Jesus: Review of His Names (So far)
Names of Christ • Sermon • Submitted
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This afternoon, we are going to enter into a season of prayer.
Of course, as He told us to do, we will pray in Jesus’ Name.
13 And whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
What does that mean?
Well, thus far this year, we have seen that it means praying to and through:
The Amen
Through Jesus our prayers are Yes and So it is.
The Arm of the Lord
The Arm that is not too short to meet our need.
The One who is true
Through prayer in the Name of Jesus we will know the truth and it will set us free.
The Author
Praying in the Name of Jesus means praying in the Name of the One who made and sustains it all.
Is anything too hard for Him?
I s anything impossible for Him?
Beloved of the Father
As we pray, we know the Father hears the Beloved
Defender and Refuge
In the Name of Jesus we are defended and we find refuge.
Bright morning star
Jesus is the One who lets us know the morning is coming! The night is almost over. We can hold on for the morning that is fast approaching.
Our Hope set before us
Our LIVING hope!
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
He is the King of all as the Lion of Judah.
Our Chief Cornerstone
He is our crowning stone who holds us together and holds us plumb and square.
Our Mediator and High Priest
In the Name of Jesus we have access to the Throneroom of God.
Our All in All
He is all we need, all we want. He is sufficiency for our lives.
Altogether lovely
There is none who can compare to Him.
Beloved Son
Jesus is the Beloved of the Father — the Beloved SON of the Father
The Bread of God
Jesus is the Bread of God, the Bread of life who sustains our lives.
The Balm of Gilead
As we saw last week — the medicine our nation needs.
The Great Physician it needs.
Let us pray in the Name of Jesus tonight.