Taking the City

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Very new wine mesh.

Do you? That works, whatever you have. Going to Rose right there.

Check check.

Check check.

Well, good evening, everybody. Great to see you all on this Saturday night. Say Amen.

You know, over the last couple of weeks with a lot of things going on, but you're not even up to two weekends ago and I spoke about the Lost part of the Holy Spirit. There was something that the Lord really put, very heavy in my heart and actually tonight and tomorrow, we'll kind of go hand-in-hand. So it's terrible. For those who aren't ya before you Scholars that come to church on a Saturday night. You will be doubly blessed. Amen.

Turn the religious people get upset with me. That's okay. They will also be blessed. Don't worry. Amen. All right. You know, I'm when we planted the church in the beginning which was six years ago, now,. Believe it's been 6 years.

You know, I remember having a tremendous amount of vision for what God wanted to do in the city and in our church, and one of the things that I believe very firmly was that God would do a mighty work in Vero Beach. And that we would be a part of that work there. Many churches and many churches have an incredible effect in the community and we're very grateful to serve alongside those churches, but we know that we have a part to play and when God spoke to me about coming to Vera, he was very clear with me about what I was supposed to do. The truth is as time goes on, it becomes even more clear what God wants us to do. But there's one thing he told me that I really tonight want to share with you again. Now when I say again is I want to share with you the vision that he's given us full, Vero Beach. Different message, but the same kind of idea and God spoke to me through a very familiar passage of scripture. I want to show you. One of the reasons why I believe oceans unite these yet and whoever else anyone else in the body of Christ that feels cold, to do, what we going to be doing, you know, such a nice message is very much. And now prophetic sound message for this church and for the community and you can take it wherever else, you all in the world, take it for your community, because it applies. So, you know, one thing that I believe, very firmly is that God wants you. And I to do his will on Earth, In the beginning. When God created Adam and Eve, the Bible says that he gave them Dominion. You know, he gave them the money in the Bible calls you, and I Kings and Priests unto our God, which is really powerful. Because if we had to really get into that, you would understand that you have a two-fold function as a Christian to be both the priest and the king, not one or the other both because you know the for you to be effective you have to be both. Kingly and Priestly, God wants you to operate with a king's anointing to take ground and have a SORA team. And he also wants you to operate as the priests unto our God. He wants you to go to him and worship him and exalt. The Priestly duties, just like the priests used to in the days of old. So it's pretty clear that God created us with a purpose. To both have dominion to take authority and at the same time to also be priests to come to him, to worship him to have relationship with him. One of my favorite scripture in Genesis where it says, and God walked in the cool of the day in the garden waste. But would speak to the high went into the garden in the cool of the day too. And it sounds like you would walk with Adam and Eve in the garden and I'm like man, that's what I want to know. I just want to walk with God in the garden. In the truth is is that you and I actually can do that. We just can't see him with an extra large, but he actually is with us because we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us. So I'm going to go to the Book of Joshua. We going to be spending some time there today in a very familiar story so that I can show you what I believe God wants us to do. You see before you can take a city for a kingdom, for the kingdom of God, is the foundation that must be late. And that Foundation is extremely important and something to share with you from the story of Joshua, how I believe God wants to work. Shane Vero Beach. Is that? Okay? So let's go to Joshua, 1 verse number 1.

After the death of Moses. The Servants of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua, the son of nun. Moses assistant saying, Moses. My servant is dead and you and all this people to the land, which I am giving to them the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I will give I have given you. As I said to Moses from the Wilderness of this Lebanon, as far as the great river, Euphrates all the land of the Hittites and the great sea. Towards the gummy down of the sun shall be your territory. No man, shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses. So I will be with you. I would like to leave you nor forsake you. I believe that God wants us as a people to take the ground that he's given us. I believe that God wants us to take the ground to take the city that he's given us. God gave the children of Israel at territory. He sent to the children of Israel, versus the land that I'm going to give you. And when he gave it to them, that land looks great with milk and honey, but there was some Giants in the land. Are you with me? So, it wasn't necessarily going to be an easy task without God, say to them, right from the beginning, this land is yours. I'm giving it to you and I love the way. The Bible says that every place that your feet, your trip. I've given unto you. I really believe that a Christian is supposed to walk with that, same promise, every way that you supposed to take ground for the kingdom of God. Every way that you go, you are supposed to make a difference for the kingdom, and I believe that this church and whoever else wants to Leave the stoop with us. I believe that God has given the city to us.

You don't have to believe it. I'll believe it. I believe that he is giving it to us. I believe he's giving it to the Christians, in this community. The Christians that desire to see the kingdom expanded. The Bible says, he has given that territory to us, but the fact of the matter is, is that it's not always so easy because we have to face different challenges and different things. And I want you to know that even in your own personal life, not just as a territorial thing in terms of church. What I mean by that is like the kingdom of God being expanded, but even in your own life, there are things that God wants you to overcoming his victory over in your own personal life. So when I speak about this, today, I'm going to be speaking from the context of the body of Christ, the church, but also apply it to yourself, but I'm on a bit of a mission. Is that okay? So let's go to Joshua 6. Verse number one. I remember when God spoke to me about coming to Vero Beach. We went to a conference in Orlando. And at this conference in Orlando, Not only was at that moment, not 100% on board with us, planning the church, in Viera. She believed that God had spoken to me, but you felt that, the time wasn't, right. So we went to Vero and there was a young prophetic, God longs to cut it short,. I ended up standing in front of someone in a very miraculous way and he came after I said, he stopped us and he said, Your bags are already packed. He said you you you've already list your residence me to the whole lot of stuff that he made a comment and this is what I want to share with you in the comments. He said that she said you have dirt under your nails. He said you going to fall from the when you speak about do it. That means you've already been plowing the ground. Are you with me? See, there is a preparation that must take place before you can actually Reaper Harvest. Its soil has to be prepared before we can really be effective. And if you look at the Kingdom Hall, sometimes it's compared to a tree. You will know them by their fruits, a good tree. Cannot bear, bad fruit. The battery came out they good for it. And we and he gave us this world and he said to, I said, you could have your going to go out to get a foam, you going to plant in the front, the church, all that stuff, but it. But he made that comment. You've already got dirt under your nails and I remember thinking to myself, when I was actually pretty clean. Okay, that's what I thought when I didn't think was, what does that mean? And I have a photo of many different things that it could mean, but I really believe that God has made it very clear to me now. And something to show you what it means. I'm going to show you what I believe it means for us. There is a preparation. There is a laboring, the atmospheres take place in any Farmer's life before that Harvest comes and becomes fruitful, you know, we we do the heart of the farmers go out. They prepare the ground that plant the seeds and they pray for the rain is gone. Since you going to go and you're going to bug, you was going to do it. You must go and prepare the ground, plant, the seeds do the work and then pray for the rain. And that's exactly what the kingdom of God Wheels the church and when I say Trisha, Magnus is clearly speaking about us only. Okay, so don't get upset with me, but God is speaking to oceans. And anybody else. Is that okay? All right. So now we know that Moses is Moses is dead. Joshua was being told that he's going to take the children of Israel into the promised land and he comes to the city of Jericho. And Jericho was not an ordinary tourist because janica was a place that was really well protected and it seemed impossible for the children of Israel to take this ground. Is he often times? Even for us is the church that may seem impossible for us to really make a difference in our community. How can we really make a difference? You see as a church? I have absolutely zero desire to go off the other Christians.

I'm going to say that again as a church. I have zero desire to seek out off the other Christians. I want unbelievers. I want the backslidden the lukewarm those that don't know. I want us to go into the community and change the figures of the unsaved and say I want the report to come back to listen lost you there was so many and saved and so many saved this year's. Something happened in Vero Beach.

And in order for us to do that, we have to do something to the ground before we will see that Harvest. So when the children of Israel wins, and they had to face DuraCoat seem to do nothing till Joshua 6. Verse number once, is this not Eureka was securely shut up because of the children of Israel said, they knew they were coming. In other words, they understood if it was a threat. No, I need you to understand something. In the New Testament. In the church age. We understand that the enemy is not an individual. That the enemy is an enemy in the spirit, but will be in the spirit and I'll get you there tonight in a more in-depth way. But I just wanted to say that cuz I don't want you to think that. Now I'm looking at the world as the enemy. Amen, all right. No generator with security shirt because of the children of Israel. No one. None went out and none came in, and the Lord said to Joshua, watch this. Now. See, I have given Jericho into your hands. It's king and the Mighty Men of Valor. The first thing I want you to understand is that if God has a desire for 5 to take the city to Sea Isle City, transform for people to get say, four Lyme's to get impacted for the lukewarm, to get on fire. Again, for those that have lost their passion, and fire to serve the Lord a game. If we want to see that happen. The first thing that has to happen is God will give us the words. I believe that I have the word. Do you have the words? Do you believe in God, spoke to me, long time ago about coming to the city and planning a church. And we would see the city changed. We would see the Cities Safe And I know Given that would keep many of you in this church and even enough. It's in the city. He is given the word of Revival to the people. Are you with me? That's step. Number one. God comes to Joshua gives Joshua the word Joshua believes the word, but when God comes in, there's a challenge in front of another way. To starting to become. Don't think things don't seem to be going. Explain. The Revival hasn't come as quickly as we expect. The city has been transformed the way we wanted to. God comes and says, see I want you to see. I want you to see what I have planned for you and he says, to Joshua's Eve. I've given the city into your hands, the problem with so many of us is we don't see it. And if you can't see it, you will never have it. You have to see the plan of Gods. Chase's to Joshua. I want you to see a Joshua. I want you to see that I'm going to give the city to you. Now, just you. And remember, last week. I spoke to you, but you we can suspect you about the language of the spirit. The language of the spirit is visions and dreams. The language of the spirit. He'll speak in your in a man and he'll show you things. Many times. Those things will come in the form of images of Visions or something like that. To the holy spirit will will show you what he wants to do in Vero Beach and watch somebody. I need somebody to be in agreement with me this morning. So let me ask you the question before we proceed. What do you see for them City? What do you see? Do you see the lost getting saved? Do you see how the fence. Police force on fire for Jesus? What do you see? I know what I see. I see the city transformed. I see all schools having Revival. I see. I didn't businesses, people, preaching the gospel. I see Mary just getting restored. I see families coming to Jesus. That's what I see. Amen.

So the question was assisting, what he says get you. First thing is, this thing is you have to see it. See how I've given Jimmy, Carter into your hands. It's Kings and the Mighty Men of Valor, but was going to leave this for later on, but let's stop that because I need to put you into so that you can kind of try and figure out what I'm trying to say. All right, let's quickly go. We'll come back to that in just a moment. Let's go to Ephesians 6, listen to this. The number 12. Okay. Could someone you like, what is that got to do with the city. Now, explain it to you. Now, the Bible says Ephesians 6 verse number 12. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities against Powers against rulers. Of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness, in Heavenly places that stuff that you must understand that in the days of old, they would have to take ground in the natural. But in this day, the battle is not against people. The battle is against the spiritual forces, these spiritual forces desire to possess a city. To possess a state to possess a nation. That's how it works. That's why the Bible speaks of principalities a certain rank of spirits Powers. The rank of spirit spiritual hosts of wickedness as a certain rank of spirit. Now, I could really get technical with you, but we don't want to do that tonight. The reason I need you to understand that is that we have to be able to see that God wants to take the city and it's not going to stay in the hands of the enemy.

So the question we have to ask ourselves is what do we have to do in order for us to effectively impact of City? We first have to do some things in the natural before, we will see it manifest in the spirit. Are you with me? But I want you to understand that that's who the battle is against, that's not against individuals, or though it is for the lives of individuals.

So when you pray for your child, don't pray against your child, pray against the spirit, that's affecting your child's cuz it's not against flesh and blood, but against principalities Powers rules of all the different spiritual spiritual forces. I remember when my daughter was very young in school. They was a bully in her class and the bully would come in and was bullying her. So what did I do? It day off today? This kid would come and start to really believe her badly bad B, like really bad and I'm going to go and tell the teacher going to go fight with the kids is nothing is going to work. What is it? That's busy trying to do this to my child. So I did what I needed to do. I went in the spirit. I began to intercede against the child on you evil. Child. You tell me, give me the strike you down. I didn't do that. Are you with me? What I did was a shitload that spirit that is coming against my daughter, then wants to affect your character that wants to break her down. I take authority over the spirit in the mighty name of Jesus and I break its power. I did it one day. I did it two days to weeks 3 weeks and eventually this kid just stop bothering her. On his own, he didn't even know why. Are you with me? I knew why? Because I was doing Warfare in the spirit against principalities against Powers against spiritual hosts, against evil forces, in the spirit. Not in the natural. We want to find the natural. Now in the Old Testament, in order to take ground in the natural. They would have to do it in the natural. But now what we do is the Old Testament is a type and Shadow in the New Testament. We have to take back spiritual territory. Once you've taken spiritual territory, you will see how it will manifest into the natural.

And cities change communities, transform. Economies Go app crime goes down. That's what happens when the kingdom comes. When when you see, when you see God begin to manifest himself in on Earth. In the in the individuals you steal the presence of God and people begin to change and then So now are you with me? Alright, you made me change my whole suit and but that's okay. That's okay.

Alright, so let's go back to our story.

Let's go back to Joshua 6, verse number 3, Joshua 6 verse number 3.

Save this number to God system. See, I've given Jerico in two hands. It's Kings and the Mighty Man of Valor. It would be like God, saying to you. Listen. I want you to understand something. I've already defeated all principalities and Powers. They are already under my feet. I have already made a spectacle of them on the cross when my son Rose from the grave.

The mighty men, the spiritual forces, the principalities have already been defeated. You are equipped with everything you need. Going to take the city. But first you have to see it first, you have to see that. That's who you are. First, you have to see that that's what's available to you before. It will manifest Vinnie. Sister that mean verse number 3 you shall March around the city. Oh you. Men of War. You should go all around the city once this, once this, you shall do six days. Music of the 60s and 70s Show. Basement travel to Ram's horns before dark, but the seventh day you shall March around the city 7 times and the pre-show blow the trumpets. It shall come to pass when they make a long blouse with a Ram's Horn. And when you hear the sound of the trumpet, that all the people shall Shout with a great show, then the wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up every man, straight before him. Is he? The first thing that God will do is he will give you the strategy. So what God does his assistant to Joshua? Listen, Joshua. This is the way I want you to take the city first. Can you see it? Once you can see it. Now. I'm going to explain to you what I want you to do. You see? You must understand that God has already told us exactly what to do.

The problem is most of us. Don't know what that is.

And you have to wait till day. So I want you to see that. The first thing he does with the children of Israel, if he gives them the strategy. This number 16, Joshua, the son of nun. What's this called? The priest? In other words, he calls the leaders insisted and take up the Ark of the Covenant and its 737 temperature, Rams horns, before of the Lord. And he said to the people proceed and March around the city and let him do his armed Advance before the Ark of the Lord is here. First thing you have to do is you've got to get that, it's the spiritual oversight, the spiritual leaders, and you going to get them together, and you've got to get them into agreement. I noticed. I hope you guys are okay with this. I'm speaking very prophetic with you tonight. Okay? And so that's what happens then they shared with the people and then the people get on boards. Which one is supposed to swing port in for me that my leaders see, the vision that they also believe that we are here to take the city that we actually believe that, God can turn a city Inside Out upside down for Jesus.

I really believe it. But I go to have people around me that can see it as well.

Once I know they can see it too. Then we go to the people and we say runt. This is what God wants to do. God wants to give us the city in that situation. God says we must March around the wall. We got to get around the world, but don't worry God's going to give us the city and then look at the walls and they go.

And that's how you sometimes feel that this is impossible. You know, if you're a beach. Do you know, Indian River County Juno? What the people are like to know how many fortune tellers living in Fort Pierce? Oh, yes, I do. You see, that's the thing. We need to know what we are up against, listen to me in the spirit.

Cuz I bet it's not against individuals. It's a spiritual battle in order to take territory. We have to know what the spiritual climate is. Like.

All right. Now, we know the strategy.

Let's go to Joshua. Let's jump to

Joshua 6:15, it's go to verse 15.

Don't worry. I'm sitting. You will laugh. You're going to jump just now. A little bit late. I just now saw the African saying just now means in just a little bit. Okay, Joshua 6:15, but it came to pass on the 7th day so that she has instructed them on the first 6 days. It came to pass on the 7th day that they arose early about the dawning of the day and marched around the city 7 times in the same manner. On that day only they marched around the seven around the city seven times and on the seventh time. It happened. When the priest blue, the trumpets that Joshua said to the people, Shout to the Lord has given you the city. Now, the city Shelby dude by the Lord to destruction. It's an old water in it, only dread Bahamut shall live. She and all her all who are with her in the house because she hit the messages that was sent that we sent and You by all means of staying the Obscure sings list. You become a crushed when you take the accursed thing and make the temple is Relic wrist and Trumbull it. But all the silver and gold in vessels of bronze and iron are consecrated to the Lord. They shall come into the treasury of the Lord. Let's stop there for a moment. So we see, God says, I want you to see it. It gets the meters and everybody on board, then they tell the people, but keep the people listen to me follow the instruction of God, even though it seems a little bit crazy, March around the city every day, get up brother, or Trump puts them on the statement today. I want you to go and do it so many times and then do it. And then shove, it sounds, a little crazy. You see, sometimes God requires us to do things right outside of a comforter. And in order for us to take a city, in order for us to take ground, you must understand that. Before you before you were the way you were, before you were saved. The original state you would have understood this. In other words before, man fell, this should be easy for you to understand, but because we fell and became natural. The spiritual things are hard for us to understand. So now I want to give you the blueprint. The God says, that what we need to do to take the city. Is that? Okay? So let's start in Corinthians. Let's go. They are like Corinthians, you know.

Let's go to Corinthians 2nd Corinthians 10, verse number 3. I watch.

For though, we walk in the flesh. Watch this. We do not war, according to the flesh for the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal, But Mighty in God, for pulling down strongholds. I want you to understand. The gods Weaponry is not carnal. God's Weaponry is completely and entirely relying on him. That's why the weapons of our Warfare are mighty. You got for pulling down strongholds. Now, I don't want to get you technically this really speaking more of an individual's persons live, but he says costing down, arguments every High thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to The Obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all the civilians when your obedience is fulfilled. Now, what we have to understand is that we do not war in the flesh. We walk in the spirit. So we must pick that thing up. First. The first thing we need to understand is that that battle is not going to be a kanal Beto. It is going to be a spiritual battle. The sports's strongholds thoughts and suggestions that the enemy wants to bring against us. We have to bring captive. Okay. Now, the Bible tells us in the book of Ephesians are really cute, just a while ago, that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and Powers. Now watch this. Let's go back to a real quick. Let's go back to Ephesians 6 verse number 12. Let's go to this. Number 10. Ephesians 6. Verse number 10.

Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind. Now, watch put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities against Powers against units, of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness, in Heavenly places. Now watch therefore, with the first thing we have to do, when we want to engage in battle, is we have to put on the whole armor of God. He says, therefore, take out the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the evil that you may be able to withstand in the evil day. Having done all to stand then, he says, having to do with you. Having good your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness. Having show your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all, taking the shield of Faith, which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and take up the helmet of salvation. And Sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, stop play. I want you to understand that he's telling you about the armor that you need to put on to be able to engage in battle. Every single one of those things face, truth salvation, the sword of the spirit, the shot that it showed your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. You putting on the armor of God, you putting on the truth of God's word. You are applying all of God's truth. All of who is Faith standing equipped in God unto you before you go into battle. In other words, not my way but he's way. In other words. It's a spiritual thing. I'm putting on my armor and then he says, now once you have your armor on this and I want to teach you about the armor, but I'm done that so many times to get the teaching. Cuz I want to show you what he says, once you have your armor on this is the part that we miss. This is the part that we don't understand. So very, very well all the time. once you have your armor on, then he says this He says, in verse number 18, praying, always with all prayer and supplication with. Being watchful to this end with old perseverance and supplication for all the saints. And for me that actions may be given to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known The Mystery of the Gospel. Listen. Once your army is on, then you begin to wage war fair. Then you begin to come up against the enemy. Many scholars will say that, one of the parts of the armor is the launch, the launch of intersection. If we want to take our city for Jesus, we have to put on a full. We have to put on God and then we have to go in his way with all of him choose salvation. And we have to go into the City and the way that we do it to first, get out that the foundation laid by doing it with gray. Free is the key. Craig, is the foundation. Free supplication, request fighting against to principalities and Powers. Spiritual hosts of wickedness. Are you with me into session, is the most powerful thing when it comes to striking the enemy. If you want to Sea Isle City, transformed and changed, it's going to require into session. Now. Before we planted the church. I remember hearing that guy say to me, you have dirt under your nails. And I thought to myself, what does it mean? Know what most of you may not know is that one thing that I was really able to catch from when I was a young Christian in my church, where was saved, is I caught the spirit of intercession, how many of you know, the Bible says that the Sprint even makes intercession for us. When we don't know what we should pray for. So I would pray for hours and I would labor in the spirit and pray even in the spirit. I would pray, not even knowing what I'm praying. And I would pray and pray and pray and I believe with all of my heart that while I'm praying and interceding, I'm laying a foundation.

Now, that's great. But it really becomes very powerful when the body of Christ comes together. God was able to view all of my intercession. Give me the vision that I needed for me to do the work that I had to do. But in order for us to be able to take the city, as you can see, in the story of Jericho, it doesn't require one person. It requires an entire Army.

So, the intersection cannot be left up to hun. It only becomes powerful in the whole Army catches the vision when the whole Army is able to see. And so that's what happened with the children of Israel with Jericho is that they were able to march around. The walls, is he into station is like marching marching around the walls. You can't, you don't have the victory. That feels like the various, right? Yeah. It feels like you standing up against this thing that's in your way and you not getting the Breakthrough. That's exactly how it will feels sometimes when you into seeding. That's exactly how it feels to love somebody.

We pray. Your corporate gear to church every Wednesday and Saturday and sometimes it's really hard. Could we do it and Vinny Pride home? And what are we praying for you? Praying for a nation to be changed. Be praying for our city to be changed. But what are we doing? We are being obedient to God, by doing back about Waging War in the spirit. If we went to Sea Isle City changed, we go to pray for our city to be changed. We go to come against the forces of Darkness. It holds out City Collective. The only way you going to know exactly what we need to pray for Vero Beach. Is if we asked the Lord, he's the one who's going to show us. And so that's what we do. We come to give it and we intercede. It doesn't always have to be in a building but as a people, we can come together and begin to pray. Pray Against Addiction. Pray against all forms of of of evil in all forms of provision, and all forms of Witchcraft, and fortune-telling and all forms of corruption in our government. We come against all those things in our region and we pray and we come against it and it's like a wall. That's like a wall that we have to March around. But the truth is, is there someone that's willing to do it. Is this someone that's willing to see it and begin to take that step and actually go out and do it. So, you with me, I can only imagine, hey.

Did the children of Israel off the day number 3 for like we going to do this again? We going to get up early at the crack of dawn and go marching around the city. Nothing is happening. United. Just saying if you do the same thing every time in the same result, change, what you doing, they number for same results. Are you with me? But they believe what did they believe? They believe the word of the Lord?

Well, how do you know God wants to give you the city? Oh he does. Oh, he does. I'm not saying that about me, I'm saying that about you. I just happen to believe it already. I'm able to see it already. The question is, are you? Don't make it personal for just a moment and then we'll come back to a corporate. This goes for your family. They might be a wall because of your child. They might be a wall in your business. That needs interpretation. Eusebio spiritual forces that don't want you to have a break through their special forces. That don't want you to see your child gets saved, the spiritual forces that don't want your marriage to lost. So, there's a wall that you have to walk around. And the only thing that you can do is fine in the spirit. What did God say if you want to do Morphine, put on the full armor of God? What's that? Amazon begin to pray with all prayers and supplication in the spirit. Are you with me?

And then when you do that, you begin to see the mysteries of God, come on somebody, he begins to show you. He begins to speak to you.

What is talking about the mystery of Christ? I accept that was the only acceptances wonderful. The mystery of Christ in us. The hope of glory, which means I'm going to have Destiny. Purpose of parity power. I'm going to walk out the cooling that he's giving me. Come on. Are you with me? That's okay with me.

I'm fine with it.

To the children of Israel, took up the Mendes. They marched around the city that did exactly is allotted. And on the last day, they did it seven times and then Joshua's it to them. Now. I want you to shout. Now, I want you to shove it. Like you really believe the gods going to do what he said he's going to do. Put up. That's what the verse of Joshua 6. Verse number 20.

I think it's just she was six guns, the Lost Village, space number 20, there. It is watch now. So the people shouted, when the priests blew the trumpet and it happened, when the people who did the sound of the trumpet and the people shotted with a great shown that the walls fell down. I watch then the people went up into the city, every man straight before he now watch, and they took the city. That's the word of the Lord to you today. If you are willing to stand in the Gap, if you are willing to believe that God wants to raise up a Remnant to save, the city to save us, stay to save our nation and we do it. I want you to know that if there is a people that will do that. Then what the Lord is going to do. He will give us the city. He will give us a nation. He will give us more than we can ever imagine. That's what he's pulled you to do, but you have to step into it, ain't him.

Not want you to know that my mind. I saw this whole different a lot differently.

That's okay.

Will, you know, Prosthetics? Why do you guys pray every week of the same stuff? Because I'm believing the same things to happen.

I would really love it if you came and joined us.

Let's foolish preview. On Wednesday mornings on Saturday mornings, and if you can make play with us at the same time at your home. Let me tell you something, that they talked about her shot. I've been in three meetings guys, with the atmosphere becomes too sick because the people are going to speeding with with everything from within the train into seeding. And it's almost like that. The holy spirit is just completely taken over every one of us. And the sound that comes up is so powerful and that sound, I want you to know, or even his but not only does Haven hear how he is it to. And it's not just to the enemy in this region. When God called us to Vero Beach. I came here and saw a Revival. I came yet. And so a city changed and transformed. I remember praying this city Vero Beach belongs to Jesus. I believe that this whole entire city can be impacted and touched in people's lives. Can be changed. I'm tired of going to places and seeing young people young boys that think they girls I don't judge him. I feel so sorry for them. They don't have my density, that don't know. Who's that. All, they don't know that God created them, amazing. Just the way they are.

Homosexuality, the rent for the month. So young people. Why? Because they don't have identity wide because the church has lost its position to intercedes.

If we don't do it, I don't want to be here. We didn't come yet to have church and have groups. We came yet to enter to make a difference in our city became yet to make an impact in our city. You are yet to make a change in our city.

And if you think you got saved for you, ugly, you forgotten the most important part. Jesus said, there are two.

Promises that are the most important to Commandments of the most important. Love the Lord, your God with all your heart. And then he also said your neighbor. Who is your neighbor, every person around you, rather text you.

If you can love those.

Those that you look at you judge him.

Jesus said, love you enemies. I sent you. My dad the other day. That's really hard.

And then like you told me it's not hard. Fremont. Manuel. I'm jealous of you.

Hard for me.

Why don't you have any enemies? So, you know, but if I did, okay, when someone is offended, you when someone's come against you. It's not hard to like like him. Just want to love him.

Shannon Beador.

I really believe that God is saying. Don't forget why you are here.

Cuz this church. it's cold to do, or This church is called. To make war against the enemy. For the lives of the individuals that are broken and hurting. Families are torn apart. Young people full of addiction. They've lost the identity of never seen anything like it. We would never have dreamed of this. Even ten years ago would be seen today. I can't go anyway anymore. That's all around me. And all I'm saying, is ways to church. I'll tell you where they are there any buildings.

The forgotten the man date. What do we need to do? When you get some dudes and down nails? We need to begin to intercede. We need to wage war faith in the spirit so that the climate can change. And then we go out and evangelize. When the fine folks in the church straight off to the fire fell in the church. When the fire fell with the with Elijah and the children of God, turn back to him. The next thing he did was he pulled out the rain. When the rain comes, the rain falls on the just and the unjust. But there's always going to be a people of someone that will stand up against the forces of Darkness. I want you to know, you are cool to do that. As a child of the most high God, you are called to do that. Don't suck my coding. Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

It's the church's responsibility.

To make a difference in our community. And one of them leaving the most important, part of the Bible, says, my house shall forever be at House of prey.

We can feed the poor clothing for help the orphans to others and we must, but we will always remain at House of prey. An intersection is the heartbeat of the church.

That hot people beat 3 of city and community and change, the lives of thousands. That's why I said I want to go after the last. We don't have to go after the other people in churches. They were already in church. They say it. Let's go after.

The people that are broken. Let's go off to those young people that have lost their identity. Let's go off to the family. That's torn apart.

And when you do it in the spirit, first, the ground begins to become for paid.

And then it's like once you've done in the spirit. It's easy. It just happened. What happens on its own, God pulls out his spirit in turning to our community and that's how the Revival comes. How many of you in this place? Once you see real Revival?

So, I challenge you this evening. I keep wanting to say morning, but I haven't done at 1. So I'm very proud of myself. I challenge you this evening and tomorrow. I'm going to talk about intercession some more about standing in the Gap and morphle in an individual basis.

You. And I Do you think often times if we can stop focusing on all our problems? And we begin to pray for other things. God will take care of your own problems for you.

This will stand for just a moment.

Father tonight in this place.

I want to start load by just telling you how grateful we are. To be here together like this. To hear the word of the Lord.

You have given authority to us. To trample on serpents and scorpions and Over All. The power of the enemy.

Snow, did we stand back? Too consumed with our own things, and it's Human Nature.

Prelude, that you would give us a heart for the second commandment. LaVan Davis.

Jesus came and laid his life down. There is no greater love than this, that you lay down your life. We want to lay our lives down. For this community for these people in Vero, Beach. For the, we pray for the broken. This this, this evening in this place, the hurting those that are inflicted by evil spirits and family that are torn apart, loading addicted, people for the people. And Lord young people that have lost their identity, father. They don't know who they are because they don't know you but if they meet you, if I come to know you, they can never be the same again. To Father tonight. I pray in the name of Jesus with my brothers and sisters in this place. We pray for our city. We pray Lord against every spiritual force that exalts itself against your desires to come against you. Father, every Force, every principality and power that is established itself in this region, and the community is fitted. Lord. We come against it now in Jesus name, and we break Satan's power over this. Community. In the name of Jesus, we come against old forms of fortune-telling in witchcraft. We come against all forms of a diction in our community become father, against any false religion coats, we come against it now in Jesus mighty name and we break your power this evening. In Jesus name, we plead the blood of Jesus over this region. We pray, Holy Spirit, but you will invade this community, with your palate with your love and you will invade the broken that you will invade the hoodie, but you will pour out your love for the school's. Put on young people, father that you will catch them in. Jesus precious name in Lord. I pray this evening that this community, they will be a Remnant that will rise up in Vero Beach for the games is the body of Christ. What does one gold was? The one mission to expand the kingdom of God's to see people's lives touched and changed Forever by your love and your parents in. Name of Jesus,. I pray you father, for the lives of every person that's in this building and watching online for the many people have wolves in front of the many people have situation facing Lord. I pray that you will cause us to obey your words to put on the full armor of God to stand against The Wiles of the enemy to stand against every spiritual. Not by might nor by power. But by your spirit Lord, once we pick up our mess, once we pick up episode, let me stand father with intercession prayers and supplications putting out trust and I'm facing totally and completely, and use the Lover of My Soul. We give you. Thanks and praise and all the glory and honor. And right now, I take authority over every spiritual force that exalts himself against you in the lives of any person in this place has depression. I should have. You noticed suicide. I said you noticed in the name of Jesus. No, I break your palate identity crisis. I come against you now in Jesus name and we bind you. Now, we break your power in the name of Jesus, that right there where you are begin to pray. Forget to pray for someone that, you know, that doesn't know Jesus B get to pray for them now say their names someone that you know, a brother and sister friends or colleagues just call out their names and I'll still go to touch them come against any force of darkness is holding them back from serving the lord. Pray for them. Now. Come on Church. Your voice is raspy voices begin to pray right now. Jesus, mighty name.

Is your father, we stand together tonight and you've heard the names of people in our community. We also have some more this evening. Father. We want to pray for our First Responders who want to pray for the government to this region for a county commissioner in Jesus. Mighty name. Remember, when I asked you, how do we change the city? You said start for the authorities, thought that we pray for the police or Sheriff's Department. We lift them up to you. Now, in Jesus name, we don't bring them home safe everyday, but more than anything father, they suffer with so many things that they see in deal with on a daily basis. The only way they'll have healing and deliverance is if you So we all said you encounter them in counseling with your love, encounter them with your power, for the we pray for the Youth of our city. We pray for our young people, look touch them. Then pour out your spirit Lord in our schools, and our community in Jesus. Mighty name. Now. Let's give a little big shots. Like we believe it came on Hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah, and we give you praise. We give you praise. We give you praise.

Amen. Amen, amen. Take your seats for just a moment. Then we're closing in about 3 minutes. Day before. Maybe McKay.

This is not in any way to bring anybody under any kind of condemnation. Who's the best we can ever do anything about the pasta? We can do something about now? I want to challenge you Church. Pick up the full armor of God put on trees fight salvation piece. The sword of the spirit which is the word of God. And then with that begin to pray. Begin to pray for us to begin to pray for your family. Begin to pray for loved ones that you're not. Let's see. God do what many think is impossible.

I want to go on the news and say and give them safe. Vincent Revival breaking out in Vero Beach.

Children of a weeping on the sports fields at the schools businesses. People are Weeping in the cafeterias and businesses. The mall is having Revival. Come on somebody. Amen.

Olympic Games with anyone who wants to see all City Transport. That's right. Thank you very much. I'm in a minute. I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else, but you guys Heyman. So, let's pick up out my Lipstick episode. Let's begin. Tuesday, would be cool to do. Let's get a passion for the lost in this community, and let's watch. God, do what he desires and I'll City. Let me bless you, father. We thank you tonight. We thank you for your word. We say, thank you Lord. We will we will answer the call. To be a House of Prayer. To battle against spiritual forces of wickedness, that desire to exalt himself. Who are they? That they even did, Lord, Your church is in this community, yet the enemy rages. For the latest takeout, place as your servants and watch, you manifest yourself and change the lives of the individuals in this community. And father, at the end of the day, at the end of it, all we will always give you all of the glory, all of the honor, and all of the praise in Jesus precious name. Amen. Amen.

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