Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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David and Goliath
[SLIDE 1] We begin our series Twisted Scripture.
Why do this series?
In the Evangelical church we have seen Scripture be abused to suit the pockets of a so-called pastor.
This may not be surprising as Paul wrote to Timothy, [SLIDE 2]
2 Timothy 4:3–4 ESV
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
People will put for themselves, speakers, I will not call them preachers, to stand up front and speak to them.
To tickle their ears.
These speakers do so joyfully as this will grow a large gathering quick and get for themselves notoriety.
They will be invited to speak to the ladies on “The View” or they will be invited out to Oprah’s villa to be interviewed.
Listen, if a so-called Pastor is endorsed by Oprah, they are not a Pastor of the Gospel.
These speakers will manipulate and twist Scripture in such a way that they make the audience the Hero of the story.
Every single text of Scripture somehow applies to you and your victory.
One of the best at doing this is Michael Todd and Steven Furtick.
They are so good at this that a new term had to be made.
Let’s go through these terms real quick:
[SLIDE 3] Exegesis: the process by which the reader “reads out of” the text what the original author or authors meant to convey.
This is what we will be doing throughout this series.
[SLIDE 4] Eisegesis, when one reads into the text what the interpreter wishes to find or thinks he finds there.
It expresses the reader's own subjective ideas, not the meaning which is in the text.
Is still very common in the church but it is still an unbiblical way to approach the text of Scripture
[SLIDE 5] Narcigesis is the interpretation of scripture for the purpose of finding/putting yourself in the text.
This is the term which had to be made because of countless American speakers.
They will inject you into the text.
This is far more common than you realize.
[SLIDE 6] It does not take much, a quick YouTube search, just typing in David and Goliath, we see sermons, “Defeating the Giants in your life.
Facing your Giants.
How to slay your Giants, or Do you have the Stones?”
Do you see a theme?
You, you, you.
So what do these speakers do?
This is common in the church today.
The speaker does not allow the text to speak, they are suppressing the Word of God, and instead they espouse their own narcissism, and the audience loves it.
It tickles their ears.
To the applause and “Amen's” of those listening the speaker exalts their own words above the Word’s of God Almighty.
They do not exegete the text and thus they rob God’s people of the truth, if even any might be listening to such a blasphemer.
God’s Word is more remarkable and beautiful than anything I will utter from my mouth.
My Words pail in comparison to the everlasting truth of God’s Word.
I am completely unworthy to even read aloud His Divine Words.
The Truth of God’s Word is more beautiful than these narcigetical lies.
These speakers will say, Goliath is your debt.
Goliath is your broken marriage.
Goliath is your addiction.
Can I give a short response to the actual sermon titles we just went through?
[SLIDE 7] “Defeating the Giants in your life.”
You don’t.
You will never defeat your giants.
“Facing your Giants.”
You won’t.
You will cower before them.
“How to slay your Giants.”
You can try, but your giants will slay you, like they have a thousand times before.
“Do you have the Stones?”
You do, and you miss.
You have 5 stones?
You miss 5 times.
Christian, I am going to tell you something in love, you are not the Hero of this Historical Document.
[SLIDE 8 TITLE] You are not the Hero of your own life.
There is only one Hero, and He will not share His Glory with anyone else.
The Alpha and Omega.
The Beginning and the End.
God Almighty is the Hero of this Document and He alone is the Hero of your life.
He died.
He rose.
He sits at the right hand of the Father.
He called you.
He saved you.
He indwells you.
He sanctifies you.
He is the Hero, not you and not me.
This is but one purpose as to why we are doing this series.
The other purpose for this series is to bring clarity to the text of Scripture.
We always need to examine what we have been taught, and as a Pastor I always need to examine what I am teaching.
James 3:1 ESV
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
Here is what many people do not know, you are to put everything I say from the pulpit to the test.
[SLIDE 10]
Acts 17:10–11 ESV
The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue.
Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
The assembly tested everything Paul taught them.
They listened, they received it, and they tested it.
This builds trust between us, but it also offer me accountability.
I am not infallible.
I have made mistakes.
I take James 3:1 serious.
It brings fear and trembling to my soul every single time I read it.
We are always to grow in our understanding of God’s Word and I am not exempt form that. Clarity must always be sought after with the Word of God.
1. [SLIDE 11 TITLE] This brings us to the first point, what is clarity?
How are we to exegete the Word of God?
The current generation in the church is more concerned with application over Exegesis.
How does this Scripture apply to me? Do you see how that question can quickly lead you down the path of Narcigesis?
Before we can ever be able to understand how this text affects us today we need to know what this text meant by the author.
This is the first step.
If we do not know what it meant we will not know what it means because so much of what the Bible records is not topical.
It does not change with time.
What it meant then it means now.
Today we have a lot to cover, [SLIDE 12] 1 Samuel 17:1-51.
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