The Price of Kingdom Greatness
Sermon Tone Analysis
We know how the world works. A CEO picked up an employee, Bob, in a new Lamborghini. Bob exclaimed, "It's an amazing car." "It is," the CEO replied. "And if you set your goals high & work hard, I can get an even better car next year." Climbing on the backs of others is the norm. But it isn't just adults that look out for #1. Mom was making pancakes for her young sons, Kevin & Ryan. As she cooked, they argued over who'd get the 1st one. Mom saw a teachable moment. "If Jesus were here, He'd say, 'Let your brother have the 1st pancake.' "
Kevin turned to his younger brother. "OK, Ryan. You be Jesus!"
Even among Jesus' disciples, it was the same. Let's turn to Mk 10:35-45. 3 times now He's warned His disciples about what's coming. Just after the 3rd time, Jesus heads to Jerusalem for the last time. 35aJames & John, Zebedee's sons, came to Jesus with their mom. 35a"Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask." In Mt 20:20-21, their mom Salome asks. But it's their question. We think wow! Even so, Jesus is patient 36"What do you want me to do for you?" It's the question He asks everyone who comes to Him. Then. And now.
37They replied, "Let one of us sit at your right & the other at your left in your glory." Why would they think it's OK to ask that? Has Jesus already promised thrones? (In Lk 22:29-30 at the Last Supper, He soon will.) Even if He did, why do they think they can ask for the best seats now? Do they feel entitled? After all, they're related. Their mother Salome is Jesus' mother's sister. Do they feel entitled as part of His inner circle? Entitled because their family had servants? Or are they just thinking like the world? To get ahead, push ahead. Even in front of Peter, 3rd member of the inner circle. What about the other 9? Pretty cheeky! Yet, they do have faith. They believe Jesus is the Messiah. And He's headed to Jerusalem. And they think He'll set up the KoG when He gets there. So, they want the seats of power. What's the problem?
38a"You don't know what you're asking," Jesus said. They're asking for glory. But in the KoG, 1st the suffering. Then the glory. It works that way for Jesus. How much more it'll work that way for his disciples. All of us. The reality? James & John don't realize they're asking for suffering now. The glory they want comes later. So, 38b"Can you drink the cup I drink? Can you drink the cup of God's cup of wrath against sin & all sins of all people? Can you 38cbe baptized with the baptism I'm baptized with?" Full immersion in the suffering that'll pay for all sins of all people at all times? 'Can you share that?' Suffering now comes before KoG glory.
39"We can," they answer confidently. Is this the answer of someone who understands what Jesus is really asking? Of course not!
Jesus replies, "You will drink the cup I drink be & baptized with the baptism I'm baptized with." Ready or not, wish granted. Even if you don't understand that you're asking for suffering. James was the 1st martyred disciple. Of the rest, only John wasn't martyred. Even so, he was persecuted & died in exile on the island of Patmos. They did share Jesus' cup.
40a"But to sit at my right or left isn't for Me to grant." The groom doesn't assign places at a wedding feast. That's for the Father to do. Not the Son. 40b"These places belong to those for whom they've been prepared." And the Father is already preparing them.
41When the 10 heard about this, they got indignant [angry] with James & John. Not just indignant. How dare James & John think of it 1st! The team Jesus has been building is ready to explode. 42aJesus called them together. People issues can only be resolved face-to-face. 42b"You know that those "regarded" [sarcasm?] as the Gentiles' rulers lord it over them." 42c"Their high officials exercise authority [NRSV: are tyrants] over them." Brutal Roman authority was everywhere. Walk softly. Carry a big stick. Peace, or else. Shoot 1st. Be the player knocking everyone else down. Ever since Eden, that's been the world's way.
43a"Not so with you. The KoG doesn't work like that. God's ways differ from our ways. 43b"Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant [διάκονος]." Deacon. Table waiter. The one who does the small acts of service for others. One like Jesus, who washed the feet of His disciples. 44"Whoever wants to be 1st must be slave of all." 45a"For even the Son of Man didn't come to be served, but to serve. Jesus' greatest act of service? It wasn't healing people. It wasn't preaching or teaching. What was it? It's the purpose He came for. The cross. He came to pay the price we couldn't. He came to be the lamb slain before the foundation of the world. He came to die in our place. His life for ours. 45bHe came to give his life as a ransom for the many." For everyone. Anyone. Those who still choose hell go forgiven.
By the way, did you notice? Jesus doesn't rebuke the disciples for wanting to be great in the kingdom. The ambition for KoG greatness isn't bad. Jesus only corrects them for the way they're going about it. Focusing on self-centered goals won't gain KoG greatness. Want KoG greatness? Focus on other-centered goals. Look around. What service can we do for those around us? Wash their feet? Jesus wasn't too proud to do that for His disciples. (Or for us!) Is it picking up litter that isn't ours? Cleaning up a mess we didn't make? Helping with household chores? Whatever it is, the path to KoG greatness is serving others. No service too small. No pride. Just find the next thing we can do. And do it! Not thinking of ourselves; only of others.
Let's wrap it up. We've seen the price of Kingdom greatness. Want glory? Aim low. The lower we aim, the higher we'll get. Rule & authority in the coming KoG come from humble, faithful service in this age. The paradox of the KoG is this. Instead of lording it over others, KoG great ones choose to be servants. And KoG chiefs become servants to all. Even the Son of Man followed that rule. He's its greatest example. The problem? Paul Miller nails it. "The great struggle of my life isn't trying to discern God's will. It's trying to discern & disown my will."
That goes for our prayer time, as well. It's true when praying for our brothers & sisters in Christ. Pray for their needs. But when we see needs we could meet? That's the Lord's invitation to meet them. Remember Jesus' parable of Judgment Day? In it, He explains the basis for KoG rewards. Look at Mt 25:35-40. Give someone who's hungry something to eat. Give someone who's thirsty something to drink. Give clothes to someone who needs them. Invite a stranger in. Look after someone who's sick. Or visit someone in prison. Serve even one of the least of His brothers & sisters. Serve a believer, & Jesus rewards us as if we did it for Him.
What's true for believers is also true for unbelievers. An old deacon started prayer meetings the same way, each week. "Lord, touch the unsaved with Your finger..." One night, he started as usual. But abruptly, he stopped. Others got concerned. "Are you ill?"
"No," he replied. "But something stopped me with this: 'You are the finger.' " We don't just pray for others to be served. Pray how we can serve.
Rev. John did want to serve. He moved from a big church into the slums. He wanted to reach those who lived there for Christ. At 1st, he didn't have much luck reaching them. So, he went to see Marvin, a local drug dealer. "Why is God losing out to gangs for the souls of these inner-city kids?" Marvin explained, "I'm there when Johnny goes out for a loaf of bread for Mama. I'm there. You're not. I win. You lose. It's all about being there. Ready to serve them." Just so, if we want to serve others, to reach them for Christ, we have to be there.
Be there. Serve them. Whoever is in front of us. Whatever they need. Serve them, & we're serving Jesus. Whether or not it's convenient. Whether or not we like them. Whether or not they appreciate it. And most of all, don't just help them, enable them. That's true service with a humble heart. And that's the price of Kingdom greatness.
The Price of Kingdom Greatness - Mark 10:35-45
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