shut the door, the disciples were back to pass through something. They were completely unaware of but Jesus knew. I had it all under control. But across this was about to happen.

You know, God knows when you're about to have a crosses like Catch You by surprise, but I don't catch God by surprise.

This 36.

Leaving the crowd behind by took him along, just as he was in the boat and there were other boats with them. Remember, we spoke about leaving behind earlier. You going to leave something behind. He calls him to go to the other side of the life. They going to leave the crowd behind.

then Mark says,

They took him along, just as he was. See Christy. There is no visible change in Jesus. That died. He was the same jerseys as old height and he would not change, but the result was the section would change. Their perception of Jesus with change radically in the next few hours.

The Jesus will ask us to cross over. Following me from Towing to taunt. He will want us to have a new, a different perception of him. Yeah, you get a difference soon, will driving a little tan, and we'll pull up and what happened with the ram. So, you woke in the mind straight. What are you do you have in mind to come back? What are we doing? You cross on the other sort of straight and woke up and doesn't that give you a different perspective? A different way to. Look at that one. Mine straight. It's a bit crossing over going. Looking at it from a different point of view.

Jesus initiates the move. He invites the desoto's. Guys, in tight, the first steps and leave the crowd behind so that verse 36, it splits into three leaving the crowd behind, they took him just as he was and there were other boats with them.

This 37 starting to get a bit serious. School,, the waves broke over the boat. So that that was sorry that it was nearly swamped.

This is a bad storm. There's no other way to get around it. It wasn't a normal storm, which I comment on the Sea of Galilee. These men were fishermen that I knew had to deal with this type of situation. But we must remember that. I said, add on a journey at the invitation of Jesus. What could go wrong?

Months description of the storm, a furious School. The Greek word for furious is Meg. I'll, which means, right? So, the storm is a mega stone. We know the stone was Dean because these experienced Fisherman Wharf, are they life? It was huge. It was a furious school, one translation school, on the controlling for Nancy 9, ball Island storm, with the emphasis on wind. This is not a small storm. Please play for the ring travel. The Wind Drive the wise against the side of the boat again and a game swamping. The, but these men had been working furiously trying to turn the bug into the Winx by looking at water in these conditions. The boat would have been getting harder and harder to maneuver. Now. I don't know much about fault, but I do know if it's the theory of a good but he's had the water under the bulb, not in the Bible.

The sun's going dance. The storm is driving the boat to the Bottom of the Sea. The disciples a hanging on, for dear life. The tension must have been high. Fire in the middle of the First clothes tearing falling in Canter of the diet. The second is about to happen. They said that at the invitation of Jesus on an easy journey across the light. Rafaela, put it this way. This is a terrifying experience for them. First of all, the Storm come up Suddenly had no warning, but had no time to prepare themselves. Immediately thrown into crosses. This sadness would have added to the terror of their experience experience men. Lose control by become scared. We had underground at Weston six. This particular guy always in charge of 3 Cruise or went down or go do for the first crew. The main Carrie Carrie, don't drop the other two Crews off while the plumber got the answer, the second crew at than the crew of the bottom or I'd had to find coal from the surface. I have to prepare to evacuate the pit. There was a major fall I had in that I had to go and find an app for inspections different. Your voice more than I have a bulb. He was seriously experienced. He was in the crew at the Haiti Moines when they broke through the bore hole, and that's a lot of the pit that tell on this man's Bay morning and experience. Good morning. When was seeing him, he was trying to get water to this Fall Out, Boy. She was just so impossible. It wasn't going to happen. He was petrified that the situation had overwhelmed bulb. So experienced men. Do you become very scared? What's going on?

There was Jesus. 30 IQ. What's it say? Jesus was in the sun sleeping on a cushion. Did you start was like him and said to him, teach it? Where is Jesus? He's asleep in the stern of the boat, not concerned. The cross that says he had hit the god. Jesus was not, he knew what was going to take place. He is greater than the storm. He slept peacefully and unafraid. He knew the desoto's were going to come to him and rebuking.

They're in their moment of need and I work Jesus and rebuked him. What does Jesus do with? How many times do you hate people that really just buzzed alone in the Lost in the middle is wrong. Who is the first person? I want to Blind. I want to blame God. What did you say? What are you doing? What what does he do? When he growed up, rebuke the wind and said to the wise before, I am quite be still in the window at Dan and it was completely. The funny thing about with people often, say, there's nothing you can do about the weather. Riceville a principal at this. You know, the sign everybody talks about the weather, but nobody can do anything about it. Will Jesus talk to the weather and he does something about it. He awakens and reboots the wind and the waves. The rain stops the window. I stand the storm stays as it is time.

And you think that he softens with me? I bet place and be happy with me, storms, going the other, but it's Mike says, there were other boats. They would have gone through the storm. I don't believe any of them would be lost. But I think that's the point of the exercise Stones going on. What did the disciples in Jesus but not relaxed. What happened?

Bus 41 going at one point and ask each other. Who is this? Even the wind and the waves are by him?

So what has just happened? Debit diverse 30, right? The disciples attribute, Jesus. Your phone getting to do something about it. If you knowing Jesus rebuked, the storm and inverse, 40, Jesus, rebukes Police SWAT boots. And he asked them to question. Why are you so afraid?

And do you still have no faith?

Do these two questions? Go together.

Because 5 + 3. Cannot coexist. You understand what I said, they like spice and see you cannot coexist. The scriptures. Tell us that when we when the storms of life hit you. Don't Be Afraid at fighting God, he will see you through.

Yeah, the problem. Right here at this point. A lot of people head. Is it night relight, this, lack of faith and the fear? With the storm.

When Jesus rebuking the disciples, what is he speaking in the present? The storm is gone. What are you now? Scared of? The absolutely petrified of Jason. Cuz up until this point.

Fluffy place.

Yeah, sorry. I'll just have to put the head a little bit. Write fell on Mike's two points, which a pretty or a gray Spumante disagree with your 51. They thought Jesus was from God. They will. Now I'm sure of his identity. They were overwhelmed, Voorhees Parra. I still lacked faith that I did not understand that Jesus was God and was totally and I were totally unprepared for this incredible demonstration of power.

He gave it to verse 36. What did Mike say? He said, they took him along as he was.

They hadn't. They had him all figured out.

So do we have Jesus? We'll figure that. Do we have him a little walk somewhere? Thinking, this is what it is. This is what he does.

But have you figured out as a teacher of the teacher and the perform of Miracles? That's what he does. When he first started teaching and Performing Miracles. If you go to my 127 that people, what is this. What is this that he can do? But now, the disciples are asking who is this?

We are dealing with the who.

The person of almighty, God, if you are not safe in his Mercy, will then you do need to be terrified. Because God is awesome, and we haven't seen it yet.

Do we need to ask the same questions that the disciples did that guy? Who is Jesus? Who is this man?

So, where is Jay-Z's in a bug?

Is he asleep somewhere in your boat? So he kinda stood?

When you come to know Jesus in Fife. You need not see it. The storm. You need not fear his power. And you do not need to see if his return.

In finishing, I'll give you a call from Rice sailor. Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no advice? Who is Jesus is the son of God. Put your faith in him?

Amen. And offended interesting this morning in a songs, we sang. Jesus, Lifted Me. God is awesome.

I just found it was interesting that I was talking about this this morning and we were singing about this this morning.

And when we were talking about the book, The Lost, Boys and feminisation. One thing that the church has been really good at over. The last few years, has the feminizing of Christ. Yes, cross is love. His forgiving is, healing is all of this. But at the end of it, he's also going to be the judge and he's going to sign, not go away.


What did I say? Where is it? If you are not safe in his Mercy, you need to be terrified as the men were terrified on that boat for that moment during that time because they suddenly realized that would dealing something with sherbet. And that's where we need to be. We need to be sure about it. I'm in. Thank you.

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