The Legacy We Live and Leave
Sermon Tone Analysis
- Hebrews 12:1-3 Running the Race
- Event that took place
- Example to follow
- End of the race
- Exhortation
- Hebrews 12:4-11 The Discipline of God
- The Purposes of Discipline
- The Pearlerals of Discipline
- The Proofs of Discipline
- The Products of Discipline
-Continuance vv12-13
Once again in these verses the race metaphor comes back into play v12-13 Two different people are being addressed here in these 2 verses
Our own race v12
1.) Arms
While running a race the first thing to start to wear out is your arms You never see a runner that runs without pumping their arms Your arm placement and motion are very important to proper body coordination and rhythm 2.) Knees
They begin to wobble At this point a runners only hope is to remain focused on the goal or prize When we experience spiritual hands that are weak and spiritual knees that begin to shake our only hope is to look to Jesus who has already ran this race and is the author and perfecter of our faith just like it says in v2 The race of others v13
In Running The Race one of my points was not too look back at the other runners and this is still true but we must help others that are going to come behind us. The first part of verse 13 talks about making our paths straight there are several reasons for this
1.) So we don’t bump into other runners
If we take our eyes off what we should be focused on the we can’t run straight We must keep our eyes on Jesus 2.) So the ones coming behind us have good path to follow
We are to be example to new and hurt christians just like the Hero’s of faith in chapter 11 are good examples to us. A bad example being set forth by a christian will do more damage to the chruch and its future that the devil ever will!!!
-Diligence v14
Some think that this verse advocates that we can achieve salvation on our own but that is wrong what it is saying is that if we keep our eyes focussed where they are suppose to be which is on God then we will do two things:
1.) Love others
Peace is a two way street It is impossible for two persons or countries to live in peace if one of them is persistently belligerent We all know people like this 2.) Love God
If we love God the loving man will take care of its self Looking through the eyes of Christ will give us a whole new persecutive on the world In order to love God we must first be a believer
The things that are of God make no sense to people who are not saved Jesus and the love He shows is the counter to every culture He did not follow trends or fads but he did two things while on earth: love God and love people!!! As we have already said he is the one we are to follow
-Vigilance v15-17
To Prevent the falling short of Gods grace
We are to bring as many people into the race as we can John 3:16 We must run our race so that others coming behind us can see our tracks and know they are on the right path Like Paul said “if you want to follow Christ, then follow me” To Prevent bitterness
One drop of oil can contaminate 1000 gallons of water We must be vigilant for negativity in the church and remove it before it causes people to go astray We must do this through the leading of the Holy Spirit and not of our own accord To Prevent shallow selfishness
Gave up His birth right for a meal Know real idea what he was giving up Did not realize what he had done until it was to late Judas
Sat under the teaching of the master Lived under the same roof Eat the same food Saw many great signs and wonders but missed heaven by 12” The distance from his head to his heart May we never be so blind!!!!!!