I. Introduction – “Tough Love”
A. Opening Illus.
1. The broken marriage (illus. from Dobson)
2. Rebellion at a young age
B. Comments about “Tough Love”
1. 2 Cor. 2: 4 -- For I wrote to you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you.
II. Body – Three Areas of Tough Love
A. Church
B. Relationships
1. Home
a) Spouse
b) Kids
2. Work / Friendships
a) Young Love, True Love
b) Larry Crabb – “Interventions”
C. Self
III. Conclusion – “The Other Side of the Coin”
A. Church – covered previously up above
B. Relationships – demonstrate a “persuasive” love day-to-day so that there is no doubt that you are genuine when you have to get “tough.”