superiority of the son's priesthood

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-Story of “My Star”
It was summer 2019 and I was allowed to spend that summer investing time in my mental health and spiritual life. It was every night where I would spend time under the stars and looking up and admiring God’s creation. I have shared that glazing at the stars at the sky, puts me into perspective as to how small and powerless humanity really is…. powerless I really am.
Every night I would spend time with God that way. You really do not get stars like these in ky. My friends that are from the south, like to make fun of me and say, “what stars Cindy?!” well compared to Cali y’all have a lot.
One Thursday I went, and I remembered of the verse in the OT stating that God placed each stars in its place. He is the creator of heaven and Earth. HE IS, WAS AND WILL BE. With that in mind I began to feel this sense of wonder, how my heavenly daddy controls it all, He created everything. Ultimately seeing how powerful our God is.i began to feel so loved by God Then I began to worship God in my own words and then I asked if I could see a shooting star. I realized that ive never seen a shooting star except for the time I went to the observatory in LA and they had a star show and created a shooting star. As ibegan to pray I said” either todfay or tomorrow you will not let me down, you created these stars and I know that you are able to show me one. I love oyu and I am loved by you.
The next day “Friday” after watching a movie, I decided to go to my spot and spend time with God. It was about 2 am and as I laid down, I said “God im ready for my star.” Then I laugh at myself and said I am here for you…but the star would be nice. God knew my heart so I thanked him for my star believeing I will see one since God is the creator of those beautiful stars, I nbegan to open up and tell God some of my ministry dreams. Those that I haven’t told anyone but God. Then all of the sudden as I moved my head to be more comfortable. I th as I placed my sight on a new place and was continuing ot tell God my dreams when all of the sudden I saw my shooting stars I began to laugh and thank God. I could not believe it. God heard my prayer, one prayer that some may seem as childless God took it seriously.
I came to God with the knowledge that he is the creator of the stars and that He listens. Without a doubt I bleived my prayer was heard and the God had the control of the galaxy.
-Introducing the topic/SERIES:
This led me to understand that it is valuable that we nee to know who jesus is when we come to Him or when we are representing or sharing about Jesus in our everyday life, the authority of that knowledge will increase our faith. Like we learned last week the more we know of Jesus the more we will know not only that HE is owrhty but that HE IS CAPABLE/WILLING.
This month we are in the series In Christ Alone. The first week we learened about Jesus superiority, last week about what was done on the cross makes HIM worthy and TODAY we will learn about Jesus being the ultime highpriest and what that means for us.
The High Priest of a New Covenant
8 Now the main point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, 2 and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being.
3 Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. 4 If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. 5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”[d] 6 But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.
7 For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. 8 But God found fault with the people and said[e]:
“The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. 9 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. 10 This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 11 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. 12 For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”[f]
13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
To begin with the definition of PRIESTHOOD is Those who claimed religious authority to serve as intermediaries between a people group and their deity or deities in the ancient Near East. HIGH PRIEST The chief or head priest at a location of worship. In the Bible, this most commonly refers to the high priest of Yahweh in ancient Israelite worship.
The High Priests in the Old Testament primary purpose was to serve as a representative and mediator between the people and Yahweh. The office was established with Aaron, the brother of Moses, and high priests were the head priest first at the tabernacle and then later at the temple.
The high priest served several purposes that were crucial to Israelite worship. It was the high priest’s responsibility to see that the covenant was enforced, and to direct people to complete the duties of the temple and the law of Moses. As the representative for the nation of Israel, the high priest had a tremendous responsibility to direct the hearts of the people toward God and the fulfillment of the covenant. Some of the primary responsibilities of the high priest were the regular handling of sacrifices and offerings, the blessing of people, and the annual entrance into the most holy place within the tabernacle/temple during the Day of Atonement. Many of the duties, actions, and even the unique style of dress that was required of the high priest were symbolic.
The office and responsibilities of the high priest were often familial (Lev 16:32; Exod 29:29). Generally, the office of high priest was assumed by the son of the current high priest when he was either no longer able to fulfill his duties, or upon his death. The primary way in which a high priest was evaluated in Scripture was in terms of their love for and loyalty to Yahweh and the zeal with which they held to the observation of the covenant.
To explain morwe about this covenant we have to go back all the way to the 12 tribes.
The highpriest were from the tribe of levi where moses and arron are from. The desecnedants from aaron, only aaron became the highpriest of all israle. Whebn God called moses to lead His people moses said I cant I am not good at speaking. God told Him to not fear that He will be with Him, after all God was the one who created the speech. Wasn’t he? If moses would have not only known that but believed that maybe aaron role would beb different nbut moses insisted. So God, said Aaron would be the one spoealking but Moses would be the one going and representing the people.
So the Hihh priest was Respected and with responsibility of holding to the high standars. The high pirest was the only person who was allowed ot enter into the holy of holies. The innermost asactiary where the ark of the cobean was kept. The covenant is the one that held the 10 commanmants and where the spirit of God resided. Aaron would entered in the place to offere atonement (the reconciliation between God and humanity) not only for the oieple for him and his family as well.
HOWEVER, as the high priest aaron had commited a sin even before the 10 coomanments were created. if we continue to read the exodus story we read that when Moses went to spend time with God. He had taken to long than the people had expected so they began to get svcared, the isrealiets were always getting scared or being disfcoutaged when they did not see the things going how they htoutgh they should be going. So aaron the High priest felt the pressure from them and decided to build a calf of all the gold they had. ThE HIGH PRIEST had helped creat an idol for the people. During that time moses was with God as HE was writing with His own finger the commanments. Well aaron learned his leasosn after that
Throughout the Old Testament, there is a foreshadowing and forward-reaching hope of a more perfect high priesthood that can represent Yahweh effectively and be a sufficient mediator for the people of Israel. The cyclical pattern of the lives of good and poor high priests makes it clear that no human being can fully perform this responsibility.
High Priests in the New Testament
Three occupants of the office of high priest are mentioned in the New Testament BUT In Hebrews 5, Jesus is described as the incomparable high priest who can fulfill the duties that no other priest in Israel’s past was able to. As the Son of God who is both human and divine, He is able to sufficiently fulfill the duties of representing the people and also serving as the mediator between God and humanity. In contrast with the high priests of the past, He does not need to offer sacrifices repeatedly because His one sacrifice of Himself is sufficient for the atonement of sin (Heb 9). It is in Jesus that we see all of the duties, responsibilities and symbolic foreshadowing of the office of Old Testament high priest come to full view.
The Promise of a “Better” Covenant (8:7–13)
The logic is clear: if Jer 31:31–34 witness to the importance of the promise of a “new covenant” (8:8; Gk. diathēkēn kainēn), which is not only a “second one” (v. 7) but also a “better covenant” (v. 6; cf. vv. 10–13), to speak of inadequacy or “fault” in the old covenant (v. 8) is to do no more than heed its own self-testimony. The contrast in vv. 1–6 between the “earthly” culture and the heavenly reality of Christ’s high-priestly work finds further explication in the prophecy of Jeremiah that the new covenant will internalize God’s Torah as inscribed “in their minds” and “on their hearts” (v. 10).
The Greek for “mind” (here dianoia) denotes not merely rational capacity but also a stance or disposition which includes the mind, while the word for “heart” (Gk. kardia) denotes a stance or acts of will that stem from hidden depths, today associated with unconscious or preconscious. Thus the new covenant will actualize God’s irrevocable promise to human persons “through-and-through.” This is mediated through the work of Christ and founded on the act of God.
That the first covenant is “obsolete” (8:13) provides no grounds for devaluing the OT. The author’s own example (cf. Heb 1:1–13) proves that he regards OT revelation as authentic, but that the terms of its covenantal promise and its actualization have been transformed in the definitive work of Christ. “Covenant” suggests continuity; “new” also suggests contrast. The new covenant is “a linchpin”; without it this epistle would “fall apart”. There is continuity in the “cultic categories” although the cultic “content” differs strongly
Jesus is the ultimate highpriest and for Him to do that He needed to die on the cross for us. We know what Jesus menas for our salvation and relationship with God. The sacrifice made ultimately says on thing…. OH WE ARE LOVED BY GOD. This week in semianyr while we worship there was a pause in the spaker said “We all need to be reminded of our identiy and love of Christ.
Just like I went before the father creator of heaven, knwotuingh that He will show me my star. You can come to the father in the name of Jesus knowing that you are seen and heard bhe cause of the love HE has for you. I came to the knowledge that I was loved by my creator.
. By jesus becoming hIgh priest we are connected to the Father and through that we have access to our Holy creator. This past week in our bible study, we were discussing about the power of the tongue. We thought of moments were we were told some hurtful words. Though the idea of “letting go” and move on seems like a great idea. I feel convicted that we are not simply to live with that pain or with any brokenness causes by broken people or simply by living in this broken world.
We can feel shame or guilt for still being hurt. As chjristians we are suppose to love everyone and forgive…. Well yes busJust like God asked moses”who created the tongue” He is telling us this morning, “I am the one that created you just the way you are” You are right where you are suppose to be, He who created your heart you don’t think can heal it from words or events of your past. Because we are loved we are meant to go to our High Priest with out broken ness and surrendered it.
Before we go
This past week while I was praying for you ive thought of the men of irviginton and webster. As a woman I maybe more relatblae to the females. But one thing we all are called to accedpt and live in God’s love. I may be worng but ive been told that one thing that is harmful to young boy/men that may affect their upraising is having their pride hurt.
Though men you may brush it off, you might realized that some of the hurt or brokenness in your life might still affect oyu. REGALDLESS OF AGE OR CURRENT HAPPINESS. Brother our Savior the Ultimate High priest wants to have a man to mn encounter with you, His son and love one. Jesus is inviting us to experience forgiveness, healing and completeness and fulfillment here on earth. He is ready and willing ot take all insecurities. We will be whole in heaven but we are meant to experience healing and completeness here on Earth too. The process of sanctification requires us to become more like Jesus every day. And healing, forgiving and bewing whole we become more like Him.
Before coming to Irvington and webster I was told that I will be pastoring an older congregation. When I came here I realized that my idea of “old” was way wrong. Especially doing visits and getting to know each and everrfyone of you more tham Sundays, I am able to see the young side. Barrys love for cars, joan doll room, Sherlyn and Jackie 30 cats and even pauls corn, which I thought were eddies.  and eddie and ernie gays personality. And more YOU ARE NOT OLD.YOU ARE all here during this time for a reason. If you are alive and kicking God is not done with oyu yet. God is not done with Joyce.
All of you have enery and are a happy and hjoyful crowd. God wants that gor you and wants it ot be aunthetiv. Chiurst Joy is more than feeling happy it comes from our core and talstaltes to the ourtside.
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