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I. Introduction
According to the Universe in the Classroom .com websit, “A light source is anything that makes light.” There are three sources or types of light. You have your natural sources of light that includes the sun moon and stars and fire in some instances. And you have your artificial light sources , light bulbs, street lights and such. Right?
Well turn with me to Genesis chapter 1. It says starting in verse 1 ......
Notice bro. and sisters how light was created on the first day. And on the third day we have the fertility of plants, fruit and seeds. But the light source needed for lighting the world and the fertilization of plants and seed that allows grasst to go wasn’t created as of yet. The sun was created on the fourth day. Apparently there is another light source working in this passages.
What’s going on? What’s really happening? How do we explaing this?
The website I quoted earlier didn’t mention this light source. Science cannot explain this light source.
But my spiritual spider senses detects that there is a veiled existance that is within this passage.
I get the feeling that this light source is more than a source.
We can see the Father speaking things into existence in vers 3. The Holy Spirit hovering over the face of the earth waits for a word in order to act in vere 2. And then there was light, making a way in an otherwise dark empty world.
We are given more details about the veiled light source in John chapter 1.
εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος
In the beginning was the word, the Logos of the Old Testament. And the word was with God. Amen
So this veiled deity was the Word. The same Word that John later on tells us in verse 14 that He became flesh and dwelt among us Amen.
And in verse 18 we are told that He is the μονογενης theos the only begotten, unique, one of a kind in the bossom of the Father.
So the veiled source of light in Genesis is become unveiled in the New Testament as non other than Jesus the Christ, the Second person of the Triune God.
John says in verse 4 that in Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shined in the darkness , and the darkness comprehended it not.
So even though light has come into the world, darkness have no way of explaining his existence.
That’s why the aforementioned website only gave you two sources of light. But all believers know the source behind the sources of light is non other than Jesus Christ.
I wanna talk to you this morning about the true Light of the world by understanding some characteristics of light.
I wanna briefly mention three of them.
You have lights that provide us with the ability to see our way through dark spaces. GuidesYou have lights that exposes unseeable blood stains in crime seens called UV lights. ExposesIf used correctly ultraviolate light can be used by professionals as a purifier to kill certain viruses or diseases. Purifies.
So the three characteristics or uses of light we are speaking of this morning are lights that guide, lights that expose, and lights that purify.
I would venture to say to you this morning that all three of these characteristics are used to describe Christ.
He exposes. He purifies. And he guides.
From that we have the purpose of the light of Christ in the life of the believer.
a. Proposition Statement : The light of Christ in the life of a believer has three purposes.
b. Transitional Sentence : Those purposes are to expose, to purify, and to guide
II. Main Body
a. Point 1 Exposure
i. Ephesians 4:25 Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another.
ii. Argument : The truth exposes sin
iii. Explanation
Jesus not only claims that he tells the truth, He is the truth. And what the truth does is first expose those things in our own lives that need to be exposed to us. Because we have the tendancy to lie to ourselves and therefore have unrepentant sin in our lives. We excuse our own actions because we don’t allow the word of God to point out our own faults.
iv. Illustration: I asked one of my kids the other day do they read there Bibles. I told them one of the purposes for reading the bible is to allow the words from it to convict us of our sins. Unrepentent sin in our lives results from sin that we are willing to overlook.
v. Personal Application: Each of us should allow the word of God through study shed light on our own short comings so that we may be able to confess those things in us that may offend God.
vi. Transitional Sentence: Shedding the light of truth in ourselves gives the light that extra characteristic of being a purifier in us
b. Point 2 Purifier
i. 1 John 4:17 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
ii. Once sin is exposed the cleansing process begins.
iii. Jesus shed blood was necessary for the salvation and purification for all who are able to recognize the sin in our life and to call that sin what Good calls it, which is the very definition of the term confess. God wants us to call it what he calls it. Calling sin in our lives anything other than what God calls it makes us a liar and the truth misses us. But the cross of Jesus Christ is able to take away what ever strongholds that we may be struggling through.
v. And once we allow the light of the word of Christ expose those things that are working in us in order to purify us then we are able to refocus our lives.
c. Point 3 Guidance
i.Psalm 119:105 Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and Light Unto My Path
ii. Many of us would love a do over.
iii. A refocused life based on the word of Christ allows us to continue the path that God has in store for us specifically. No matter how young or old we may be, a life refocused on following the path that God has for us allows us to arrive to that purpose God had in store for us all along, and not a minute shorter or a day later.
III. Conclusion
a. So allow the allow the light of the Word of Christ shine in you, fulfilling it’s purpose in order that you may be able to take on whatever task that the Lord may have in store for you. Because it’s never too late for us to become all that God enables us to became in this life.
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