Special Things at Jesus' Birth
Luke 2
Introduction: We know that Jesus was special! But I want to look at some more evidence from Luke 2 concerning things that happened around his birth. These things need to be reinforced in our minds, over and over, so we never think that Jesus is similar to gods of other religions. He is special and superior in every way.
I. Born into poverty vs. 7
A. kata/luma - a large place provided for rest or eating - inn, lodging place; more specifically guest room, dining room; could be a public inn or a private home
B. Could have been born in a barn, a cave, or outside where animals were kept
1. When the Child was born in Bethlehem, since Joseph could not find a lodging in that village, he took up his quarters in a certain cave near the village; and while they were there Mary brought forth the Christ and placed Him in a manger, and here the Magi who came from Arabia found Him. Justin Martyr, born about 120 AD
2. Manger - a trough or open box in a stable designed to hold feed or fodder for livestock
C. The offering of the two pigeons instead of the lamb and the pigeon was technically called The Offering of the Poor. It was the offering of the poor which Mary brought. Again we see that it was into an ordinary home that Jesus was born, a home where there were no luxuries, a home where every penny had to be looked at twice, a home where the members of the family knew all about the difficulties of making a living and the haunting insecurity of life. Barclay
II. Yet angels announced his birth vs. 8-14
A. Single angel
1. No floating or flying indicated
2. Suddenly appeared or walked up to them
3. The glory of the Lord shone around them - perila/mpw shine around - It was very bright, probably brighter than day
4. The angel said
a. Good new
b. Great joy
c. All people
d. Christ the Lord. This combination occurs nowhere else in the NT and it is not clear what it really means. Luke is very fond of Lord where the other Gospels have Jesus. It may mean "Christ the Lord," "Anointed Lord," "Messiah, Lord," "The Messiah, the Lord," "An Anointed One, a Lord," or "Lord Messiah."
Word Pictures
B. Hosts of angels
1. plh=qoj stratia=j ou)rani¿ou - fullness of army of heavenly; row after row after row of angels
2. Saying
a. Glory to God
b. Peace It is not simply an inner disposition or the absence of war, but evokes a whole social order of well-being and prosperity, security and harmony. WBC
c. Good will toward men (KJV) is based on a bad manuscript d. Better - “peace to men on whom his favor rests." (NIV)
III. Simeon recognized him vs. 25-35
A. Righteous - divkaio", “righteous,” is earlier applied similarly to Zechariah and Elizabeth (1:6), and later to Joseph of Arimathea (23:50) and Cornelius (Acts 10:22). WBC
B. Devout - eujlabhv", “devout,” is Lukan (elsewhere in NT only in Acts 2:5; 8:2; 22:12) and belongs to the language of Hellenistic piety. Luke uses the term positively of religious uprightness in a Jewish framework. WBC
eu)labh/j - strictly, taking hold of well; hence, cautious, devout, pious, as a characteristic of one who carefully observes the law
C. The Holy Spirit had told him that he would see the Messiah
D. When he saw Baby Jesus, he knew his prayers had been answered
E. Another statement of the universality of Jesus’ work
F. He gives the first hint of the grief that Mary will experience because of Jesus
IV. Anna recognized him vs. 36-38
A. She was very old, 84 or 105
B. Barclay calls her and Simeon “the Quiet in the Land”, a few righteous persons who spent their lives in prayer, waiting on God
C. She knew this child would be the redeemer vs. 38
Conclusion: Now the question is: Do you recognize who Jesus is? If He is the King who has come to rule over all the earth, will you live as one of His people or will you remain as one of His enemies? Since He is special, he deserves special consideration from you.
Plaisance Church. ECD, Guyana. April 4, 2004. AM.