The Bible Life

Sermon Tone Analysis
Have you ever heard a question that you thought was just brilliant? What makes a brilliant question brilliant?
(await audience response)
Psalm 119 is not out text this morning but it does contain a brilliant question. Psalm 119 is a long acrostic poem about the Bible, and in verse 9 there is a particularly brilliant question.
Read Psalm 119:9a
9 How can a young man cleanse his way?
By taking heed according to Your word.
Now, as a parent of teen-aged boys, I would really, really like to know the answer to this question. But then, I’m not sure the Psalmist has adolescent hygiene in mind...
No, the Psalmist is asking how a young man can make—and keep—himself pure. It is an important question; the opposite is dirty or spoiled. And who wants to be dirty, spoiled, or rotten?
This quest for purity applies to every domain of life we can imagine: Moral, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Philosophical, Personal, Relational, Vocational, Avocational, etc.
And, this quest is not just for young men. It is incredibly important for young people to consider because they have not yet picked up the baggage that impurity bestows, but the question is there for each of us to consider. How do we make—and keep—ourselves pure?
The Psalmist answers the question
Read Psalm 119:9b
9 How can a young man cleanse his way?
By taking heed according to Your word.
To take heed to God’s Word is to understand it thoroughly and to apply it appropriately.
But is it really that simple? How it is possible that one resource could speak to every domain of our lives, helping us to find the clarity and purity that we seek while helping us avoid the destruction that is all too common in every life. That question brings us to our text.
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
All Scripture is Inspired
All Scripture is Inspired
The word translated inspired literally means “God breathed”
We get the visual of God breathing life into something, similar to what He did with Adam in the garden
We get the visual of God speaking (we breathe out as we speak); the Bible is called the word or words of God because He spoke them
All Scripture is Profitable (or Useful)
All Scripture is Profitable (or Useful)
There are four words used in combination here to give us a full picture.
Doctrine - What is taught
Recognize that this particular word is active—not passive—meaning we are going to need to engage with what is taught to find what we need
Recognize that God spoke or taught differently
Some things He speaks to directly, in directives
Some things He speaks to generally, in principles
Some things He doesn’t speak to at all
If we were to consider the scenario of buying a car:
God does not speak at all to which make, model, year, color, or trim package you should choose
God does speak generally to some of the aspects related to buying a car
Financial priorities and responsibility
Co-signing on loans
God does speak directly to some of the reasons we might buy a car
Do not covet
Be content with what you have
Reproof - What is wrong
Despite the connotation the word might have (probably because of its infrequent use), the word means to criticize or correct gently
our conscience will only take us so far in identifying what we are doing that is wrong
we need clarity on what we are doing that is wrong
Correction - What is the way back
after we clarify what is wrong, we need clarity on how to make it right or how to get right again
we tend to simplify what is complex or complicate what is simple. We need to explore what God actually says about getting right
Instruction - What is right
There is a lot in the Bible about how to live right
God designed and created us, He knows how we function best
The temptation to be “as gods knowing (and deciding) good and evil” does stand in stark contrast to this ideal. But we need to acknowledge that mankind has never been particularly gifted at recognizing what is truly good or truly evil and we have collectively paid a hefty price for that inability.
Why is the Bible, God’s Word, inspired and useful the way that it is?
17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
So that we have everything we need to be everything we are supposed to be and do everything we are supposed to do. One resource tells us how to make—and keep—our lives pure and on track. The Bible is that on resource. It’s a major part of the Christian life. And it is a part that we would do well to live.
The Bible Life…Live It. Do the work you need to do to understand it thoroughly and to apply it appropriately.