Church of False Assumptions- Pt 4
Attributes of Jesus
Knowledge of Jesus
Spiritual Condition of the Church
Jesus’ Offer of Help
① to scrutinize or examine carefully, bring to light, expose, set forth
② to bring a pers. to the point of recognizing wrongdoing, convict, convince
③ to express strong disapproval of someone’s action, reprove, correct
④ to penalize for wrongdoing, punish, discipline
Elenchō refers to a verbal rebuke designed to bring a person to acknowledge his fault. It attempts to correct by word as compared with paideuō, which accomplishes the same goal by act. The latter word has the basic connotation of “instruct” or “educate” and developed a meaning of “chasten” when the education process was expedited with correction. Here, it is the severe discipline of love. Hopefully, the goal can be achieved by verbal rebuke only, but if this fails, chastening must follow. This is Christ’s constant75 method of dealing with person after person who falls into this category of need.
By derivation the verb relates to zestos (“hot”) in 3:15, 16, a connection that clarifies the fervency that Christ wants to become the spirit of this church
With allowance for a legitimate secondary application to a foretaste of ultimate fellowship with Christ, the primary reference of Christ’s standing at the door and knocking must be to His eschatological coming that is pictured as imminent throughout these messages. Because of His longsuffering (cf. 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 3:9), He keeps on knocking, but at some point, unknown to human beings, that knocking will come to an end and He will enter earth’s scene once again, both to deliver His faithful followers and to punish the rebellious. The promise of v. 20 predicts the fate of the former group, and the warning of v. 16 foresees that of the latter.
The Promise to the Overcomer
The genuine Christian, the one who overcomes by faith and is victorious over the world (cf. 1 John 5:4–5) (Walvoord), will join Christ not only in the great eschatological supper, but also will sit with Him on His throne to participate in ruling the world.