A Psalmist's Cry: Psalm 88
Cry of the Heart (vs 1-2)
A Shadow of things to come: A Cry of Heart
Cry for my Life (vs 3-12)
Ceaseless Troubles ( vs 3-5)
Ceaseless Wrath (vs 6-9)
Ceaseless Prayer (vs 9-12)
For all of these reasons, the Lord should answer the psalmist’s prayers with healing and deliverance. Implied, of course, is the promise that if God does perform a miracle, worship and witness will be his response. His expectation for God’s mighty intervention places him at the heart of Israel’s covenant experience of the living God (see Ex. 15). No wonder he pours out his soul in persevering prayer. He doesn’t give up on God even though he fears that God has given up on him.
A shadow of things to come: Life everlasting
Cry out to God (vs 13-18)
The psalmist reinforces his supplication by reminding Yahweh that he prays to Him. (The verb in verse 13, cried out, means “to cry out for help.”) Furthermore, he prays “in the morning”; he begins his day seeking God’s face (see v. 1). Nevertheless, he is greeted with silence. Thus he asks: “LORD, why do you cast off my soul?” His deepest pain is God’s absence as His face is turned from him in rejection and displeasure (see Ps. 22:1–2).