Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Call (1-8)
Jeremiah was called to preach to the people of Judah during a troubled time.
The Southern kingdom had fallen into idolatry.
Four kings are mentioned in verses 2-3.
Amon 642-640 son of Manasseh who encouraged the worship of Molech burning children alive as a sacrifice.
He shared the same wickedness as his father ( 2 K 21:19-ff).
Josiah 640-609 a great king who began his rule at the age of 8 & attempted to restore true worship back to Judah.
Jehoiakim 609-598- an awful and ungodly king who burned the very words of the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 36)
Zedekiah 597-586- He was as evil as Jehoiakim was (2 K 24:18-20).
Jeremiah’s ministers over a period of between 40-50 years covering the reign of four kings.
He preaches until the Babylonian captivity when Jerusalem is destroyed and the people of God are exiled into a pagan land.
Paganism & pluralism reigned.
No one seems to care.
God is about to call an unlikely person to warn the people.
God calls Jeremiah despite his lineage.
Jeremiah was of a priestly lineage.
However, he was not a functioning priest.
The sins of his ancestors had his family removed from serving in the Temple.
Eli who loved his sons more than God brought judgment upon Jeremiahs lineage (1 Samuel 2).
Aren’t you glad your future isn’t dependent on who raised you but on who saved you?
It’s not about genetics, it’s about Jesus.
My family tree is a cross!
God calls Jeremiah despite his youth.
Jeremiah responds to God’s call with disbelief (6).
He thinks he’s too young.
“I’m just a child!”
Most believe Jeremiah was under twenty.
Probably a teenager.
Before we get too judgmental with Jeremiah let’s consider what he’s saying:
He lacks authority- who is going to listen to a kid?
He lacks experience- He’s not even a functioning priest.
He lacks training- “I don’t know how…” (6) God said He’s sending him to nations.
This is foreign missions as well.
God calls Jeremiah before he was created (5).
Before you were in your mother’s womb I knew you.
How humbling is it to know that before God made you He knew what He was going to do with you.
We think God makes us then we show Him what were good at and he gives us a job.
That’s not the case.
God creates Jeremiah with a specific purpose in mind.
This removes any opportunity we have for boasting!
Before you were born I sanctified you- This means set apart.
It has to do with a different way of living, a holiness.
Before you were born I ordained you- This means appointed, sent.
God is saying to Jeremiah “I gave you to the nations.”
In other words Jeremiah was a part of God’s grace to a lost world.
In the midst of ungodly generations God forms, sanctifies and sends out men to preach His word He will protect these men because God will present his word to a lost world.
Are you born again?
Are you saved?
Then you have been formed, set aside and sent out!
Your purpose in life is to declare to an ungodly world the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are a royal priesthood!
No excuses!
Too young?
No excuse!
Too old?
No excuse!
I’ve noticed that people say three things about serving God:
I’m too young, I’m too old and between those times they say they are too busy.
The Commission (9-10)
God is sending Jeremiah out.
God is commissioning him.
Note some things:
Note the intimacy.
As Baptists we have ordination services.
Godly men lay hands on someone who has been called.
We commission this man, send him out to the field.
All of this is symbolic.
Spurgeon said of our ordination services they were empty hands on empty heads!
His point was we can do nothing for one another.
God has to lay His own hand upon us if we are to do anything for the kingdom.
Jeremiah said the Lord touched his mouth.
We don’t know exactly how this happened: through a vision, in the Spirit, actually touched him.
The point is Jeremiah had an intimate encounter with God.
He knew God called him.
He knew God touched him.
See the conviction of Jeremiah “Then the Lord put His hand forth!” Jeremiah knew what God had done.
I have seen men of God come and go.
I have seen people believe today and not tomorrow.
Today they believe hell is hot and heaven is real.
Today they believe sin is ugly and holiness is beautiful.
Tomorrow they don’t even speak of the things of God.
Tomorrow they have no passion, no conviction, and no heart for God.
I can only conclude that they were not convinced of what they said they believed.
Jeremiah would make it for fifty years and only see two converts (Ebed-melech and Baruch) because he had an intimate encounter with God!
Note the instruction.
God put His word in Jeremiah’s mouth.
In verse 10 God says he set Jeremiah over kingdoms & nations.
He instructed Jeremiah to:
Root out, Pull down, Destroy, Overthrow, Build, Plant
Through the preaching of the Word of God Jeremiah would root out sin, pull down false ideas, destroy false religion, overthrow satanic strongholds.
This would happen as Jeremiah called the nations out for the sin they were in.
The building and planting was the hope he would give the people through preaching.
God’s grace was available.
His forgiveness was offered.
Jeremiah is commissioned by God.
The hand of God is upon him and the word of God is within him.
Believer it is the same with you.
Your parents have not saved you.
Your church has not saved you.
God has saved you.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9