People of Valor, part 2
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Review - Position, Description, and Transition
Review - Position, Description, and Transition
Anniversary Theme: People of Valor
I am in a position to be a person of valor
problems, obstacles, situations are opportunities
being called to do a hard things is an opportunity to be a person of valor
God is with me
this is so key . . . so accept that description
soak it in, believe it, receive it . . . The Lord is with me
Then, take that fact to help you make a mental transition: you are not powerless, helpless, and woe is me . . . . you can say, I am a person of valor, mighty hero, New Testament - more than a conqueror
The Lord is with me and I am who God says I am
When facing challenging and difficult situations this week, I reminded myself several times, “You are a mighty hero”
and though making that mental transition is a very important first step,
you can’t just be a hero in your mind
eventually you have to do a heroic act, and act that takes valor, bravery
one heroic act that is so important, but often overlooked, because it is so simple . . . is commitment
and it takes real bravery to be fully committed, committed to your
calling, purpose, ministry, dream, marriage, church
16 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.
Background on Ruth
an Israelite man from Bethlehem left Israel because of a famine
the famine was so bad that he even took his wife and sons to the land Moab, an enemy of people of Israel
and while there, his two sons got married to Moabite women
Sadly over the course of ten years, the man died, and both his sons died, leaving three widows
his widow Naomi decided to return home because the famine was over, but encouraged her daughters in law to stay in Moab, find new husbands, while she returned alone back to Israel alone.
This was very kind because she could have insisted that they come back with her. But she did not want them to throw their lives away, and most likely live the lives of beggars
they both said, “no we won’t leave you like this”, but Naomi insisted, and one of her daughter in laws returned,
The other, Ruth, committed to stay, despite the fact that it seemed they would live a beggar’s life
long story, short, Ruth does become a beggar, but miraculously meets a single man, a good man, a rich man, named Boaz who wants to marry her . . . because he recognized her commitment to her mother in law. (Christian singles, “I’m looking for my Boaz”
So Ruth and Boaz get married, Ruth and Naomi are now well taken care of, Ruth has a baby . . . and ends up as the great grandmother of King David, and ancestor of Jesus, the Christ
Ruth is a heroine of the Bible, but this verse is where it all starts, and it starts with commitment
I will look at the verse through the lens of the church, since our theme is people of valor, but this can be used in marriage, parent-child relationship, calling to ministry, fulfilling your purpose, achieving goals and accomplishing the visions God has given you . . . .
Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you - Commitment doesn’t take the easy out
Ruth says, “don’t tell me to leave or turn back”, when I married your son, I joined this family, and I am here, committed . . . you have provided an easy out, but I will not take it
real commitment doesn’t take the easy way out, and there will be easy outs as a member of WMBC or any church
there will be plenty of opportunities to leave church or stop coming to church
schedule issues
financial situations
health problems
various conditions - like Covid
plenty of things that would cause a lot of people to say, “I understand”
just like if Ruth left Naomi, based on the conditions, we would understand
Hear this, “even though there will be legitimate issues and reasonable excuses,” commitment says I will not leave nor turn back.
WMBC did great things, and is still here because someone remained committed despite legitimate issues and reasonable excuses
someone came when their health was less than 100%
someone gave when their money was tight
someone put in the time, even though their schedule was full
someone worked at church, and then headed straight to their personal job
someone was dealing with some serious issue, but didn’t miss a beat on Sunday
many times, I have told members, “don’t worry about it, because you have this and that”
and they will respond, “don’t worry pastor, I will figure out a way to get it done”
many of our heroes are heroes because they were simply comitted, they overcame what would have stopped others
Movie/TV producer, writer, actorTyler Perry succeeded because he was committed, his initial stage play failed for six years straight, but he was committed . . . so he slept in his car, worked odd jobs, and did not give up until he met with success
he had plenty of legitimate reasons to give up, but he did not give up
if we want to continue to be a great church, do something great, have something great
there will have to be some continued, “I’m going to be there”
I’m going to get it done
you can count on me
i’ll keep trying
with the Lord’s help we will figure it out
“that won’t stop me from accomplishing my task”
because people of valor are committed and don’t take easy outs
for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge - Commitment travels well
commitment is not thrown off by location, it travels well
our church has done this physically, we’ve had church in different locations
to unusual places - having church in a meeting room at a YMCA
to different places - 5 different places have served as our place of worship, we worshipped in the parking lot one time during Covid
to uncomfortable places - having church at my childhood home was uncomfortable, parking around our house was uncomfortable, moving furniture in the house was uncomfortable, having two small bathrooms was uncomfortable . . . . but committment travels well
because real commitment says “wherever we are, I am there”, it understands that the church is not the building but the people of God who are worshipping, serving, and fellowshipping together
but we have also had people committed to the spiritual direction of the church
wherever you go, I will go
from church, to church and school was a big change in direction, but where you go
from church and school, to church and school and nursing home was a big change in direction . . . but where you go
back to just church was a big change in direction, but where you go, I will go
if the church is heading in a direction that I understand fully . . . I’m committed
if the church is heading in a direction, I don’t quite get it . . . I’m committed
where you lodge, I will lodge
it’s willing to travel to new places and environments
and there will be new things WMBC does in the future, are you committed enough to go
your people shall be my people - Commitment deals with people
Ruth the Moabites will have to deal with a whole new culture in Israel, she will probably face some backlash as an outsider, but she is committed and will deal with it . . . your people will be my people
if you are to stay committed to WMBC, you have to deal with people, imperfect people
people from different generations, backgrounds, upbringing, church experiences
but you have to be committed to “WMBC people are my people”
committment fights through when people will let you down, upset you, hurt you
because they are not “those people down at the church”, but my people down at the church
we talk about those who have experienced church hurt and left, but we also need to remember those who have experienced church hurt, and are still committed to serving in the church! . . . they understand that commitment deals with people
but committed people forgive, overlook insults, move past about misunderstandings
you have to say, “those are my people” and I’m sticking with them, imperfect as they are
and my life is not 100% together anyway
and your God, my God - Commitment submits to God
commitment means that I am about doing God’s will and not my will
serving in a capacity that I am called to serve in, and not just where I want to serve, or the easiest place to serve
serving when you don’t feel like serving
I don’t care how much you love WMBC, there will always come a time, where life gets you to a point where the only reason you stick with the church is because of God
this is where God wants me
this is what God wants me to do
this is where God has called me
and ultimately, the more you are committed to God, the more you will be committed to his church
Commitment does not take the easy way out - Jesus did not take the easy way out, he laid down his life on the cross for us
commitment travels - Jesus traveled all the way from glory to earth, traveled carrying a cross on his back
Commitment deals with people - self righteous leaders, disbelieving disciples, cruel soldiers
“father forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing”
peter you will deny my, but after you have been converted strengthen your brothers
Commitment submits to God
in the garden - not my will, but thy will be done
take time to do social media right now
old school day - don’t let clothes stop you from coming to church
anniversary of Alstons, 39 years, right after church