Overflowing Grace
It's time for scripture, reading. It will be 2nd Corinthians, 8 7 through 15.
But since you excel in everything, in faith, in speech, and knowledge and complete earnestness earnestness, and in the love, we have kindled in you that you also excel in this grace of giving. I am not commanding you but I want to test this is Sarah T of Your Love by comparing it with the earnestness of others. But, you know, that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich, yet for your sake, he became poor. So that you through his poverty, might become rich. And here is my judgment about what is best for you in this matter. Last year, you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so. No finish the work so that you're eager willingness to do. It may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means. But if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable? According to what one has not according to what one does not have. Our desire is not the others might be relieved, while you are hard-pressed, but that there might be equality. At the present time, you're plenty will supply what they need. So that intern there. Plenty will supply. What you need. The goal is equality, as it is written. The one who gathered much did not have too much and the one who gathered little did not have too little This is the word of the Lord.
Let me open under prayer. Let us pray gracious. And loving God, open our minds that we might know you. Open our hearts that we might follow you. And open our souls that we might be utterly transformed by you in your name, we pray.
I want to open with a question for all of you. And the question is this?
Is it better to give or is it better to get? Do you like being The Giver? Or do you like being the receiver? Now? You don't have to answer that, but I do want to let those two questions, run laps around your mind for just a little while. The news me, of course, is quick to report the giving of a multi-billionaire such as Bill Gates or Warren Buffett when they give a portion of their wealth to good causes. And just this past summer, if you remember, mr. Buffett gave away over four billion billion dollars to two organizations that they can use that money to further what they need to do in order to serve other people. Everybody loves a giver and perhaps wish that they too can be forgiving in their own lives. However, in our consumer-driven marinade that were immersed in We often gravitate towards what we can get far more than what we can give and what author writes this, she points out that we can see this relationship with breaks down because of one person isn't getting what they want from one another. We can see it. No work. We looked for greater job satisfaction or personal meeting. We do. We can also see in the church, where people's involvement in the community or other places gets in the way of all that. Did not getting enough of it. They want more of it, and they want something out of it. This person also writes that actually, you can hear the language of getting. A lot around in the church. One hears it from people who want to get something meaningful, elephant or enjoyable out of their experience of church when they hear is it when we want to get people more, get them on positions of leadership, get them on a roster of our serving and some appreciable way or get people to give more money. But also regular hears it from parents or grandparents who want to get their children or grandchildren back to church. I know as a pastor for many, many years. I've heard this comment from parishioners members at Enders and visitors. We want something out of what we do. In this morning, scripture passage Paul pashley argues, that his followers of Jesus. People of Faith, should be known as communities. as people of faith that are known for their giving, Writing to the Corinthian. Church reminds them that they had pledged to contribute Monies to struggling churches in Asia, Minor and particularly the the church in Jerusalem. The Christian church in Jerusalem led by James. Was a poor Church, it struggled mightily to do, the ministry wanted to do in Jerusalem. Part of Paul's apart, apostolate Ministry, was to raise funds to help other churches who are struggling financially, churches throughout Asia, Minor were not on the same playing field.
Unlike other churches in Asia, Minor, the Jerusalem Church. What's going through fierce, fierce Financial hardships? And he knew that the other well-off congregations in the Roman Empire. We're doing a lot better. And the Believers in the Corinthian Church, it seems they had started this fun drive that had started Gathering money for the church. But like, in our own world. Life happens. And it kind of the kind of didn't forget about it, but they weren't diligent about it. So now Paul is following up on them as he hopes to visit them soon. And collect all the funds that they promised that they would gather. And so in addressing the Corinthian Church, deprimes, the pump by giving an example of another church that had completed a fun drive for the Jerusalem Church. He gives the examples of the Christian in Macedonia. who not only gave unselfishly, but it also begged, Paul to let them have the honor of giving And is it? Paul writes? This is my friends. We want you to know that the churches in Macedonia have showed others. How kind God is. Although they were going through hard times and were very poor. They gave as much as they could and they gave generously. they gave as much as they could for Dan even more simply simply because they wanted to The asked and begged me to let them have the joy of giving their money to God's people. And they did more that we could ever have hoped. No, you don't you when you read this initially on the surface. It seems that Paul is taking the Corinthian Church on a voyage which in our vernacular is a guilt trip.
but in fact, if one reads on to chapter 9, it becomes apparent that the the Spectre of Shame, hangs over the Believers in Corinth if they renege on their Promises of support, but this is, this is not Paul's main impetus. It is not Paul's main reason and it's not in Paul's intention to guilt or shame them is a theologian. He's a deep deep thinker, and many people think I'm a genius in his time. Instead. He uses the character of God to highlight God's grace and God's generosity. He wants to show. How kind God is or as it is transferred in the English Standard Version. He wants them to know the grace of God that was given to the churches. And then doubles down on his assertion of God's generosity by giving the example of Jesus Christ himself and the theological hinge that opens the door to understanding of this passage pivots on verse 9. Eugene, Peterson's translation of verse 9. It reads like this.
You are familiar with the generosity of our Master Jesus Christ. Rich. As he was, he gave it all the way for us. In one stroke became poor. and we, we became rich.
Jesus was not born into privileges, you know. He was born into poverty. He was born in a stable of poor working-class parents who struggled every day, just to put food on the table. And to make ends meet. And as an adult. Jesus was a poor preacher that went from place to place to place teaching and preaching. Any dependent on others for his meals, for the accommodations? and then, Jesus died on the cross as a pauper. And the gospels tell us that his executioners divided. The only possessions that Jesus owned is robe and his clothes. This ball says, This is what this is, what generosity looks like. But this act of generosity. All of humankind salvation.
Paul is using the example of Jesus of like generosity. Looks like he says, there it is. There it is. Various. This idea of generosity from the Greek word Charis, which Paulo uses several times in this particular Passage. It is often translated as Grace kindness benefits. Blessing or gift.
But what is sometimes under-appreciated the Greek that Greek word for cars? Or Grace. Chairs it with a deep sense. A potency of energy of power. We missed that in the English translation, but in the Greek, it comes out at you. Then Lancaster Patterson professor of New Testament, Austin. Texas explains it. In this way. She says, Grace is the power that is saving and reconciling the whole world. A power with its origins in God, it's Channel Through the communities of Believers and its goal in every place where Brokenness stuff bring and destruction rain. Grace has its Origins as its power in God, and this is the key line for me. It is channel to us in this expression. To me to you, to you, to you, to you. It is Channel Through Us, in this expression, to the world. That my friends is power. That my friend energy. And Paul wants to make it clear to the Corinthian Believers that Grace, our generosity is route of the person of God and that all believers have the capacity to reflect God's grace, and every nook, and cranny of our world. The beauty, I think, for me as a believer. God is inviting me to channel that power to channel that Grace to reflect that Grace in every nook and cranny of our world. How do I scare you off? You don't have to be someone that's headlined and featured on Time Magazine. You know, you don't. God uses ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary thing. God, invites us to his movement in the world.
Impala saying that. Polish saying that. To the Believers back then into the Believers in the 21st century. We have the capacity to reflect God's grace in every nook and cranny in our world and our only disgrace. Our generosity of power. But it also has a characteristic of being abandoned or overflowing. God's generosity is not measured. It's not stingy or can, it can't be contained. It is overflowing.
I give an example of one of my favorite eateries. And it's the it's a Mongolian restaurant. Mongolian BBQ. And that there was a place in Silverdale when I was a pastor there, for 10 years called Mongolian barbecue. And they had this lunch special. It was a great lunch special for six bucks. They give you a bowl and you can put all kinds of stuff in it and then I go get soup and you'll get rice for six bucks. Now. Here's the thing, all the regulars knew that you don't don't put vegetables that just takes up space. Island equipment and put noodles, just a little noodles. Here's I figure this out. The first day I went there 6 bucks lunch right? You get your bowl there. So there is a in a cafeteria line with all the vegetables with all the sauces without the noodles, and the meat there was beef, it was pork, there was chicken and all the regulars know what to do. They bypass the vegetables they put a little bit of it and they went to the meat section and they took the lamb crammed with their feet. In the bowl. They were the B section with their fish, with the boss on and on and on and so, by the time they got to the person that cooked it. Is this bowl with the huge. And here is what usually happens. The chef would take it. I would give them lie like you've been here before. And here's a miracle of all that he would put that bowl on that hot hot iron frying roundish and it would explode. I mean, I mean literally the meat would start to rise in overflow and again the chef ago.
This is what God's grace. Looks like. It is jam-packed full of. Beautiful, Mercy, beautiful surprises, beautiful gifts. And once it is express it, just grows and overflows. And Paul said God's grace looks like
it's not stingy.
It's not measured. It's not contained. In the Greek term, expresses. So, aptly the way in which God's power for life is being poured through the church is not always spiritually. But also quite material and how they manage and Channel all their assets, such as money, such as relationships, such as abilities, such as knowledge, flowing graciously Beyond them through giving through love, through mutual service and through Witness.
this is, This is awesome. Genius of Paul. He sees the movement of money as an indicator. Of the flow of God's grace and a conduit in which both givers and receivers experience. The reconciling power of God. The giving of money he says if not a static Endeavor, but rather a dynamic, observable, expression of God's grace at work. Call Laser Suite, seating at the Corinthian Church. He approaches his appeal for them to complete their fun drive. For the church in Jerusalem. Their fellow Believers or having a hard time financially.
Because he knows. That they're giving. Overflow. And he's trying to navigate a way forward. The Crux of his appeal is to point them to the grace of Jesus Christ, who was rich, but became poor in order that they can experience the richness of God's grace. When Paul says the straightest thing. He says I look I'm not I'm not trying to order you around against your will. But by bringing in the macedonians enthusiasm, as a stimulus to your love. I am hoping to bring out the best out of you.
Paul is trying to force them or to order them or to command them to do the right thing. He is encouraging them to show him and others what they are made of. And to give them the opportunity to shine.
As we are ending our fiscal year and just a month before we embark on a new one. This passage can help us on our thoughts about giving to the life and Ministry of skyline Presbyterian Church session and I as your pastor are so grateful. For your generosity. It is very generous to ship season. Are the session. Thank you for all those who have pledged this past year, as we think and pray about giving to the church. I offer up two things that Paul mentions, that might be of value to you. First. Give in order. That your eagerness might shine. Give in order. That your eagerness might shine. Reminder Corinthian Church. That the Macedonian Church eager to participate in the work of God. They saw it as a compelling invitation to be part of the huge movement, of God to reflect God, wherever they were throughout the Roman Empire. And in doing so and probably mines the Corinthian Church. This and in doing so this act of giving brought out the best in them. And secondly. give within your means to give give within your means to give Clear about this. He says, in verse for is the redness, is there is acceptable according to what a person has not according to what the person does not have. And that translation was in English Standard Version. The key here for Paul was that it didn't matter how much a person had. What matter she says is a how much is a person willing to give from what they have.
The Apostle Paul's inside of God's overflowing generosity through Jesus Christ and how this reconciled us to God and others is, is quite frankly. A Beacon of Hope. In our time. It is a Beacon of Hope in our time, in our day and are in the situation that we live in.
We are divided nation.
We have issues. Within our our nation.
And Paul may be speaking to our time by saying. In what we do, how we express this powerful thing called grace to the world. You can be a Beacon of Hope.
In our time. The inequalities it run deep not only in our country, but around the world, lays bare, the disparities of those who have and those who have not between those with access. And for those who did not have access. And so my friends, my brothers and sisters. by participating in being generous and giving people We demonstrate in a very, very powerful way. Who we are. But most importantly, who's we are. Let us pray. Loving gracious. God. We thank you for the invitation. I've been part of your movement and invitation that spans not only across the city. Across our country. And across our world. Loving God as we consider how the life and Ministry of skyline Presbyterian Church, what? That looks like down the road speak to us in a powerful way. How we can be part of that in some meaningful way, from what we have from what we want to do. Thank you. God, that you are. That kind of God. The long-ago your generosity and Grace with ships, shown their son, Jesus Christ, who lived and died and rose again. And one day will return. In your name, we pray. All men.