Getting Back on Course
1. Chapter 26 – Paul’s Defense Before Agrippa
• Who was King Agrippa? 25:23--26:1.
• What was Paul’s defense concerning the charges the Jews from Jerusalem had brought against Him? Why would the Jews not accept Paul’s defense? Who did Paul attribute his help and rescue to? (26:2-23).
• What dis Festus accuse Paul of? (26:24)
• What was King Agrippa’s response to Paul’s defense? (26:25-29).
• Agrippa said that Paul could be set free if he had not done what? Do think this may have been part of God’s plan to get Paul to Rome to witness to Caesar? (26:30-32)
2. Chapter 27 – Paul is Sent to Rome
• Who was Paul entrusted to to be carried to Rome? When sailing became rough what place did they take shelter at for a short period of time? What city was it near? (27: 1-8).
• Why did the centurion and others not want to stay harbored at Fair Havens? Who convinced them they should sail on? What was Paul’s warning concerning the voyage? (27:9-13)
• What happened to the ship after they left Fair Havens? What did the men have to do to keep the boat a sail? (27:14-20).
• Being in the storm for as long as they were, do you think Paul’s words brought encouragement to the people on the ship? Do you think Paul’s witness was having an effect on the company he was with? (27:21-32).
• They had been in this storm for 14 days. Paul encouraged them to end their fast and eat. How many men were on this ship? Do you think they were placing their confidence in Paul by now (27:33-38)
• When the ship struck a reef the scriptures indicate that the soldiers were planning to kill the prisoners, what keep them from following through on their plan?
3. Chapter 28 – Safe At Malta
• After Paul and the rest of the passengers of the ship managed to swim to Malta what extra event happened to Paul? (28:1-6)
• While at Publius, Paul had an opportunity to minister and witness for the Lord. What ways did he do this and what was the result of this ministry? (28:11-15).
• When Paul arrived at Rome what was one of the first things He did? (28:16-22).
• After Paul presented the Gospel to the Jews, what was their response? What was the meaning of the Scripture he used in his parting words? (28:23-27).
• Because the Jews would not whole heartedly accept the Gospel what did Paul do? How long was Paul allowed to preach the Gospel in Rome? (28:28-31)