Oct 17, 2021 Sunday Morning Service

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Lighten Up! God as my Witness  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  34:49
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Hear the sounds of little baby in our audience and that's great. Love the sound of little children, little babies. I know, churches have children's rooms and nurseries in all that kind of thing and we do too, but it's certainly a joy to hear them here in the audience with us as we worship Our God together. You do you think about the fact that when Jesus was brought the children, the tiny children, it says the tech nine children, the little children to him. And Jesus turned to the crowd. He's looking at these children you said for such is the kingdom of God, write such belongs to the Church of Christ. The kingdom is the church. The church is the kingdom and it's the people. And he says for such as the kingdom of God. And so he desires all his children to be like little children to be as innocent. And as pure as that baby. Now the truth is we're not We're not by a long shot, but we are with the blood of Christ and that makes all the difference in the world. So when the father looks upon his children, he's looking down through the blood of his son and he sees us with no sin. That's what he sees. That's why we're here today. That's what we do. What we do on the first day of the week because we can't get to Heaven by herself. It took something miraculous on Calvary for us to get there and we're part of God's family and we ought to be Brothers and Sisters in Christ and love one. Another as John has been talking about for the past several weeks here, in a few you need to love one another because Jesus Loves You. Jesus is the reason we love. Jesus loved us first. We didn't love him first but because of his love we love back and that is we love each other back and we love him that. And what we do collectively on the first day of the week is a demonstration of, not only our faith, but our love to God. And for Jesus Christ, that's why the first day of the week is so important because we get to assemble together. And it may seem like a Something of non significance for the rest of us, but to God, it's very significant. He wants his children to gather at the table moms and dads want to have their children. What our father wants us at this Memorial table to remember his son for all that. He's done for us and what a joy, it is that we can remember back to Calvary two thousand years ago, and think about that glorious act that he did for us. And so we're thankful for that. And as we consider what happened on Calvary John's going to tell us about the witness that we have. You know, you've heard that the common nomenclature today. Is that a witness for Jesus? Or we witness for God, we don't witness in the sense that the apostles witness they were eyewitnesses and so they were truly Witnesses. But what we do is we evangelize we tried to teach and preach that we try to share Jesus Christ with others. And so, are going later today cuz that witnessing. So if you want to call that witnessing fun, but that's what we do. But the thing about it is God also witnesses to you and me everyday and beginning on the first day of the week. Is this not a witness the empty to risen. Then he took on the pain and the suffering for you and me and he promised that he would never leave us, nor forsake us. And then he also said he's coming again to see them to himself that where I am there. You may be also and so we look forward to that. Second coming will look forward to that day. A lot of people live like this is the only place they're ever going to live. But Heaven, if not on Earth, I know there was a song Heaven on Earth by Belinda Carlisle on, but Heaven is not on Earth. We get a piece of heaven through the church with one another and the blessings that Christ showers upon us. But Jesus said, he's going to come again and take him home. Take us home. To his Heavenly Kingdom, where is Father resides? And so we're going to see God, we're going to see Jesus. We're going to see the Holy Spirit. We're going to see all those who never gone on before, they're literally in our very possession. And so as we have been saying, this is the second to the last lesson from the book of 1st, John 1st, John is such a grand book. And today we're going to be talking about God as my witness. And so before we get there, let's go back. I want to go back to the to the scripture that I read. I read from the new King James. Now. I'm reading from the New Living Translation. I kind of like the New Living Translation. It's a little iffy in some spots. But for today's lesson, it's certainly apropos. It's very fitting. But here the that translation says everyone who believes that Jesus is. The Christ has become a child of God and everyone who loves the father, loves his children. We know, we love God's children. If we love God and obey his Commandments. Let me read that one more time. We know we love God's children. If we love God and obey his Commandments who are God's children. You and me, we all are right. And so he says if you love your children, if you love my children, if you love your brothers and sisters, then you love God. So, you have to question yourself this morning. Do I love God? And do I love my brother? And if I don't love my brother and then do I really love God? And if I love God, I'm going to keep his Commandments and one of The Commandments that he has given to us, is to love the Brethren the member 15 times in five chapter five, little chapters in his one little book, 15. 15 times. He says, love one, another love one another and that phrase has found some 70 times throughout the entire New Testament. So it's quite a phrase, but it has an extensive meaning to it. So if we know that we love, so we know we love God's children. If we love God and obey his commandments. So, loving God means keeping his Commandments. And his Commandments are not burdensome. So as the new King James translation says, this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and I said last week actually I quoted this for last week and and I said you might want to underline that particular passage because there is a definition of love too often. We think of love as just an emotion, but it's not just an emotion. It's a motion that propels us. It compels us to move forward and motivates us to do those things for God. So loved is an action verb. What's a verb? It's an action word. And so, therefore it carries doing something. And so that's why it says this is the love of God, love is defined as keeping his Commandments. And again one of those come in with his loving one another and his Commandments are not burdensome. I want to think about that. I can't help, but think about Matthew chapter 11, where Jesus says, take my yoke upon you and learn from me. For my yoke is easy and my burden is like he's comparing his burden with that of the Pharisees and the Sadducees without of the law, without of all the Traditions that were found upon the Jews and the people of the day. And Jesus says, you compare what, I'm offering you as far as Commandments with what you have to deal with now and it's nothing. It's like It's not burdensome for every child of God, defeat, the evil world and we achieve this Victory through our faith. Faith is the victory. Who sing that song from time to time and who can win this? Battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the son of God. And Jesus Christ was revealed as God's son, by his baptism in water and by shedding his blood on the cross. Not buy water only, but by water and blood and the spirit who is truth confirms it with his testimony. So we have these three Witnesses, the spirit, the water, in the blood and all three agree. Since we believe human testimony, surely, we can believe the greater testimony that comes from God. And God has testified about a son who believe in the Son of God, know in our hearts. That this testimony is true. Those who don't believe this or actually calling God a liar because they don't believe what God has testified about his son. And this is what God has testified. He has given us eternal life. And this life is in his son. Whoever has the son has life. Whoever does not have God, son does not have life. It's only think about the witness here. He says the water, the blood and the spirit. Now there are three that testify in heaven, father, son and spirit, but they're three on Earth that testify water blood and spirit. And so, we're going to spend a few moments you're looking about the meaning of that phraseology, that he used here water, the blood and spirit. And as we think about the idea of testifying Here's what John says, remember John is writing this book. But he also wrote the Gospel of John. So keep that in mind because there's a lot of similar language used in the gospel and you can compare that the first second and third John. So he says here in John chapter 15, but when The Advocate comes some translations, say the helper, some simply say, the spirit. But when The Advocate comes whom I shall send to you from the Father, the spirit of Truth, who proceeds from the father, he will testify of me. And you also will bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning. SOS highlighted, some words are in green. You Spirit of truth and you. Now, the you that is being spoken of here is the apostles. Remember? This is the upward, The Upper Room discourse on the night that Jesus was betrayed by Judas. It's also than that, which the Lord's Supper was instituted. And so he's in the upper room while Judas was out doing his thing, the other 11, or with Jesus, and Jesus is giving them instructions, because he's going away. Now. They don't understand that. They have yet to understand fully what Jesus was talking about. And so Jesus is preparing them for what's now going to happen to him. So he's going to die and he says I'm preparing you because I don't want to leave you as orphans. So I'm going to send you another helper. Another Advocate to the paraclete taste, the one who comes to, your Aid, comes to your side, and gives you help. And so he's addressing his Apostles. And he says, The Advocate is equal to the spirit of Truth. The spirit of Truth and a phraseology is interesting because a lot of times you just have the word Spirit or you have the word, Holy Spirit. Horse spirit of God, but now we have the spirit of Truth and so he's talking about but truth that emanates from Spirit now in this same setting Jesus tells his Apostles, this very thing. He says I'm going to send you the spirit and he shall guide you into all truth. And then he goes on to say that he will take of mine and give to you. So he's talking about the fact that the spirit will not speak on his own, he will take of mine and give to you. So Jesus is going to give the words to the spirit for the apostles to speak. So Jesus is going to be instructing his Apostles by the power of the Holy Spirit, a supernatural process. And so the, the apostles, unlearned men would be able to stand in front of any audience and be able to preach the truth and be able to answer any man according to the truth. Remember earlier. Jesus said, don't worry about what you're going to speak. So it will be given to you in the very hour, what to speak and then he says don't concern yourselves about who you're dragged dragged before, Weatherby. Governor's, princess Kings or Queens. Don't be worried about that. The spirit will help you. And as we can see. No one could question the preaching in the teaching of these men. I saw this as a witness because the holy spirit is witness and the apostles, our witness, and you also will bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning. Now, that's no one else but the apostles right there were the ones that were with Jesus from the beginning, they were out there in the wilderness where John was baptizing in the Jordan and therefore they had been chosen by Jesus shortly thereafter to be his ambassadors. And so they live for three years with Jesus going back and forth to cut across the countryside, preaching about Christ, in the coming Kingdom. And so the whole point is that they are going to go public for Christ, but they're going to need Supernatural Aid, Jesus. God went public for him. Your number. You remember that when Jesus came up out of the water? There was a, a dove. The came down upon them from heaven. And you remember what the voice said? So imagine you being a part of the audience there that day and all the sudden you hear this, booming voice of thunder come out from the clouds and says, this is my beloved Son in whom I am. Well pleased. And so we find here that Jesus came by water is not talking about any other water than the water of baptism. Noticed that look at John chapter one. He says John answered them saying I baptize you with water but their stands one among you who you do not know it. Is he coming after me. It's preferred before me to Sandal strap strap. I am not worthy to lose. Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, after me comes a man who is preferred before me as great as John. The baptizer was The scriptures Clearly say that he has to decrease but the one for whom he's preparing the way has to increase. That's all as great as John was. He kind of takes a step back and says, Lord, do your thing? Do what you come to this world to do the preach, the gospel and to die on the cross to confirm that gospel. And also by your Resurrection confirm, that you're the son of God. And so we have all of that wrapped up here when it says that he came by water and by Blood. And that there is a certain reference to the Cross. He came by water and by the blood, not only by Blood but by the spirit and we'll get to that in just a second. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. So you think about this particular occasion. Jesus is now in his home city of Nazareth and he's been called he's in a synagogue worshiping with the people and he's been called to the front to read scripture. Jesus, come on up here and read some scripture for us. And so he takes the Scrolls from the rabbi's hands. And he turns as it were course, you have a scroll and what he's doing is he's looking for the place, he wants to start reading and so he comes to the spot and Isaiah. And here, it says, the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at Liberty, those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord, The Year of Jubilee. Jubilee was the 50th year and the calendar of the Jews that meant. If you owed, anybody anyting, if you owe them money. If you owe them, dear, your life. Because you made yourself an indentured servant to somebody. That was the year and said that everyone said you're free. You owe me nothing. The Year of Jubilee. And so, Jesus is saying, I have come, I have come to do and to preach and you owe me nothing.

It's a free gift. The gift of Salvation is free. But that doesn't mean it's not conditional. It's conditioned upon things, you have to respond. He have to climb it. You have to go get it. And so as we understand there for that Jesus has it at his baptism, had the Spirit come upon him. And now, he's telling the world here at least in his town of that. He was anointed with a spirit. So the anointing of the spirit has something to do with Supernatural power. And that Supernatural Powers going to die. Jesus. Just like it died of the Apostles and his preaching, his teaching, and the working of Miracles. Or someone say, well, as in Jesus, God and therefore, couldn't just work. Miracles. Yes, he's going to be so also human 100%. 100% got 100% man. And therefore now he's limited. He needs help as a human being need help just like the apostles needed help and therefore he's given this aid for a particular reason and Saint John chapter 3. It says he comes from Heaven is above and what he has seen in her that he testifies and no one receives his testimony. He who has received his testimony has set his seal to this. That God is true. No, man. Receives his testimony but Jesus has Jesus received the testimony of his father God. And now he is obliged to give that same testimony to the world. And this is the seal that was set upon him and noticed. What that seal is? That God is true for. He whom God has sent speaks the words of God. For God does not give the Spirit by measure. He's given Christ. The seal. He's going to speak the words of God and he's been given a Spirit by measure without measuring. So we find here that this Shield has something to do with the supernatural ability that Jesus had him working in and also in preaching and teaching because it says, it's there for the purpose of speaking, the words of God. And so here's the Crux of the matter. The idea is that the spirit confirm, the spirit of Truth, the words that Jesus spoke with spirit and they were life. That's called Truth. Anyone who rejects the truth and anyone who despises the truth is in serious trouble. According to John, but also, According To Jesus. Because the truth is what God is all about and the truth represents God. And so if you were you reject the truth that God has provided, then you rejected. God, now on this occasion and Matthew chapter 12, there are the Pharisees. They have come and they have rejected, the words of Christ, and therefore they have rejected Christ. But they have also rejected the father. Who said Jesus? See how that's all unwinding here and the reason That they're rejecting Christ again is because they're rejecting his words. No notice. This particular passage and Matthew chapter 12, but Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them. Every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to Desolation and every city or house, divided against itself will not stand. If Satan cast out, Satan, he is divided against himself. And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom your son's cast them out. Show the background to this comment is the fact that Jesus has just liberated a fellow. He's liberated this man who had a who was demon-possessed. And he's driven the demon out of this man and the Pharisees win.

No, big deal. He did it by the power of the devil. Imagine the gall.

The Pharisees understood. This very fact. In John chapter 3 just before. Just before all of this happened, a man by the name of Nicodemus came to Jesus by night. And the reason he came to Jesus by night is because one is a Pharisee and two, he understands who Jesus is, and he does not want the other Pharisees to know because he's going to fall on hard times. If they do. So then a cowardly where we might say, he came to Jesus by night and then he says, rabbi. We know that you are a man of God. Because no man can do these things besides except God be with him.

So here. The Pharisees understanding that principle. No, man can do these things except God be with him. Jesus worked a miracle. But they did not deny the miracle. What are they do? They describe the power of the miracle to the devil Beelzebub? The Lord of the Flies. You may have read that book in high school when you were a kid. Maybe not. Maybe you saw the movie, which was horrible. But none of that. He says, therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out demons, by the spirit of God, surely, the kingdom of God is come upon you, notice that, if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, saw the spirit of God, working through Christ, showing us and demonstrating the power of God through Christ. Jesus working a miracle, getting rid of the demon from the demon-possessed, man.

And then he goes and says or how can one enter a strong man's house and plunder his Goods? Unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder the his house. He was not with me is against me. That's a good principle. A lot of people like to stay there with Jesus. But in their hearts and minds are far from Jesus, right? There's no middle ground for Jesus. Either with him, which means you all day in or you're not with him, which means you're indifferent to it, or you don't know, babe. And so he says and then he will plan with us and he was not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters abroad. Therefore. I say to you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the son of, man, it will be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him either in this age or the age to come. I saw as we consider this horrible sin. That has been brought forth by the Pharisees. What did they do? They saw Jesus work a miracle. Are they ascribed and power that he worked it by to the devil? So instead of a scribing the miracle to the spirit of God, they ascribe it to the devil. And how Blasphemous is that they knew better. They knew better. But they rejected the preaching of Jesus and therefore they rejected the spirits were and therefore that rejected God. That's how one rejects God when you look at this or when you don't look at that. You reject God. That's why this is our connection to him. This is our pipeline. This is how he talks to us. This is how he leaves as this is. How he guides us. These are the scriptures, the word of God. And also, these are the very words, the spirit has provided. The word given in scripture are from the Holy Spirit whom Jesus gave those remember. Jesus said he will take and give to you and you will give. So a lot of people come to dispatchers and they say, see there's a thin back and send you the hell. Yes. There's a sin that can send you to help. And I'll tell you this, money sin will send you to hell. The question is condition. Be repented of That's what's under discussion. Because he says, if anyone says that blasphemes the Holy Spirit, he can never be forgiven in this age or the age to come. So it's kind of a scary thought to consider. But what is he saying? Notice, he says to the, to the Pharisees. We just blaspheme the spirit, either make the tree good, and it's fruit or else make the tree bad and its fruit. Bad for a tree is known by its fruit. What's he say? He's getting right back to the heart of the principle that I just talked about concerning Nicodemus. Rabbi we know you are a man of God. A preacher of God because no man can do these signs except God be with him. They knew God was with him. They knew he was working miracles by the power of God, but to turn to tithe and have the people take their side and go against the Christ. They're trying to manipulate the crowd by saying he doesn't by the power of the devil. and so, Jesus looks at them to their faces and says, Brother, either make the tree good and it's fruit. Good or else make the tree bad. Do it now.

You never hear any other thing like this from that moment on. No blasphemy, like this is ever recorded again. Why? Because of what Jesus said there, if you know who I am and you do and you say the things about me that you are saying You know, that are false then come to grips with yourself and understand where you stand in the eyes of God. And now there are a lot of people. Here's the general principle of the matter. a lot of people again in this world and even in the Brotherhood, Little love, God and love Jesus emotionally, but this is something that's not important. Let me tell you something about the importance of God's word. In Psalm 138 verse to hear something that you should memorize. Here's a verse that you need to underline. For you have magnified your word above your name. God has magnified his word. Apartments name? How holy how righteous is his name? Always holy and its righteous, but then he says that's even above my name. My goodness. We are to love the word of God. Because we ought to love God. You can't escape loving God and not loving the word of God. I'm closed out here in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 in about verse 10, we're told that the things that these people were doing and thessalonica was because they did not receive the love of the truth. And so, therefore, they turn themselves to unrighteous living because they did not receive the love of the truth. Now Jesus says, if you love me, keep my Commandments. And then he goes on to say truly. You are my disciples. If you continue in my word, do you love his word enough to continue? Do you love his word to continue? Applying the teaching to your heart? And if you do, Jesus says, you can follow me. Remember all those who desire to come after me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me and here's where it all begins, folks. Jesus put it right on the line. There's no gray area.

It's either yes or no. Jesus says he that believes and is baptized shall be saved. A lot of people, they look at that passage and a strain and they try to explain it away. And I say, well, we're Saved By Faith only. If you just believe in Jesus, you're safe, then you can be baptized again. What did Jesus say? What did the words of the spirit that Jesus spoke say? He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. And if simple. You believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, your savior, your Messiah. That he says be baptized. That's exactly what Peter said to the people. On the day of Pentecost, repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. For the remission of sins. And therein lies the heart of the Gospel message. The heart is if you love Jesus, you'll submit to what he says and that's the glory of the gospel because it brings so much good fruit. It brings the Forgiveness of sins and all the spiritual blessings found in Christ Jesus. Along with it. If you're subject to the imitation of Christ, this morning want to come in This Together. We Stand insane.

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