Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Appearance To The Disciples
After Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday
Jesus has at this time appeared to
Mary Magdalene John 20
the other women Matt 28 9-10
Peter 1 Cor 15 5
2 on the road to Emmaus Luke 24 13
The disciples are in a closed room locked door
Remember Just before the Passover Jesus was arrested
tried and executed then they had to get Him into the ground before the Sabbath
so now its the first day of the week.
the disciples are afraid of their arrest
some people have seen Jesus but not all
there is a turmoil of emotions going on in that closed room
Is Jesus really alive ?
will we be arrested?
what happens now?
Read John 20 19 - 23
Sunday Evening
Jesus was just in their midst
from no where
The men and women were in fear
now every thing is ok
Shalom to you
The peace that God gives you
the peace that you are whole
The peace with God
because we have come to God on His terms He has provided to us peace with Him
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus we can have peace with God
the wounds was evidence that the price of salvation has been paid
because of the atoning work of Jesus we can have peace
we are declared righteous when we come to God through Jesus
God is not going to punish us for sin, the debt has been paid
we can have peace with our past.
we have been declared not guilty
all sin has been forgiven, and we should forget it
The Peace of God
the fact that all of the sin has been taken care of.
The people in that room, could be apprehensive about the future
But God provides us peace in our hearts
talking with Linda about the covid she was a little worried about passing it on to others
but she was not worried about dying from it
She has peace with God
She has the peace of God
the disciples have gone through a very traumatic week
now they are behind locked doors and Jesus is there
they are now terrified
again peace to you
This great peace that God provides
when we get the diagnosis
the bad news
unsure of the future
Gods peace is given when we worship Jesus
when we are thankful
when we give to God our requests
He give a peace in our hearts that is beyond understanding
The Great Commission
peace to you
I send you
this is the first time Jesus gives the Great Commission
later on after this time Jesus gave it to them in more instructions
Here in John he says I am sending you just as the Father sent me
The father had a commission for the son
for the purpose of
and Jesus in constant prayer with the Father did exactly as the Father instructed
Jesus often needed to get alone with the Father to pray
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit
so these men needed to be just as much in contact with the Father
be relying on the Holy Spirit to control their lives
to be wanting to please Jesus more than wanting to please ourselves
Picking up our cross daily and follow Jesus
and through all of this we have the peace that Jesus gives us
The Holy Spirit Given
Here in John we have the Holy Spirit being Breathed into the people in this room
in Genesis we see God breathing into man and creating a human
here in John
Jesus again breathes into these people and creates a new creation
a spiritual man
Breathes into them new life
this is just a portion of the Holy Spirit that these men will need over the next 50 days
until the Holy Spirit comes and Baptizes and fills these same men
for the power to complete their mission
We receive this at our point of belief
the Holy Spirit indwells us and we become a new creation
this was a special indwelling for the first believers
because they had to wait until Pentecost for the fullness of the Holy Spirit
this does not give us the unauthorized power of catholic priest
to absolve sin , to give penance for sin
this also does not give us the power only God has
As John Stott says, “The Apostles understood that the authority the risen Lord had given them was the authority of a preacher and not that of a priest.”1
the authority to pronounce forgiveness lies in the fact that if someone is a believer
if someone is a new creation
if someone has put his faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross for his salvation
then we can pronounce to this person that his sins are forgiven
If we are saved.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9