Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Morning morning.
23 through 27, all things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful.
All things are lawful for me, but not all things are at a fire.
Let no one seeks his own but each one, the others well-being.
Eat whatever he is said in the meat market asking if no question for coincidence, safe conscience, sake for the Earth is the Lord's and all the fullness.
If any of those who do not believe invite you to dinner and you deserve to go eat, whatever is set before you asking, no question for conscience, sake, in the reading and hearing the gospel.
Thank you, Mike.
What's today?
Our topic is how to care for others.
And this is part one because I got done studying from chapter 10:23 to 11 one and said there's too much.
So this is part 1 of how I take care for others.
How to care for others.
Let's begin with prayer.
Father, I thank you so very much for the opportunity and privilege.
It is to teach your word.
I thank you, Father for the privilege and a freedom that we have to gather together as the body of Christ that we can sing these Praises without fear of arrest and we can teach your word without fear of censorship and father has so much is changing in the world around us.
I asked Lord that you would bring us together each week that we might encourage our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, father.
It is my prayer and my desire to boldly effectively and passionately.
Communicate the truth of your word today.
To that end.
I asked for that you would use your Holy Spirit in our hearts and Minds Lord.
We may have come here today with worries and fears, and concerns.
And I asked world that we would be able to set those aside and have your Word speak to us today.
Thank you, Father, for who you are.
Thank you for what you have planned in Jesus name.
And preparing for this message.
I asked a couple of my children, a question and I said to them, how do we take care of other people and their responses were well, you help them.
I love the Simplicity of that response.
How do you take care of other people?
You helped them, right?
Maybe that would be making them food or bringing food to their house, or mowing their lawn or raping their leaves or something.
But when you want to take care of someone, you help them.
I love that response.
When we are told to care for someone often times what we picture in our mind is an action, right?
We think about doing something for someone and there's nothing wrong with that that is perfectly normal.
What I want us to consider today.
Is the attitude that drives the action, why do we do things for people?
Why do we care for others?
See what I hear of someone who's had surgery or maybe they just had a child.
I want to help him, right?
Maybe they have the desire to help is to bring him food.
This desire is driven by love and compassion.
What love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
That's a good thing.
Is this attitude?
It's the love though that is driving the actions that make sense that it's the attitude that drives the action.
And here in our passage, Paul is primarily addressing our attitude.
Why we do things scripture has some very clear lessons for us about our attitude.
Proverbs 27. 23 verse 7 says he thinks in his heart.
So is he even drink?
He says to you but his heart is not with you as he thinks in his heart.
So is he what's going on in our heart, actually controls our life as rethinking our heart.
So we are, we could put it this way attitude determines.
Attitude, determines action.
In Matthew.
Jesus said to his brood of vipers, how can you being evil be good things out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart.
The mouth speaks wasn't here comes out here.
Jesus was addressing the Pharisees.
That's why he speak.
So harshly to then, because they said, as long as your behavior is okay.
It doesn't matter what's going on inside.
The whitewash steps.
Do you make clean the outside of the cup?
But inside you're full of dead, men's Bones from the abundance of the heart on mouth speaks.
What is going on inside our attitude, determines our words and our actions, and hope all is going to teach us three main attitudes that we need to have in order to care for others, were going to look at about one and a half of them today.
Caring for others is a gospel priority, caring for others is a gospel priority.
This principle comes with some guidance to properly care for others.
Properly care for others are.
Attitude, must be, right.
So, caring for others, is a gospel priority.
We have to have the right attitude and when we do that, it leads to an outcome.
And the outcome is that when we care for others, the gospel is Advanced and Christ is glorified.
So when we care for others, the gospel is Advanced Christ is glorified three main attitudes again, will look at about one and a half this morning.
Attitude, number one, if we're going to care for others.
We need to speak their good.
We need to seek their good.
This is the attitude that must underlie.
All of our care for others.
We want their benefit we want, they're good.
Not our own.
How many of you have heard of Jonah?
Jonah the prophet the guy who is famously got swallowed by a whale John.
I have a heart problem and Jonah did not like the people in Nineveh.
So he went the other direction.
We think that Jonah had an obedience problem.
He didn't do you have an attitude problem that led him to Disobedience because later in the Book of Jonah, what we find out is he says, what God.
I know that your gracious.
I know that you're loved, and I know that you're forgiven and I knew that if I went to Nineveh, they were going to repent, and you were going to forgive them.
And I didn't want you to
That was his attitude.
Write Jonah did not care for them.
He wanted them to suffer because of what they had done to Israel, his lack of care for others.
Let him to run away from God and wind up in the belly of the whale.
So, our message today is an intervention.
I don't want you to end up in the belly of a whale for other brothers, in really deep down inside.
We don't want to That makes sense.
Jonathan want to take care of the people of Nineveh.
Our primary motivation needs to be the good of others.
< .5
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