Blessings Of Obedience
In the fridge.
You'll notice that there is a bit of a theme this morning. We're going to a new series called blessings of obedience taken from Ephesians. Today. We're taking a look at Salvation, the greatest blessing that God gives to Mankind. And so anyway, be prepared for that are reading this morning is from 1st. Peter verses 3 through 5 chapter 1, Praise be to the God and father of our Lord, Jesus Christ in his great Mercy. He has given us a new birth into a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead end into an inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade. The Inheritance is kept in heaven for you who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the Salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. So, lots of incredible, good news there. For those of us who have received Jesus Christ, as Lord, and Savior, and really encouragement to take that step. If you've not, Some prayer requests we have Leona is recovering. She's in Coos Bay right now and is anxious to get home, but she has to go through a little more recovery and Shirley, and Janice and the family have to get the place ready. So we need to be in prayer for her and for the work that needs to be done to get prepared for that. Some of, you know, that Mick Griffin has been going through some internal struggles and he thought he was through it and then it's recurred again, so need to be in prayer for him. And also in prayer for Richard in that Peggy Tottenham Richard's mother is on the edge of passing away. And so You need to just encourage them. Let's go to prayer.
Our precious father. How we thank you that we can gather in your presence and bring our our request before you and their father. I know that you rejoice in that, that we would that look to you and be depended upon you for your hand of guidance, in our lives. We sometimes think it's a little of a problem to bring to you and yet, father, you are concerned with each and every part of our lives. So thank you that you are and we praise your name. Father. We do want to remember to pray for the needs of those in our community, who know your, your salvation that you desire to bring to all mankind. Jesus Christ died for every single soul on the face of the Earth, and it's a choice that that's all has to make to come to you and seek that forgiveness, that makes the difference. And so father, we pray that you would stir people to come to Faith in Jesus Christ. And we pray that you would help us to truly represent you in a community that isn't need. We want to remember the needs that have been mentioned, and we do pray for Leona. May you continue to heal her leg. We thank you. That the pain has been relieved and We pray that as Janice and Shirley and the family, prepare for her coming home that you would give strength in the energy to them, for that will take some time to get it done. So be with them. In all of that. We do pray for Mick Griffin, and for your guidance, in his desire to figure all of this out made the doctors truly have wisdom and helping it to come to a conclusion a blessing. and we do pray for the Tottenham family, is they Are in waiting for the passing of Richard's mother, thank you that she loves you. And then we pray that that the family would just be encouraged in that fact. And we pray for your comfort to be in there. Lots. We also want to remember the
The individual request here that haven't been spoken out and yet they are alive and real and Powerful needs. And so we pray for each of those needs that are out there. Whether it's to have provision for their lives to have healing or any other aspect. Father, you do know and you do care about each of those needs. So guidance lesson father. Now as we continue on, we pray that you would instill in our hearts at desire to worship. The Mighty God who has given life to our lives. Bless us. Oh, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
Piercing another him, 588 redeemed. If you're physically able to stand up.
Redeemed. How I love to Proclaim?
Redeemed and so happy.
I know that's a lie.
I think of my blessed reason.
I know I chose.
Little bit of Wonder from those who go in uncertainty there for the first time, but that's good. Hopefully, they get some good information about their lives. Let's start with the word of Prayer.
Our Father in Heaven. How we thank you and praise you for your love for us. And your guidance for you are continually with those who have called upon your name. For Jesus has said I will never leave or forsake you and you have promised that Holy Spirit to us. And that spirit is here to guide and direct us. As we listen to your word. For your word, is a powerful tool that can change our lives. And so father is you have called me to administer today through the power of your word. May your spirit be Mighty and Powerful in me that I would truly express your desire and your will. For each of Our Lives for we all need that power in that strength of biting in US. Bless us in this. Oh Lord Our God in Jesus name. Amen.
Today we're going to take a look at Salvation as being one of those blessings we receive from God. In fact, it is the very first blessing that we received from God because apart from salvation. We are living a cursed life, a condemned life alive that has no hope for a future. You see, we are born in sin and sin separates us from the Living God. And we need to find a way to overcome the sin in our lives that we can work as hard as we want, but no work that we could possibly do can bring that Redemption. And so there has to be another way with all your heart through faith. We come to the Living, God and faith alone. Nothing you can do and get you there. So, let's go ahead and take a look at that message, that he has from Ephesians. We're going to go through the first chapter verse stuff, verses 3 through 14 today and it is a real scripture of understanding of Salvation And how that works out in our lot. So you can't find many other places like this one we did in 1st Peter earlier today, but this is a really powerful statement. A bond, what God does for those, who believe, if you're a believer in Christ. You should end this service with shouts of Thanksgiving. If you're not a believer in Christ, you should come to that point where you say, I need that Redemption that forgiveness of sins that is offered for each and every person on the face of the Earth. Spiritual Victory. That's what we find in those first. Few verses verse 326. Praise be to the God and father of our Lord, Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the Heavenly Realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. I want you to know that those heavenly blessings are far superior to any Earthly. Blessing might have we get excited about things on Earth. But, you know, we should be more excited about the things that are ahead of us because they are far more powerful. And they are Eternal. They aren't just for the little time. We spend here on this Earth, but they are Eternal blessings continuing on where he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight in love. He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ. In other words. He takes you into the family in that great. I'm apart of the family of God and so is everyone who receives that continuing on in accordance with his pleasure and will Desire. That, you know him. That's what he wants to do. The praise and glory glory. Praise of his glorious Grace, which he has freely given us in the one he loves which is Jesus Christ, you know, that's a powerful message that God has done the work. I've done the work for you. God says, and all what you have to do is reach out and take it and he is going to give you victory in this life. How's that work? Well, if we jump to the passage in the 1st Corinthians, 15, a great section of scripture that describes the whole scenario leading from the beginning where we are lost and in need of that Redemption, to the point where we come and recognize that, That hope is found in Jesus Christ, because he died. For each of your sins. His blood was shed on the cross in that blood wants out the sin in your life. Every part of that sin in your life and then it goes on and says he, but he rose from the dead. And that's the important part for you. And I, because what that means is because Heroes, we two shall rise, and it goes on, and it talks about us receiving bodies that are imperishable. This body is going to go when I die. This body is gone. Thank the Lord for that because then I get a new one that will never fade away. It will always be there. I will be immortal. In fact, I am Immortal now. I just have to get that body. Right? But then it says in the end 1st Corinthians 15, but thanks be to God. He gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ in that exciting. I have Victory. I don't have to wait until I die to have that Victory. I have it right now because I have a living God inside of me. He is Ides my life. I have strength and energy that others do not have because I have the Living God in Me. Continuing on when Jesus died for us and that blood important because there is no Redemption without the shedding of blood. That's not Michael. That's God's call. He says that's the way it is. Are you going to argue against the one? Who is the Eternal one that created you and decided how things must operate, you know, some people want to, they want to find another way, but God says, there's only one way and that's through the blood. And Jesus said that blood. So you don't have to, you don't have to. God said, I did the work all this, you have to do is take my gift that I give to you. We become blameless. When we receive that gift. The sin that we had in. The past, is wiped out. It's no more. We don't have to go back there and say, well, what do I do about that since we don't have to it's gone. It's wiped out is not incredible. Hebrews 9 14. How much more then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemish to God, is he? He was perfect. You're not perfect. You have to be made, perfect through the blood of Christ. Cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death so that we may serve the Living. God is Not incredible. We have the opportunity once we know him to actually serve him in this life. What kind of Victory is that? That is wonderful stuff. Wonderful stuff. You know, God is the god of the past. He's the god of the present and he's the god of the future. Yeah, how can that possibly be? Well, God exist. In eternity. He doesn't have time. There's no time for him. He doesn't look at the path. He doesn't look at the present. Say, oh wow! Wait, wait till they find out this? He's there. God is living in the future when you and I are with him. You know, when we pass from this Earth, we don't have to dwell in time either. We will dwell in eternity with the Living God and it was in an eternity past that he determined your life. You know, you're here today. Why? Because God chose to bring you into this life at this particular time. You know, it's just amazing when I think that God looked ahead into the future before he even created the heavens and the Earth and he chose you to be born. Now in this lifetime.
When we think about how God is an amazing God, we have been predestined by him 1st, Peter, 1, 20 and 21. He says he, he was chosen before the creation of the world. In other words, Christ was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times, for your sake through him, you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, so that your Faith and Hope are in God. No, think about that. God looked a hat in time before he even made one thing in creation, and he said, Mankind's going to falter and they're going to need help. And we're only going to solve that by herself. I doing it ourselves and so he determined the Jesus Christ become different leave his Heavenly Kingdom, imagine that giving up everything that he had in his Heavenly Kingdom to come to Earth and to live that perfect life. And died on the cross for you and me. But the exciting part is he rose again? Because of that. I know, I will rise again and when he looks at you and I now who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he's looking at a pure individual because he knows any ternatea, you are going to be completely pure, but we won't in eternity, we won't in eternity. But you know, sometimes we think that oh, there's got to be other ways. You know, I need to find God but you know, I can do it myself. I can find a different way. I got says there's no other way. Now. Is the god who created us? Are we going to argue with the way he is? Determined that the path might go. There are so many in life that want to argue with God and want to drink German their own path or choose the religion that fits their needs, and that sort of thing. But God says, no, I'm the only way multiple times but Jesus said it when he was with the disciples before the crucifixion. John 14:6, Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, but not one person can get the god apart from going through the blood of Jesus Christ.
You know, if you've gone through the blood of Christ and you know, the Lord, praise the Living God, but if you do not, if you've not been there, I think on this. God gives you only one choice and that's through the blood. Will that continue to read on. We'll read about the Redeemed. Those of us who have received Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1 7, through 10 in him. We have Redemption through his blood, the Forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. He made known to us. The mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ to be put into effect when the time's right there for fillman to bring Unity to all the things in heaven and on Earth under Christ. You know, that's his desire that we all be one under Christ. And one day, it will be. That those who have received them will be one totally one under Christ. There will be no others. But the Redemption plan had to be. because, like I said, When you were born, when I was born, we were born into sin. We had no. Hope you are destiny. Wasn't Eternal separation from the Living God?
It destruction in hell. That's where we were headed. Every last one of us. There is not one person here. That said, well, I have pretty good guy.
Didn't happen to me. You were born into sin. Every last one of us. In Romans chapter 3 it says read. What? What? Paul writes in Romans chapter 3 verses 23 and 4. Romans 23, it says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Every one of us. You can look at yourself in the mirror. Yep. I fell short of the glory of the Living. God. I do the same thing. I fell short of the glory of the Living God, but the next sentence is powerful, too. It says an all are Justified freely by his grace through the Redemption that came by Jesus Christ. You see, that's the center. Jesus Christ is the one who clears away who has led to our justification. It's not our works. It's his grace that is poured out on your life. There's nothing you can do except receive it. They have faith enough to receive that Redemption.
You know, the Bible calls us to fear God.
To fear Him. And it's very important. We recognize that we need to fear the Living God. Why? Because the fear of God makes us recognize that there's something wrong with us. And we need help to find that, but when we come to that point, Of understanding and start living in obedience to God by accepting the grace that he gives through. Jesus Christ. We are changed. And when we live in obedience, there's nothing to be a fearful about and that obedience drives out the fear that we have in our lives. In other words. God actually brings peace to our lives. It takes away the fear when we receive the grace that he gives through Jesus Christ.
It's forgiveness that we need absolute forgiveness. And that's what he calls for the Forgiveness of sins Colossians 1 13 and 14 says for, he has rescued us from the Dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the sun's he loves. In whom we have Redemption, the Forgiveness of sins. Whether you're a guy or girl, you've become a son of the Living, God. When you receive Jesus Christ, as your lord and savior, and you receive them by simply confessing your sins before the Living, God, and trusting in Jesus Christ as your lord and your savior. Now, if he is your lord, then you want to live in obedience to him, right? I mean that calls us to obedience if he's my Lord. I need to obey, right? And do what he says. But here's what he says. It's found in God's word. And when we live in the power of the strength of God's word. We have that wonderful gift of peace and righteousness with him. You know, it was a great mystery the whole idea of Salvation, you know, everybody leading up to Christ, believe that. Hey, if I was a good enough person and I offered to the offerings I needed to offer my sins would be forgiven and I would be going to heaven and Jesus came along and he said, you know, not very many of your going to make it, you know, the path is really narrow and most of you are going to lose out because you don't have the right plan. You don't have the right plan and it was a mystery. Everybody. Everybody wondered what how, and how in the world does all this work out? And God is the resolution to that mystery when he sent Jesus Christ. He became the mystery, solver to each and everyone of us. Colossians 1:27 to them. God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles, the Glorious Riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you the hope of glory. You see the interesting thing is that when we actually fall before the Living God and say, God, forgive me, for my sins, become my Lord, and my savior, I change occurs in our lives. Jesus Christ, comes into us, the Holy Spirit comes into our law Heights. And we are literally changed. We're no longer the person we were. We've been changed into the person. It is heading in the right direction. For the throne is Glory rather than the pit of Hell. You know, there's two options and those are the two options. But the choice to make Jesus Christ savior. That's the option that gives great riches to our lives. And it helps us to grow in here, you know, it ends that little section with the whole idea that we get to grow. We get to know him more and more. You know, we don't just stay this stagnant. Little guy that all of a sudden became a Believer, we get to grow in him and know him, more and more and that's his desire. That's what he calls us to 1st Corinthians. 2:16 says for who has known the mind of the Lord. So as to instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ. Is he God's given us the ability to understand him clearly because he's given himself to us. We have the Living God within us and that Living. God wants that relationship. And he wants that relationship to grow. And that's what you do. After you become a Believer. You're growing him. You get to know him more and more and for your life you proclaiming whether in your growth pattern or your words, we get to claim the Living God in our lives and show others who he is. Well, let's finish it off. If he shouldn't 1 verses 11 through 14. Lots of good stuff here to. It says it was in him and him. We were also chosen having been predestined. According to the plan of him, who works out, everything in Conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we who were the first to put our hope price might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ. When you heard the message of Truth, The Gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promise. Holy Spirit. Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the Redemption of those who are God's possession to the praise of his glory? The praise of his glory, you know, the great change that happens is that, you know, we are separated from God until we receive Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior, but when we come to know Jesus Christ, is our Lord and savior. We are invited into the courts of the Living. God, we can go to him and we can spend time with him. Whenever we desire. In fact, God wants us to fast in his presence. All the time. He says, pray continually. Well, that's fasting and God's presence that's continuing to walk with him and all we do. Why? Because we have been chosen, we have been adopted by the Living. God to be a part of the family. That is his. In other words. All those things that God has for the redeemed are ready to be given to us. Those Rich blessings. Now, we're going to go through the next four weeks. Looking at each of those blessings that we have are, at least three more of those blessings that we have. We have many blessings, but I God has so much to give us but we are heirs to all those things. We have that incredible. Hope that he is given to us, you know, Christians ought to be rejoicing daily. All the time because of what God has done for each of us to bless us. Romans. 8:17 says that these these words. If we are children, then we are heirs Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. If indeed, we share in his suffering in order that we may also share in his glory. How, what do we share with rice? Remember that when Christ rose from the dead, do you spend some time on Earth? And then we see the disciples, the next chapter one and they watched him go up in the glory, and he left them. But where did he go? Well, he went as well with a mighty God. And be in his presence continually. I think about that. That's your destiny also, because we are in Christ. That's the incredible pool that we have. We have that great. Hope in us because we have been chosen Children of the Living. God. We've had a spiritual bird that has happened to us. Perhaps some of you remember the story of Nicodemus, you know, he wanted to talk with Jesus and so he set aside a time at night where he was able to come to Jesus and talk to him. Do you remember what Jesus said, right off the bat? You must be born again. You must be born again. In other words, you can't live the life that you live and hope to have a relationship with the Living. God. You have to be reborn.
Not physically. That was Nicodemus has problem. What do I enter back into Mom know? Spiritually, you have to be changed spiritually and that's what happens at the rebirth. When you come to know Jesus Christ as your lord and your savior you are reborn. And then God can come into. You see, he can't answer you when you're full of sin. And every one of us was full of sin, and it's only when that sin was wiped out by the blood of Jesus Christ that he could come in to you and change you completely and give you a new destination. I'm no longer bound for hell. I'm Bound for heaven. And he is with me along the way, and will guide me safely along that way. James 1:18 says he chose to give us birth through the word of truth that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all that was created. First fruits of creation, you know, we were the last ones created in God's creative plan. Remember that, you know, he created everything else and then he created mankind. But he created us that we might glory in the rest of his creation and be the first of all of that. And that's his desire when he leads us to come and know, Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior. We become the fruit of creation. Because guess what this creation as you look outside and you see the hills and you look up and see the Sun or the stars at night. It's all going to go poop and gone. 2nd Peter tells us that it will be burned out with fire. It's all going to be gone. But there's somebody that something that's going to live and that's you and I who know Jesus Christ as Lord and seek our great Eternal hope that we will be the only free from creation this creation. He has a new creation for goes on and it tells us that we will seal. When the spirit of God comes Upon Our Lives, we are sealed for eternity.
He makes that clear that when he is living within us. We have incredible. Hope for the future. Incredible Hulk. Romans, 8:11 says, if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you. And if you received him as Lord and Savior, he's living in. You, you who raised Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of this is Spirit who lives in you. In other words, you will become immortal and have become immortal when the spirit of God Lives in You. Yeah, you'll get rid of this old body, but you'll get a new one. It's far more spectacular than this old one. Yeah, it'll it'll work just fine. We also get that last thing that guarantee, you know, when when I exit this life and every one of us will, unless Jesus Christ returns before the end of our Lives. We will exit this life. We will die and and get to go to heaven. And when I get to heaven and I knock on the door, what's going to happen? Well, I have that guarantee living in me. And that's my ticket in his glory. Remember when we looked at? Matthew chapter 25 last week and we saw that the, the first thing did God looks at for those who are going to get the glory is that they have that lamp that likes and that left is represented by the spirit of the Living God. And if the spirit is in us, then that is our R Us opening in the glory. We get to go in and be with the Living. God, 2nd Corinthians. 5:5 says these words. Now, the one who is fashioned us for. This very purpose is God who has given us? The spirit is a deposit guaranteeing. What is to come? In other words, if I have the spirit of God living in me, I have that guarantee that I will be in glory for all eternity and he'll do well with us. Every one of you who has the spirit of God in you, it will be in you for all eternity. He'll never leave. You do always be with you. That's powerful. Okay. Well, let's take a look at this. Now. Those of you who know Jesus Christ, there were certain that he has saved your life and that you are going to Glory. This should be a passage of absolute rejoicing. It's so exciting to know that all those promises are given to us and we have that because I am safe and I hope that you're safe too. Did you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that you are walking with him and that's exciting for each of your lot. But you know, there's also another part of that message and that message is for each and everyone of you who are uncertain. Not sure whether you have been saved or not.
You know, there are questions in our lot. And we need to be listening to the Holy Spirit. You know, the holy spirit is working on each and every one of you here. And I hope that those of you who know Jesus price right now are praying for those who do not because I'm going to give an invitation the end. And you have to determine do, you know, Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, if you don't. You need to make that change in your lie. You need to make that choice to come to him and know him. He desires that more than anything else in your life. It is the greatest step that you can take.
You know, at anything else in this life doesn't get you into eternity with God. That's the only thing knowing Jesus Christ. As Lord and Savior. I hope he's touching your heart right now, and he's moving you to want to know him right now. We're going to give a song of invitation. And I want you to listen to that song. And if God is moving in your heart, would you please? Take that step that will change. Not only your life on this Earth with your life for eternity because God loves you and want you to be with him. But it's your choice. You can choose to rebell against him and choose to go the other way, but I'm offering you the opportunity right now. God is offering you the opportunity right now to make that change, that gives you an eternity with him. Let's pray. Our gracious. Father. We thank you for this incredible picture of what salvation does for our lives. Word that it just as thrilling for those who know you was Lord and Savior to say. Amen. Amen. Amen, but father. It is also a message to those who don't know you yet, who are still in need of that step of faith and trust in you. And I pray that your spirit right now is stirring Hearts to want to rise up and Rush forward to receive you as Lord and Savior. And so father, may you move right now in the hearts and lives of those. In me of you, in Jesus name. Amen.
We're going to sing number 402.
Rightful thing is, you don't have to do anything. You can come just as you are, what you stand.
He didn't know that that invitation is not final with the end of the service that it is continual that. As long as we exist on this Earth, God's cry to each and every soul is that they would come and know him as Lord and savior. He wants to say he wants to give lie. And so any time that you come to that point of recognition of that in the need, that you have come to know him as your lord and savior. Aspirin. Our gracious Father in Heaven. How we thank you that we have that incredible hope and may we display that? In our lives as we head out into the world. Father at church doesn't the end at the end of this service, it continues on as your people have opportunity to live for you to praise your name and everything that we do, including the very words that we speak to those in need may we truly be witnesses to the great love that you have For All Mankind, bless us in this. Oh Lord Our God in Jesus name and through his blood. Amen.