Sermon • Submitted
I. Introduction
A. Opening Illustration
B. Opening Comments
C. Review
D. Seg-way – God keeps His promises (v. 20)
II. God’s Sanctification (1: 21-22)
A. He empowers (establishes) us in Christ
1. The ability to persevere, that is, to continue in the faith, is not from ourselves; it is the gift of God (“Perseverance of the Saints”).
2. So often we enable people to live out their vices. God enables, empowers us to be who we should be – producing Joy!
B. He anointed us
1. To “anoint” literally is to pour oil on the head, often as a sign of divine calling and empowerment.
a) Cf: 1 Samuel 16: 13 -- Old testament use of the word “anointed.”
b) In the New Testament, “Christ” represents the Greek word Christos, also meaning “anointed.”
2. God gave us a purpose – Purpose Driven Life
C. He set His seal of ownership on us
1. An official seal indicated authority or ownership and guaranteed protection (cf. Esther 8: 8).
a) Paul often used “slavery” as an analogy.
b) “You mess with my slave (possession), you mess with Me.” (cf. “For I am persuaded that nothing can separate…)
2. God has sealed us, not with a physical seal of wax, but with the Holy Spirit in our hearts (Eph. 1:13; 4:30).
3. This inward work takes place in a person once, at the time of first becoming a Christian.
D. Guarantee
1. The Greek word means a deposit or down payment that is part of the total and that guarantees the whole payment will be made.
2. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of the complete salvation yet to be realized (5:5; Rom. 8:23; Eph. 1:14).
3. We already have heavenly life within us, before we reach heaven (1 Cor. 3:16; Col. 1:27).
III. Conclusion – “What are you living for?”