Jesus – Man with a Mission
After baptism and God's approval; Satan's temptation
Jesus, fresh from the temptations, and clear about his task, proclaims that the moment to which John pointed has come.
Sense of Urgency
Jesus' whole earthly ministry lasted at most three years
After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. (Mark 1:14, NIV - Anglicised)
Main Message
Plain and Simple
"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:15, NIV - Anglicised)
"Repent" like John's message
Need to turn around our lives
"Kingdom of God is near" - new element
Jesus was not tempted to build a worldly kingdom and hold worldly power; instead he proclaims a new kind of community.
Jesus is the messenger, but also part of the message. This is reinforced by the way that Mark immediately follows this summary of Jesus' preaching with the calling of the first disciples.
The challenge is not to believe in the kingdom of God, but 'to follow', that is begin a relationship with Jesus.
Recruit Followers
Simple Invitation
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17, NIV - Anglicised)
Jesus' arrival interrupts ordinary, everyday life. Jesus appears, almost out of nowhere, and his command 'Follow me' disrupts both daily work and family life. Routine, security and familiarity are put to one side and a new life beckons for Simon and Andrew, James and John.
This passage sets the scene for the outworking of Jesus' ministry and points to what we can expect to come both in Jesus' earthly ministry and the ongoing life of the Church
There will be preaching of the good news
There will be those who turn back to God
There will be the continual call to costly discipleship, which may mean giving up some of the past
There will be followers actively involved in the ministry of Jesus.